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Music for the Nation: American Sheet Music, 1870-1885


II. Valse de concert /
I`ll seek a four-leaved shamrock /
I`se left de ole plantation /
Ialie will you meet me? /
Ianthe; Grand waltz brilliant /
The Icebrook galop /
Iceland hymn, The [title page only] /
Ich liebe dich - I love but thee /
Ich liebe dich - I love thee /
Ich liebe dich, und sag' es nicht [and] Ich muss hinaus, ich … /
Ich mchte dir so gerne sagen - I Long to tell thee, my dearest /
Ich wie ist's molich dann! - How is it possible /
"Ichi-ban" waltzes /
Ida Lee /
The Ida Mae schottisch /
Ida May galop /
Ida May waltz /
Ida May; Waltzes /
Ida Waltz /
Ida bell schottisch /
Ida galop /
Ida quadrilles /
Ida waltz /
Ida's march /
Ida; Gavotte /
Idalia polka /
Idalia waltz /
Idalia, mazurka caprice /
An Ideal /
Ideal galop /
The Ideal land /
The Ideal polka /
Ideal schottisch /
Ideal schottische /
Ideal waltz /
Ideal waltzes /
"Ideal" waltz /
Ideal, The; Marche brillante /
The Ideals schottische /
Idelwild; Quick march /
Idle hour mazourka /
Idle hours; A Midsummer reverie /
Idle musings, No. 1 /
Idle thoughts polka /
Idle wild /
An Idle wish /
Idlewild /
Idlewild mazurka /
Idlewild waltz /
Idlewilde waltzes /
The Idol of my heart /
Idol of the day (Par excellance) /
The Idol of the dudes /
Idolo mio - Star of my being /
Idyl /
Idyl polka /
Idylle /
If /
If Dad were only rich /
If God be on our side /
If I but think of thee /
If I could only tell; Waltz song /
If I had known /
If I had thought thou couldst have died /
If I knew you'd always love me /
If I only could /
If I only had a beau /
If I only knew /
If I only knew her name /
If I only knew how it was done /
If I only was a swell song /
If I only were rich for a day /
If I was only long enough /
If I was only old enough /
If I wasn't so afraid /
If I were a bird, I would fly to thee! /
If I were a knight of the olden time! /
If I were a voice /
If I were only young again /
If I were you; Ballad /
If I would not be a drunkard /
If I'd nothing else to do /
If I'm not married soon /
If all our hearts were good and true /
If all would think as I do /
If doughty deeds my lady please /
If e'er I be Lord God of all; Comic drinking song /
If ever I cease to love /
If ever I cease to love (Moonbeams) /
If ever I cease to love, waltz /
If ever we should part /
If in thine heart, I bear a part /
If living worth /
If loved by thee! Si tu m'aimais! /
If men do why shouldn't I? /
If men do, why shouldn't I? /
If my Kate offended be /
If my dreams would all come true /
If my love did but know! /

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