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US Department of Defense
American Forces Press Service
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05/31/1996 : DoD Civilians: Partners in America's Defense      
WASHINGTON, May 31, 1996 - DoD civilians perform important work worldwide with active duty and reserve component military members to protect the United States and its interests, and the department plans to highlight those contributions throughout the year.
05/31/1996 : Workers, Employers Benefit from Injury Comp Revisions      
WASHINGTON, May 31, 1996 - For the first time ever, DoD's workmen's compensation bill dropped.
05/31/1996 : Clinton Expands Agent Orange Disability Benefits      
WASHINGTON, May 31, 1996 - President Clinton has extended veterans benefits to Vietnam War veterans exposed to Agent Orange and other herbicides. He also asked Congress to legislate benefits to veterans' children afflicted with spina bifida.
05/31/1996 : When a Worker Is Injured      
WASHINGTON, May 31, 1996 - Workplace injuries cost the federal government $1.8 billion annually. DoD's portion of the bill: $603 million -- and falling.
05/29/1996 : Women Not to be Considered for Draft      
WASHINGTON, May 29, 1996 - American women don't have to worry about being drafted should the United States enter into a major conflict -- at least for the time being, a Selective Service System spokesman recently said.
05/29/1996 : Military to Help Olympic Effort      
WASHINGTON, May 29, 1996 - Vice President Al Gore said the federal government must do its part to make the 1996 Summer Olympics in Atlanta successful. He said the support will come from numerous federal agencies, including the U.S. military.
05/29/1996 : Perry Pushes Preventive Defense      
WASHINGTON, May 29, 1996 - Defense Secretary William J. Perry said the United States should take advantage of this unique time in history and outlined "preventive defense" as the country's first line of defense.
05/29/1996 : U.S., North Korea Agree on Joint Operations to Find      
WASHINGTON, May 29, 1996 - North Korea has agreed to allow U.S. recovery experts into its territory to hunt for remains of service members killed during the Korea War.
05/29/1996 : Clinton Says U.S. Must Continue to Lead      
WASHINGTON, May 29, 1996 - President Bill Clinton said America must enter the next century as a nation of opportunity for all and responsibility from all.
05/29/1996 : Telemedicine Enhances Troop Health Care in Bosnia      
WASHINGTON, May 29, 1996 - A "medical internet" will provide U.S. forces in Central Europe the same level of health care they'd receive back home, officials at the Medical Advanced Technology Management Office said.
05/29/1996 : DoD Moves Closer to Over-65 Health Care      
WASHINGTON, May 29, 1996 - DoD could begin a test as early as Oct. 1 to provide health care to Medicare-eligible patients over age 65, a senior DoD official said.
05/29/1996 : Air Force Restricts Passenger Use of Personal Electronics      
WASHINGTON, May 29, 1996 - The Air Force has imposed new constraints on use of personal electronics aboard DoD transport aircraft.
05/23/1996 : Saving Money, Key to Preserving Commissary Benefit      
FORT LEE, Va., May 23, 1996 - Force reductions and base closures have shut the doors of nearly 100 commissaries, but the store benefit continue to play a crucial role in maintaining a high quality of life for service members and their families, said the commissary chief.
05/23/1996 : Commissaries Streamline to Support Service Members      
WASHINGTON, May 23, 1996 - Re-engineering and streamlining efforts at the Defense Commissary Agency are saving service members and taxpayers money, the agency director recently told members of the House National Security Committee.
05/23/1996 : Civilian Cuts Challenge Work Force Quality      
WASHINGTON, May 23, 1996 - Deep cuts in the number of new hires each year are creating an older DoD civilian work force and could impact force quality down the road, officials said.
05/23/1996 : DoD Lauds Innovators for Saving Millions      
WASHINGTON, May 23, 1996 - Their ideas ranged from delivering humanitarian supplies to war-ravaged Bosnia to reusing rocket pods. Collectively, the 29 service members and civilian employees saved DoD more than $59 million last year.
05/23/1996 : Changing Rules to Help Commissaries, Patrons      
FORT LEE, Va., May 23, 1996 - Picture commissaries where more cashiers can tackle long lines. Imagine store shelves as full at 6 p.m. as they are when the store opens. Envision a "help wanted" sign where store managers needing employees can hire them in days not weeks.
05/20/1996 : Clinton Announces Anti-personnel Mine Ban,      
WASHINGTON, May 20, 1996 - President Bill Clinton launched an international effort to ban anti-personnel land mines.
05/20/1996 : Boorda Dies, Called a Sailor's Sailor      
WASHINGTON, May 20, 1996 - Adm. Jeremy M. Boorda, chief of naval operations, died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound May 16.
05/20/1996 : Defense Council Spawns Labor-Management Partnerships      
WASHINGTON, May 20, 1996 - Federal labor unions can't legally strike, but they can -- and do -- challenge managers to improve working conditions.
05/16/1996 : Armed Forces Sends 30 Wrestlers to Olympic Trials      
WASHINGTON, May 16, 1996 - The U.S. military is sending 30 wrestlers to U.S. Olympic Greco-Roman wrestling trials in Concord, Calif.
05/16/1996 : Commissary Privileges Full-Time for Mobilized Guard and Reserve      
WASHINGTON, May 16, 1996 - Families of Reserve and National Guard members mobilized for Operation Joint Endeavor have full-time commissary shopping privileges, Defense Commissary Agency officials recently announced.
05/16/1996 : Shalikashvili Says Modernization Needs Money      
WASHINGTON, May 16, 1996 - The military needs more money for equipment, but not at the expense of personnel, the military's top general said.
05/16/1996 : Navy, Naval Militia Sign Memo of Understanding      
WASHINGTON, May 16, 1996 - The New York State Naval Militia has signed a memorandum of understanding making it easy to operate with the U.S. Navy.
05/16/1996 : Air Force Men, Army Women Capture Volleyball Championships  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, May 16, 1996 - Air Force men and Army women captured championships at the 1996 armed forces volleyball tournament, held May 6-9 at Memphis Naval Air Station, Tenn.
05/10/1996 : Perry Praises Uniformed, Civilian Workers      
WASHINGTON, May 10, 1996 - Defense Secretary William Perry praised uniformed and civilian workers for their dedication to the nation during DoD's observance of Public Service Recognition Week recently.
05/10/1996 : Elections Key to Americans Leaving Bosnia      
WASHINGTON, May 10, 1996 - What happens between now and Bosnian elections will dictate how soon American service members can leave, said Gen. George Joulwan during a Pentagon news briefing.
05/09/1996 : Summer Looks Busy for 1996 Space-Available Travel      
WASHINGTON, May 9, 1996 - Air Force Air Mobility Command officials said they expect an increase in space-available travel this summer. These requests are in addition to the annual summer move season.
05/09/1996 : Olympics Nightmares Possible for Travelers, Cargo      
WASHINGTON, May 9, 1996 - Department of Defense traffic managers are concerned about the potential for travel and shipping nightmares throughout the southeastern United States because of the Olympics in Atlanta July 21 through Aug. 4.
05/08/1996 : Bosnia Drawdown to Begin After December 20      
WASHINGTON, May 8, 1996 - Most of NATO's peace implementation force will stay in Bosnia until after Dec. 20, 1996, according to Defense Secretary William J. Perry.
05/08/1996 : U.S. and Mexico to Increase Cooperation      
WASHINGTON, May 8, 1996 - Mexican officers are now training in counterdrug operations at U.S. bases as part of a U.S.-Mexican effort to increase military-to-military cooperation, senior defense officials said.
05/08/1996 : Germans Activate Training Element at U.S. Base      
WASHINGTON, May 8, 1996 - Countless American troops who've served in Germany usually remember their first few weeks overseas when they struggled to learn phrases like "Was ist los?" and "Wo ist der bahnhof, bitte?"
05/08/1996 : Strong Fathers, Strong Families      
WASHINGTON, May 8, 1996 - A soft-spoken Coast Guard chaplain dazzled top administration officials with two short, simple statements.
05/08/1996 : DarkStar Makes First Flight      
WASHINGTON, May 8, 1996 - DoD's latest unmanned reconnaissance air vehicle did what it's supposed to do during a 20-minute test flight, according to DoD officials.
05/08/1996 : DoD Supports Counterdrug Operations      
WASHINGTON, May 8, 1996 - In the vast jungle hinterlands of Central and South America, money and might rule the land and drug lords are the richest, most powerful of all.
05/03/1996 : DoD Emphasizes "Preventive Defense," White Tells Students      
WASHINGTON, May 3, 1996 - Deputy Secretary of Defense John P. White told Syracuse University students "preventive defense" eliminates the threat of war and saves defense dollars.
05/03/1996 : Voluntary RIF Tops New Civilian Drawdown Options      
WASHINGTON, May 3, 1996 - Defense civilians looking for a way to leave their jobs can now volunteer to replace other civilians facing forced exits.
05/03/1996 : NATO Partnership Exercise Scheduled      
WASHINGTON, May 3, 1996 - About 70 officers from 24 nations are working side by side May 7 to 16 during Cooperative Zenith, NATO's Partnership for Peace exercise at Patrick Air Force Base, Fla., DoD officials said.
05/03/1996 : U.S. Marines Kill Four Liberians Attacking U.S. Embassy      
WASHINGTON, May 3, 1996 - U.S. Marines killed four attackers April 30 at the embassy compound in Monrovia, Liberia, a DoD spokesman said.
05/03/1996 : DoD Strives to Fix Household Goods Shipment System      
WASHINGTON, May 3, 1996 - "The current system is broken. Don't lock us into a broken system," read a recent letter to Congress signed by the uniformed leaders of the four services.
05/02/1996 : President Nominates Blair, Gordon to DoD Posts      
WASHINGTON, May 2, 1996 - President Clinton nominated Navy Vice Adm. Dennis C. Blair for assignment as director of the Joint Staff in the Pentagon.
05/02/1996 : Passenger Aircraft to Receive Upgrades      
WASHINGTON, May 2, 1996 - DoD passenger aircraft will receive important safety upgrades, Undersecretary of Defense for Acquisition Paul Kaminski announced in the Pentagon recently.
05/02/1996 : U.S. Ship Named for Army Hero      
WASHINGTON, May 2, 1996 - The U.S. Navy has named the first of a new class of cargo ships in honor of an Army Medal of Honor recipient killed in Somalia.
05/02/1996 : U.S. to Aid Israeli Defense      
WASHINGTON, May 2, 1996 - The United States has agreed to expand programs aimed at improving Israel's missile defense, according to Defense Secretary William Perry.
05/02/1996 : Navy Medical Student Honored for Heroism      
WASHINGTON, May 2, 1996 - A Navy medical student received the Navy Marine Corps Medal for his heroism in saving fellow passengers following the crash of an Amtrak commuter train in Laurel, Md.
05/02/1996 : Perry Calls DACOWITS "An Agent of Change"      
WASHINGTON, May 2, 1996 - "Change is the law of life, and those who look only to the past are certain to miss the future." -- John F. Kennedy
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