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Healthy Youth

19912005 Data Files and Documentation

YRBSS Analysis Resources

Software for Analysis of YRBS Data [pdf 285K]: A review of software packages suitable for analyzing YRBS data and guidance on how to use them.

YRBSS Methods: A comprehensive list of journal articles and MMWRs that provide information on YRBSS methods and measuring risk behaviors among youth.

Frequently Asked Questions: Answers to common questions asked about the YRBSS, including results, questionnaire content, validity and reliability, methods, and using the data files.

National Data Files & Documentation 19912005
Documentation [pdf 155K]
ASCII data [dat 5.2Mb*]
SPSS data [sav 3.4Mb*]
SAS data [sas7bdat 1.8Mb*]
SAS formats [sas7bcat 2.3Mb]
Access file [zip 1.3Mb]
Documentation [pdf 155K]
Documentation [txt 120K]
ASCII data [dat 3.5Mb*]
SPSS data [sav 3.6Mb*]
SAS data [sas7bdat 7Mb*]
SAS formats [sas7bcat 120K]
Access file [zip 1.2Mb]
Documentation [html]
ASCII data [dat 1.7Mb*]
SPSS data [sav 1.8Mb*]
SAS data [sas7bdat 1.8Mb*]
SAS formats [sas7bcat 115K]
Access file [zip 680K]
Documentation [pdf 215K]
ASCII data [dat 1.9Mb*]
SPSS data [sav 1.9Mb*]
SAS data [sas7bdat 2.3Mb*]
SAS formats [sas7bcat 105K]
Access file [zip 740K]
Documentation [pdf 65K]
ASCII data [dat 1.7Mb*]
SPSS data [sav 1.8Mb*]
SAS data [sas7bdat 2Mb*]
SAS formats [sas7bcat 105K]
Access file [zip 675K]
Documentation [pdf 60K]
ASCII data [dat 1.2Mb*]
SPSS data [sav 1.7Mb*]
SAS data [sas7bdat 1.3Mb*]
SAS formats [sas7bcat 100K]
Access file [zip 460K]
Documentation [pdf 55K]
ASCII data [dat 1.7Mb*]
SPSS data [sav 1.8Mb*]
SAS data [sas7bdat 1.9Mb*]
SAS formats [sas7bcat 100K]
Access file [zip 675K]
Documentation [pdf 45K]
ASCII data [dat 1.1Mb*]
SPSS data [sav 1.1Mb*]
SAS data [sas7bdat 1.2 Mb*]
SAS formats [sas7bcat 704K]
Access file [zip 470K]


National Alternative High School YRBS
Documentation [pdf 250K]
ASCII data [dat 1.6 Mb*]
SPSS data [sav 965Kb]
SAS data [sas7bdat 1.1Mb*]
SAS formats [sas7bcat 100K]
National College Health Risk Behavior Survey
Documentation [pdf 80K]
ASCII data [dat 740 Kb]
SPSS data [sav 740 Kb]
SAS data [sas7bdat 865K]
SAS formats [sas7bcat 130K]

PC To download data files, right-click and save.
MAC To download data files, option-click and save.
sav Data files in SPSS for Windows format.
pdf Some of these documents are available as pdf files. Learn about viewing pdf files with Adobe Acrobat.
rtf Rich Text Format
sas7bdat Data files in SAS for Windows format.
sas7bcat SAS formats file. Highly recommended for use with the SAS data file. See FAQs for How to use the SAS format library.
zip Access database

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Page last reviewed: April 9, 2008 Historical Document
Page last modified: February 19, 2009
Content source: National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Division of Adolescent and School Health

Division of Adolescent and School Health
National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Department of Health and Human Services