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New for FY2009! FEMA Introduces HAZUS-MH Training and Credentialing Program

FEMA is launching a new initiative that recognizes emergency managers, GIS professionals and others who complete a structured HAZUS curriculum that has two tracks: HAZUS-MH Trained Professional – that provides a foundation of basic HAZUS-MH skills plus focused instruction on at least one hazard; and HAZUS-MH Practitioner Track – that expands on the HAZUS Trained Professional Track by incorporating specialized training.

This new initiative, which was unveiled at the 2008 Annual HAZUS-MH Users Conference, provides recognition to HAZUS-MH users who have achieved a higher level of knowledge and expertise in one or more of the models. Emergency managers and GIS professionals who attain the HAZUS-MH Trained Professional designation have demonstrated a proficiency in the use of the model, including an understanding of the underlying data structure. The HAZUS-MH Practitioner designation is given to users of the model who have also completed courses in the use of HAZUS-MH for disaster operations, risk assessment or mitigation planning.

The HAZUS-MH training and credentialing initiative is an important development in ongoing efforts to increase technical capacity in the use of HAZUS-MH. It will enable FEMA and the states to identify and quantify the distribution of HAZUS-MH expertise across the nation, important factors in strategic planning for HAZUS-MH.

HAZUS Trained Professional Track: Provides a foundation of basic HAZUS-MH skills plus focused instruction on at least one hazard.  HAZUS Trained Professional logo

HAZUS Practitioner Track: Expands upon the HAZUS Trained Professional track by incorporating specialized instruction in topic specific areas. HAZUS Practitioner logo

Professionals and Practitioners will receive a certificate, lapel pin, and a listing on FEMA’s website upon completion of their respective curriculum track.

Get started today.

For a full listing of course descriptions, information on prerequisite requirements, enrollment and fees visit, or email

Last Modified: Friday, 06-Feb-2009 14:42:12 EST