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The Barbara McClintock Papers

On the Road: Lectures, 1954-1965: Documents

[McClintock giving speech at Nobel Conference]. 8 December 1983.
Background Narrative Visuals
Click Metadata Record to see detailed information about each document.
Metadata Record McClintock, Barbara. [California Institute of Technology Lectures]. Lecture. [7 January - 4 March 1954].
Metadata Record McClintock, Barbara. "Alteration of Gene Action by Genetic Mechanisms." Lecture. 7 Images. 23 April 1958. pdf (588,508 Bytes) ocr (3,101 Bytes)
Metadata Record McClintock, Barbara. [Columbia University Lectures]. Lecture. [6-15 April 1964].
Metadata Record McClintock, Barbara. "Aspects of Gene Control in Higher Organisms." Lecture. 17 Images. 16 November 1965. pdf (1,631,334 Bytes) ocr (38,129 Bytes)

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