Respiratory Sciences Small Business Activities SEP [ZRG1 RES-C (10) B]

[ Roster ]

The Respiratory Sciences Small Business Activities Special Emphasis Panel [ZRG1 RES-C (10) B] reviews Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer Research (STTR) grant applications involving diagnostics, medical devices and therapeutics that are focused on the entire pulmonary system and related organs and processes and using approaches ranging from molecular level to organ to human investigations. This would include studies on the chest wall, upper and lower airways, parenchyma, pleural surfaces, and cells affected by and operative in these processes. The following are examples of specific areas covered by this review group:

  • Lung function, inflammation, immune dysfunctions.
  • Lung injury, repair and remodeling resulting from genetic, environmental, developmental, and toxic agents.
  • Integrative biology of the lung, including biophysics, biomechanics, gas exchange, and the various control processes.
  • Respiratory diseases and syndromes, including, but not limited to pulmonary fibrosis and interstitial lung diseases, asthma, Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), cystic fibrosis, pulmonary hypertension, bronchopulmonary dysplasia, acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), sleep breathing disorders, and dysplasia and hyperplasia derived from environmental or occupational lung exposure.
  • Lung preservation, transplantation, ischemia reperfusion injury.
  • Surfactant preparations and therapy.
  • Embryonic or adult stem cell-based therapy, lung tissue engineering.
  • Gene or drug delivery technologies.
  • Inhalers’ characterization and aerosol formulation.
  • Artificial lung, mechanical ventilators.
  • Imaging-guided biopsy, diagnosis, monitoring and therapy.
  • Computer-assisted diagnosis and therapy, and remote medical diagnosis.
  • Health education or training directed to the respiratory system health care provider.

Small Business Special Emphasis Panels of Integrative Review Groups with most closely related areas of similar science listed in rank order are:

Bioengineering Sciences and Technologies (BST) IRG
Surgical Sciences, Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (SBIB) IRG
Immunology (IMM) IRG
Biological Chemistry and Macromolecular Biophysics (BCMB) IRG
Genes, Genomes and Genetic (GGG) IRG


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Last updated: February 23, 2009

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