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Board Members
A.J. Eggenberger, Vice Chairman
John E. Mansfield, Board Member
Joseph F. Bader, Board Member
Joseph F. Bader, Board Member
Joseph F. Bader, Board Member
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Home | About DNFSB | Board Members | A.J. Eggenberger, Chairman

Board Members
A.J. Eggenberger, Chairman

A.J. Eggenberger, Vice Chairman An expert in nuclear safety and earthquake engineering, A. J. Eggenberger was appointed in August 1989 to be Vice Chairman of the newly established Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board and continued to serve in this capacity until July 2005, when he was appointed Chairman. At the Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board he has been directly involved in all aspects of the safety oversight of the Department of Energy's nuclear facilities. This includes design, operational, decommissioning, and construction nuclear safety.

Prior to this, Eggenberger was a senior official at the National Science Foundation serving as Program Director and Leader of the Earthquake Hazard Mitigation Program. In addition to his significant contribution at the Foundation, the Department of Energy recognized Eggenberger's broad experience and knowledge by selecting him to be a member of the Committee on Seismic Isolation for the New Production Reactor Program and as a member of the Board of Governors for the Seismic Technology Program.

Eggenberger's expertise in the area of nuclear technology was acknowledged by the international community when officials of the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna, Austria, requested him to serve as an expert consultant with the Division of Nuclear Safety. For five years, until he assumed his Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board position, Eggenberger was able to share his considerable knowledge, providing expertise to the Agency and its member states on nuclear safety issues related to the siting and construction of nuclear facilities.

Until joining the National Science Foundation in 1984, Eggenberger was an Associate Partner with D'Appolonia Consulting Engineers in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, where he was directly in charge of the Nuclear Facilities Group. Under his direct management the Group dealt with engineering issues ranging from mining, milling, fabrication, and reprocessing to disposal facilities in the U.S. and abroad. Eggenberger also has extensive participation in Naval Reactors prototype programs.

Early in his career (1967 to 1972), Eggenberger was a Professor and Researcher at the University of South Carolina in Columbia.

Eggenberger graduated with a Bachelor of Science from Carnegie Mellon University in 1961. He earned a Master of Science from The Ohio State University in 1963, followed by a Doctor of Philosophy in 1967 from Carnegie Mellon University.

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