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  Monitoring the global ocean through underwater acoustics
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Acoustic Monitoring Program: Animations & Images


Axial volcano eruption animation
Axial eruption animation
(click for movie)

Hydrophone data acquisition/sound travel:
Quicktime .mov (6.2MB) | Windows Media File .wmv (4.8MB)

Axial eruption: 3D (311KB mpg) and 2D (618KB mpg) perspective

CoAxial eruption: 3D/4-hour (1MB mpg) interval; 2D 1-hour (1.71MB mpg) and 2D 3-hour (680KB mpg) interval

Atlantic seismicity (provided by D. Smith/WHOI):

epicenters of the Middle America trench
Seismicity of the Middle America Trench
(click for full poster)

Conference posters:

Hydroacoustic Detection of submarine volcanic activity at Axial Volcano, Juan de Fuca Ridge, January 1998 (Dziak, AGU 1998 2.82MB)

Monitoring Middle America Trench Seismicity Using Autonomous Underwater Hydrophones (Fox, AGU 2000 3.13MB)

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