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Welcome to the Virtual Reference Desk, a service provided by the Library at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. This service is intended to help you find information concerning the Holocaust that is not available in your local library.

Before submitting your question, have you checked out the following resources?

Frequently–Asked Questions...

List of Quotations Found in the Museum

The Library Catalog

Bibliography of Published Primary Sources

The Library's Research Help section, including:
Holocaust Learning Center: Explore the History of the Holocaust

Holocaust Encyclopedia:
Explore the History of the Holocaust

The Holocaust: A Learning Site for Students

The Holocaust:
A Learning Site for Students

If you have exhausted these possibilities and still cannot find the information you need, then please complete our Virtual Reference Desk Request Form (below). We'll do our best to answer your question or to direct you to other sources that could help.

Virtual Reference Desk Request Form

When completing the form, be thorough in describing the information you need. A Reference Staff member may need to contact you to clarify your request.

Required fields are denoted with required

required Name:

required Mailing Address:

required E-Mail:

required Re-enter E-Mail:

required Daytime Phone:


required Reason for Request:

If your research is for a school project or research paper, please indicate your education level:
Elementary Intermediate/Middle School
Secondary/High School


required Sources Already Consulted:
List the sources you have already consulted so that we do not repeat your efforts.

required Latest Date That Information Can Be Used:
Note: Though we will make every effort to meet the deadline you indicate, we cannot guarantee to provide responses needed in fewer than 10 (ten) business days.

required Description of Information Needed:
Please include all the specific details you have that could help us respond to your question.

PLEASE NOTE: E-mails sent from the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum might be misidentified as "Spam" or "Bulk" by some e-mail services. Please monitor your e-mail closely for our response(s) to your request, which will come from an e-mail address containing "".

Thank you for using our Virtual Reference Desk service.