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Recovery Programs

Recovery Act funds are being invested in improving health and human services.  Program information will be added to this page as they are announced. The Recovery programs include the following topics:

Improving & Preserving Health Care     Improving & Preserving Health Care - $90.1B

A major portion of Recovery Funding will support the improvement and preservation of quality health care programs. These programs include temporary increase in Medicaid, assistance to hospitals, and Tribal protections.

Community Health Care Services           Community Health Care Services - $2.8 B

Support for the renovation and improvement of community health centers and other programs that serve patients in communities across the country; as well as, Medicaid relief for the nation’s most vulnerable families.

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Prevention and Wellness                             Prevention and Wellness - $1.0 B

Recovery Act funding will be used to carry out evidence-based clinical and community-based prevention and wellness strategies that deliver specific, measurable health outcomes that address chronic disease rates.

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Health Information Technology (IT)    Health Information Technology (IT) - $20.6 B

Recovery funding has been designated to modernize the health care system by promoting and expanding the adoption of health information technology by 2014. Achieving this goal will reduce health costs for the federal government by over $12 billion over the next 10 years.


Planned Health IT Activities

  • Health Information Technology Implementation Assistance:
    • Health Information Technology Research Center
    • Health Information Technology Regional Extension Centers
  • State Health Information Technology Grants
    A grant program for States will facilitate and expand the use of electronic health information using nationally recognized standards.
  • Information Professionals in Health Care

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Children and Community Support Services    Children and Community Support Services - $9.8 B

Critical funding for programs such as community services infrastructure, adoption and foster care assistance, meals for the elderly and persons with disabilities, Head Start, and subsidized child care to support children and families through the lifecycle.

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Comparative Effectiveness Research                Comparative Effectiveness Research - $1.1 B

Comparative effectiveness research (CER) compares treatments and strategies to improve health. This information is essential for clinicians and patients to decide on the best treatment. Funding is provided for research activities and the Federal Coordinating Council for Comparative Effectiveness Research.


Scientific Research & Facilities                          Scientific Research & Facilities - $10.0 B

Support for the construction of new research and educational facilities as well as groundbreaking scientific research that will improve the health of the nation.


Accountability & IT Security                              Accountability & IT Security - $0.1 B

The Office of the Inspector General (OIG) will assess whether HHS is using the $135 billion in Recovery Act funds in accordance with legal and administrative requirements and is meeting the accountability objectives defined by the Office of Management and Budget. Investigative, coordination, and audit activities will be implemented to ensure that funds are spent wisely and appropriately.

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