I. Section Introduction


Table of Contents

List of Figures

List of Tables

Part I:
Executive Summary

Part II:
The Affected Environment
I. Section
III. Section
IV. Section

Part III:
Alternatives Including The Preferred Alternative

I. Section
III. Section

Part IV
Environmental Concequences

I. Section
III. Section
IV. Section
V. Section

Part V:
Sanctuary Management Plan

I. Section
III. Section
IV. Section
V. Section

Part VI:
List of Preparers and Alternatives

Part VII:
List of Agencies, Organizations, and Persons Receiving Copies

Part VIII:

Part IX


Part V Table of Contents

I. Section Introduction

The Marine Protection, Research, and Sanctuaries Act of 1972, as amended, and its implementing regulations (l5 CFR Part 922) require that a management plan be prepared for each proposed Sanctuary. Once the Sanctuary is designated, the plan will be implemented. The management plan focuses on Sanctuary goals and objectives, management responsibilities and guidelines for the resource protection, research, education and administration programs.

The plan establishes an administrative framework in recognition of the need for cooperation and coordination to ensure effective management. The Sanctuaries and Reserves Division (SRD), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), is responsible for management of the site.

Variable funding for staff and program development over the next several years may affect specific aspects of Sanctuary management described in this plan. Modifications to the scope and scale of the programs may have to be made because of such unforeseeable changes in the level of funding. The goals and objectives of the plan will, however, remain unchanged.

Sanctuary goals and objectives provide the framework for developing the management strategies. The goals and objectives direct Sanctuary activities towards the dual purposes of resource protection and compatible public use and are consistent with the intent of the National program.

The management strategies planned for the proposed Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary (MBNMS) are directed to the goals and objectives outlined below. It should be noted that, although the Sanctuary goals are listed discretely, they are actually overlapping. For instance, the research and education efforts both contribute to resource protection and to enhancing compatible public use of the Sanctuary.

The first task upon Sanctuary designation will be to establish liaisons with the appropriate agencies to ensure the Sanctuary mandate can be carried out through a cooperative management strategy. Sanctuary staff will meet with other agencies and institutions operating in the area to familiarize them with the Sanctuary mandate and staff, and determine appropriate working relationships. For example, discussions to determine resources most in need of management would take place with California Departments of Fish and Game and Parks and Recreation, State Water Quality Resources Board, Regional Water Quality Control Boards, U.S. Coast Guard, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, local businesses, Association of Monterey Bay Area Governments, towns and cities, agricultural and fishing representatives and research institutions. A Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary Advisory Committee (SAC) will be created by the Sanctuaries and Reserves Division to advise the Sanctuary Manager on policy issues. The Committee will consist of appointed representatives of government agencies, research and education groups, and commercial and environmental interests.

During the public comment period on the DEIS/MP, NOAA received many requests from Government agencies, environmental organizations, municipalities, research and education groups and private industries as well as individual members of the public requesting participation in the SAC. One of the top priorities for the Sanctuary Manager will be to assist with the creation of the SAC according to the procedures and guidelines required by the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA). All groups and individuals will have an opportunity to assist in the development of the SAC via the procedures specified in FACA and its implementing regulations (see Appendix A).

It is intended that the SAC will create subcommittees to assist in developing programs in research, education, resource protection and administration for the Sanctuary. Thus the SAC will play a key role in advising on what the management priorities should be, and coordinating Sanctuary actions with those of other agencies.

The Sanctuary staff will work with other agencies to coordinate resource management programs and look for necessary support for such programs. The Sanctuary also will support management-related research and monitoring through funding, staffing, and other means that may be available and appropriate.

Other immediate and high priority activities will include reviewing development or management proposals that will impact upon the marine resources, providing policy advice to other agencies working in the proposed Sanctuary area, and making presentations to appropriate levels of government.

Another priority will be to assist in coordination and support of existing interpretive and education programs, such as those of the California Department of Parks and Recreation and the Monterey Bay Aquarium. SRD headquarters and Sanctuary staff will review and develop educational materials, signage, interpretive displays and appropriate facilities in cooperation with existing programs. Interpretive information provided to those using the Sanctuary for recreation uses may help them enjoy their visit more and increase their awareness of Sanctuary resources.

The general public and interested organizations in central and northern California will play important roles in attaining resource protection goals in the Sanctuary. Interpretive programs fostering public understanding and, hence, support for management objectives, are inherent in the plan's concept. The establishment of the Sanctuary will provide an excellent opportunity to inform the public about the value of efforts to protect its fragile resources and the need for a long-term management framework. Effective communication will depend on publications, exhibits, and special events that convey the significance of the Sanctuary's resources to both the in-state and out-of-state public.

The management plan proposes actions tailored to specific issues affecting the Sanctuary. The plan recognizes the need for a balanced approach reflecting the protection priorities and the multiple use character of the area. Implementation of this plan will require cooperation and coordination among many federal, state and local government agencies as well as private organizations and individuals. See Appendix C for a listing and brief description of the various state and federal management authorities which have statutory responsibility for protecting marine resources in the proposed Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary area.

Information exchange, sharing facilities and staff, and the coordination of policies and procedures for resource protection will be features of all programs, including research and education. The plan is designed to guide management of the proposed Sanctuary for the first five years after implementation. During this period, management initiatives will generally fall into four basic programs: Resource Protection, Research, Education and Administration. The remainder of this section describes goals, guidelines and initiatives for each program.

Section II

Part V Table of Contents
I. Section Introduction V-3
II. Section: Resource Protection V-6
A. Introduction V-6
B. Goals V-6
C. Sanctuary Regulations V-7
D. Contingency Plans V-7
1. Existing Capabilities V-8
2. Sanctuary Action V-10
E. Compatible Use of the Sanctuary V-11
F. Surveillance and Enforcement V-13
1. Sanctuary Action and Coordination with Existing Agencies V-13
2. Public Education and Information V-14
3. Planning and Coordination V-15

III. Section: Research

A. Introduction V-16
B. Goals V-17
C. Framework for Research V-18
1. Baseline Studies V-18
2. Monitoring V-20
3. Predictive Studies V-22
D. Selection and Management of Research Projects V-23
1. Preparing an Annual Plan V-23
2. Monitoring Progress V-23
3. Information Exchange V-23

IV. Section Education

A. Introduction V-24
B. Goals V-24
C. Educational Opportunities V-25
D. Educational Programs V-26
1. Site Visitor Programs V-26
2. Information Center Programs V-27
3. Outreach Programs V-28

V. Section: Administration

A. Introduction V-30
1. Sanctuaries and Reserves Division V-30
2. Sanctuary Advisory Committee V-30
3. Federal Agencies V-31
4. State, regional and local agencies V-32
B. Resource Protection V-32
C. Research V-36
D. Education V-37
E. General Administration V-38
F. Staffing Levels V-41
G. Headquarters and Visitor Center Facilities V-41

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This page last modified on: November 21, 2008