HAZUS-MH MR2 ReadmeFloodPatchForBuild45.TXT =========================================== These steps will work for any windows platform (NT, 2000, XP) 1.Check if Registry Console Tool (REG.exe) is available on your PC. Open a DOS window from the start menu clicking START -> Run In the Run dialog, type: cmd At the DOS prompt type: reg Skip to 3 if a header like this appears in your DOS window: Registry Console Tool For Windows 2000 - version 2.0 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp. 1981-1999. All rights reserved ... ... ... However, if you see the following text: 'reg' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. Close the DOS window and perform Step 2 Below. 2.REG is not recognized and you will need to install it. To do this, execute the self-extracting archive reg_x86.exe. Two files will be extracted into C:\NTRESKIT. Repeat Step 1. 3.You will now need to execute the patch Execute the self-extracting archive FloodPatchForBuild45.exe. Accept the default unzip into C:\TMP\ directory. 4.At this point you'll need to close HAZUS-MH to make sure no DLLs are loaded in the memory. 5.In the C:\TMP\ folder, double click on the file MR2patch2.cmd 6.This should launch a DOS window and numerous files will be copied, old DLLs unregistered, new DLLs registered. Also, for your convenience 2 scripts will be run: SRPPAutoFix.cmd (This script executes the stored procedure absp_StudyRgnCreationPostProcess on all the valid flood SRs to fix potential issues at SR creation that later afects GBS) and UPD_N_PROC.cmd (updates the number to 250 CBs per batch for one or all the valid flood SRs) that may be re-run at a later time. After it's completion, you can delete the TMP folder IMPORTANT NOTE: Depending on the number of study regions you already have on the machine, the patch might take around 1 to 2 hours to complete installation. The installation is complete when the following message appears on the command window: Updating HAZUS-MH build number to 5.10.45 The operation completed successfully Exiting "C:\TMP\MR2patch2.cmd"... That's all folks! Press any key to continue . . .