Welcome to Our New Newsletter

Cover of the printed newsletter

We at the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) have made some significant changes to our newsletter, including a fresh new design and content that is more focused on research and patient care.

The changes you see are based on your comments, including reader surveys, and your expressed preference for information about news focusing on NCCAM—the Center itself, as well as research and clinical care information emerging from its activities and functions.

As we mark our 10th anniversary, we plan to offer you a publication with a new mix of feature stories and other information, which we hope will be useful, lively, and quick and easy to read and use.

Forty-eight percent of our readers are health care providers, making them our largest audience segment. Thus, eight pages of the newsletter have a focus on news for clinicians, whether they are in conventional medicine, CAM, or integrative medicine. Patients, their families and friends, and the general public make up about 30 percent of our audience, and each issue will have an insert containing features targeted to them. We hope, however, that all NCCAM's stakeholders will find evidence-based information throughout each issue that they can use.

As you read the first few issues in 2009, we invite you to let us know how our new format is working and suggest what you would like to see in future issues. There will be a reader survey in our September 2009 issue.

As before, you will also find news and information on NCCAM's Web site, through our Clearinghouse, and in NCCAM Update, our electronic news bulletin. Thank you for your interest in NCCAM and its outreach activities.

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January 2009

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