Genealogists/Family Historians

Our Genealogy Workshops Nationwide

Please check back often for schedule updates!

The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) offers the public a comprehensive program of genealogical workshops and courses in its facilities nationwide. Topics include an introduction to genealogy and research into records such as census schedules, military service and pension records, and passenger lists.



Military Service Records: 18th-20th Century, Waltham, MA, May 5
Naturalization Records, Philadelphia, PA, May 5
Using Court Records to Find Local and Family History, Chicago, IL, May 9
Using Federal Naturalization Records, New York City, NY, May 12
Brick Wall Discussion Group, Seattle, WA, May 14
African-American and Under-Documented Populations, San Francisco, CA, May 15
Family History Game Show, Ellis Island, NY, May 21


Introduction to Genealogy, Waltham, MA, June 2
Using Newspapers and Mug Books: Unusual Sources, New York City, NY, June 9
Military Records: Revolutionary War to Civil War, San Francisco, CA, June 12
Family History Game Show, Ellis Island, NY, June 18
Military Records: Spanish American to Vietnam War, San Francisco, CA, June 26


Census, Passenger Lists, and Naturalization Records, Waltham, MA, July 7
Family History Game Show, Ellis Island, NY, July 16
Federal Land Records, San Francisco, CA, July 17


Saving your Heritage: Scrapbooking, Waltham, MA, August 4
African-American Genealogical Research, Chicago, IL, August 8
Preserving Your History, San Francisco, CA, August 14
Family History Game Show, Ellis Island, NY, August 20


Family History Game Show, Ellis Island, NY, September 17


Family History Game Show, Ellis Island, NY, October 15

Separate genealogy programs are conducted in Washington, DC, and in the regional facilities. For details on any given program, please contact that facility directly.

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The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration
8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD 20740-6001
Telephone: 1-86-NARA-NARA or 1-866-272-6272