Economics: Alaska Region Royalty Relief
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Alaska Region Royalty Relief

Alaska Region royalty relief can be provided through individual lease terms and applications for case-by-case relief. Leases issued in Alaska Region sales held since 2003 may be issued with a designated royalty suspension volume (RSV). Both the Lease Instrument and Final Notice of Sale specify applicable categories and associated RSV. All active leases are also eligible to apply for case-by-case relief. Following are the guidelines and regulations that apply to Alaska Region royalty relief.

Categorical Relief
Blue Bullet 
The Deep Water Royalty Relief Act (DWRRA) (11/28/95) (Public Law 104-58) Section 303
Blue Bullet 
30CFR260.110 Oil and Gas Leasing, What bidding systems may MMS use

Case-by-Case Relief

Blue Bullet  The Energy Policy Act of 2005 (Public Law 109-58) Section 346

Blue Bullet  Extension of Royalty Relief Provisions to Leases Offshore of Alaska (AD33 Final Rule, 11/18/08)
Sections 203.60-203.91 and 260.121-260.122

Last Updated: 03/23/2009, 08:13 AM Central Time