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12/31/2008 : U.S. Seeks More Supply Routes for Afghanistan      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 31, 2008 - Military transportation officials are seeking alternate routes for supplying U.S. and NATO troops deployed in Afghanistan.
12/31/2008 : Iraqi Civilians Lead Coalition to Dismantle Bombs, Seize Weapons      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 31, 2008 - The “Sons of Iraq” civilian security group led coalition troops to their biggest operations in recent days.
12/31/2008 : Coalition Kills 11 in Shootout With Terrorists      
KABUL, Afghanistan, Dec. 31, 2008 - Coalition forces killed 11 terrorists after coming under fire during an operation in Afghanistan’s Nangarhar province.
12/31/2008 : Team Combats Waterborne Illness in Afghan Province  This story contains photos.    
KABUL, Afghanistan, Dec. 31, 2008 - Doctors and medics with the provincial reconstruction team in Afghanistan’s Zabul province are teaching medical providers to purify water and reduce waterborne illnesses.
12/31/2008 : School Brings New Beginnings to Iraqi Students  This story contains photos.    
CAMP TAJI, Iraq, Dec. 31, 2008 - Iraqi officials and U.S. soldiers celebrated the completion of renovations on a primary school.
12/31/2008 : Face of Defense: Mother, Daughter Enlist in Army Reserve  This story contains photos.    
FRESNO, Calif., Dec. 31, 2008 - After learning about the Army Reserve from her daughter's recruiter, a postal carrier in California, decided that she, too, would become a soldier.
12/31/2008 : New York Guard Readies for New Year's Eve      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 31, 2008 - As New Yorkers and visitors gear up for New Year's Eve celebrations, the New York National Guard is ready to support homeland security missions.
12/30/2008 : U.S. Military Team in Israel Reported Safe Despite Attacks      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 30, 2008 - About 100 U.S. European Command soldiers, airmen and Marines deployed to Israel to help set up an early warning radar system reported no close encounters with air strikes or retaliatory attacks along the Gaza Strip.
12/30/2008 : Diyala ‘Sons of Iraq’ Transition to Iraqi Government Control  This story contains photos.    
BAGHDAD, Dec. 30, 2008 - Along with a new year, Iraq is ringing in an important step toward national reconciliation when the nation’s government takes over control of the “Sons of Iraq” citizen security groups in four key provinces.
12/30/2008 : Armed Forces Inaugural Committee Moves Into High Gear  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, Dec. 30, 2008 - The buzz of activity at the Armed Forces Inaugural Committee is a notable exception to the traditional holiday lull that settles over the nation’s capital between Christmas and New Year’s Day.
12/30/2008 : Coalition Targets Haqqani Network in Afghanistan      
KABUL, Afghanistan, Dec. 30, 2008 - Coalition forces detained eight suspected militants, including two members of the Haqqani terrorist group who were the operation’s targets, in the Shamul district of Afghanistan’s Paktiya province, military officials said.
12/30/2008 : Iraqis Find Homemade Bomb, Enemy Munitions      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 30, 2008 - Iraqi forces found and neutralized a homemade bomb and uncovered an enemy munitions stockpile in Iraq, military officials reported.
12/30/2008 : ‘Sons of Iraq’ Transition to New Role, Purpose in Anbar  This story contains photos.    
BAGHDAD, Dec. 30, 2008 - What began as a grassroots movement in Iraq's Anbar province is in transition, as citizen security volunteers prepare for new jobs in the service of their country.
12/30/2008 : Army Destroys Last Landmine Containing VX Nerve-Agent Munitions      
ABERDEEN PROVING GROUND, Md., Dec. 30, 2008 - The Army has destroyed the last landmine in its stockpiles containing VX nerve-agent munitions.
12/30/2008 : Face of Defense: Army Interpreter Links Cultures With Language  This story contains photos.    
BAGHDAD, Dec. 30, 2008 - A deployed soldier is helping to bridge the gap between two cultures by serving as an interpreter in Iraq.
12/30/2008 : Team Works to Improve Irrigation in Afghanistan  This story contains photos.    
BAGRAM AIRFIELD, Afghanistan, Dec. 30, 2008 - The provincial reconstruction team in Afghanistan’s Konar province is working to restore an irrigation system that has become a casualty of decades of war.
12/29/2008 : Task Force Gold Exemplifies ‘Engineer Fight’ in Baghdad, General Says      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 29, 2008 - The general who leads what he calls “an engineer fight” in Baghdad credits attention to sanitation and reconstruction of essential services with creating a dramatic turnaround that’s having a ripple effect throughout Iraq.
12/29/2008 : Coalition Forces Kill Taliban Fighters in Afghanistan      
KABUL, Afghanistan, Dec. 29, 2008 - Coalition forces killed two armed Taliban militants while targeting the network’s kidnapping and roadside-bombing operations in Afghanistan’s Ghazni province, military officials reported.
12/29/2008 : Iraqi, Coalition Forces Uncover Enemy Weapons      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 29, 2008 - Iraqi and coalition forces uncovered several enemy weapons stockpiles in recent operations, military officials reported.
12/29/2008 : Face of Defense: Amputee Earns Commission Through Army ROTC  This story contains photos.    
FORT MONROE, Va., Dec. 29, 2008 - The blast of a roadside bomb in Iraq's Sunni Triangle resulted in the amputation of a portion of Richard Ingram's left arm, but it did not rob him of his dream of becoming an Army officer.
12/29/2008 : Coalition Ships Seize 20 Tons of Drugs      
MANAMA, Bahrain, Dec. 29, 2008 - Coalition warships in the North Arabian Sea and Gulf of Aden have seized more than 20 tons of narcotics since October, with an estimated value of more than $100 million.
12/29/2008 : U.S. Team Helps to Boost Bee Business in Afghanistan  This story contains photos.    
KABUL, Afghanistan, Dec. 29, 2008 - An American provincial reconstruction team is working with the Afghan government on using bees to increase crop yields for subsistence farmers.
12/29/2008 : Training Opens Doors for Former ‘Sons of Iraq’  This story contains photos.    
BAGHDAD, Dec. 29, 2008 - Instructors are teaching job skills to former “Sons of Iraq” citizen security group members in southern Baghdad's Rashid district.
12/28/2008 : For Reservists, Deployments Mean Sacrifice, but Also Opportunity  This story contains photos.    
CAMP VICTORY, Dec. 28, 2008 - A transformation in the role of the Reserve and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan make frequent deployments a reality for those once dubbed "weekend warriors," and many reservists are looking at their part-time service as a second career.
12/28/2008 : 2,000 Iraqis Return to Eastern Baghdad, Reclaim Homes      
BAGHDAD, Dec. 28, 2008 - Iraqi officials recently reported that more than 2,000 Iraqi families have returned to their homes in eastern Baghdad this year.
12/28/2008 : Afghan, Allied Forces Destroy Weapons Cache; Taliban Lose 11 Members      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 28, 2008 - Afghan commandos and coalition forces teamed up to seize enemy weapons and supplies, while the Taliban lost 11 members during separate operations conducted in Afghanistan yesterday, military officials said.
12/28/2008 : Citizens Turn Over Weapons Cache to Iraqi Soldiers      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 28, 2008 - Residents of Farhitiyah, Iraq, turned over the contents of a weapons cache to a detachment of Iraqi soldiers yesterday, military officials said.
12/26/2008 : Reserve Army Lt. Gen. Visits Reserve Component Troops in Baghdad  This story contains photos.    
CAMP LIBERTY, Dec. 26, 2008 - Soldiers from the 926th Combat Engineer Brigade took advantage of an opportunity to ask questions and get answers directly from the senior leader in their chain of command, Dec. 24, 2008, at Camp Liberty’s field house.
12/26/2008 : NCO Talks to President Bush  This story contains photos.    
SHA’AB, Dec. 26, 2008 - An Army soldier serving in Iraq received a special phone call Dec. 24, 2008, and on the other end of the line was the commander-in-chief.
12/26/2008 : Strikers Christen New Chapel With Candlelight Service  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, Dec. 26, 2008 - After nearly seven months of holding religious services in conference rooms, the Army Strikers at Forward Operating Base War Eagle in the Adhamiyah district of Baghdad christened their new chapel with a Christmas Eve candlelight service Dec. 24, 2008.
12/26/2008 : Troops Spend Christmas Eve Donating Supplies to Afghan Village School  This story contains photos.    
JALALABAD AIR FIELD, Dec. 26, 2008 - While people around the world made their final Christmas preparations, members of the Nangarhar Provincial Reconstruction Team and the Chaparhar Police Mentor Team visited a village school to distribute clothes and school supplies.
12/26/2008 : Coalition Forces Kill 11 Taliban During Firefight      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 26, 2008 - Coalition forces in Afghanistan killed 11 Taliban militants and detained two suspects during a firefight with members of a major roadside-bomb emplacing network in Kandahar province Dec. 25.
12/26/2008 : U.S., Iraqi Forces Seize Rocket-Delivery System in Baghdad Raid      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 26, 2008 - American and Iraqi security forces found and seized a rocket-rail system during a combined operation conducted in Baghdad’s Rashid district Dec. 25.
12/25/2008 : Iraqi Forces Discover Priceless Smuggled Treasure  This story contains photos.    
BASRA, Iraq, Dec. 25, 2008 - Iraqi Security Forces recently uncovered hundreds of historical artifacts during two raids in northern Basra. The 228 ancient artifacts included Sumerian and Babylonian sculpture, gold jewelry and other items from ancient Mesopotamia.
12/25/2008 : Army Chief of Staff Assesses Iraq Situation, Notes Future Goals  This story contains photos.    
BAGHDAD, Dec. 25, 2008 - As part of a week-long tour to visit soldiers around the world in Korea, Japan, Kuwait, Afghanistan and Iraq, Army Chief of Staff Gen. George W. Casey made a stop in Baghdad, Dec. 22, 2008, to assess the current situation in country and speak with troops.
12/24/2008 : Bush Calls Troops With Holiday Greetings      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 24, 2008 - President George W. Bush telephoned nine deployed servicemembers from each military branch this morning to pass along holiday greetings and thank them for their service.
12/24/2008 : Mullen Uses Trip to Assess Situation in Afghanistan      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 24, 2008 - The highest-ranking U.S. military officer often says he learns as much from the troops as he does from commanders.
12/24/2008 : Civilian Orthopedic Surgeon Witnesses Servicemembers’ Sacrifices Firsthand      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 24, 2008 - A civilian orthopedic surgeon who has seen servicemembers’ sacrifices firsthand said he believes the nation owes them a debt of gratitude, and that he’ll bring techniques he saw in the military health system to his own practice.
12/24/2008 : U.S., Iraqi Soldiers Seize Criminals, Weapons      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 24, 2008 - Iraqi and U.S. soldiers apprehended suspected criminals and seized weapons caches in operations in Iraq.
12/24/2008 : Afghans to Debut Community Policing Program, Official Says      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 24, 2008 - Afghanistan’s government is preparing a pilot program in community policing that’s expected to debut in the near future, a Defense Department official said .
12/24/2008 : General Notes Progress With Iraqi Security Forces, Interior Ministry      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 24, 2008 - The military command charged with training Iraq’s security forces and the Iraqi Interior Ministry continues to make progress, a senior military official said.
12/24/2008 : Afghan Commandos, Coalition Nab Insurgent Commander      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 24, 2008 - Afghan army commandos and coalition forces captured a suspected insurgent commander believed to be responsible for a deadly bombing.
12/24/2008 : Face of Defense: Airman Designs White House Christmas Tree Ornament  This story contains photos.    
BEALE AIR FORCE BASE, Calif. , Dec. 24, 2008 - A reservist from Beale Air Force Base, Calif., was selected to design a "Team Beale" ornament for the White House tree.
12/24/2008 : System Connects Afghanistan With Neighboring Countries  This story contains photos.    
JALALABAD AIRFIELD, Afghanistan, Dec. 24, 2008 - Soldiers of the 1st Infantry Division’s 3rd Brigade Combat Team are working with Afghan citizens to install an international ring of communication that someday will span Afghanistan and connect to its neighboring countries.
12/24/2008 : Soldiers in Baghdad Celebrate Christmas With Cookies  This story contains photos.    
CAMP VICTORY, Iraq, Dec. 24, 2008 - Multinational Division Baghdad soldiers gathered at the Ironhorse Oasis Dining Facility on Camp Victory, Iraq, to celebrate the holidays in a traditional way by decorating Christmas cookies.
12/23/2008 : Troops Escape Financial Trends, Enjoy Money Management Benefits      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 23, 2008 - Soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines are relatively insulated from the financial disasters affecting many Americans, and increasingly are taking advantage of programs designed to promote what military leaders call “financial readiness,” military financial counselors say.
12/23/2008 : Five Convicted of Plotting to Kill Soldiers at Fort Dix      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 23, 2008 - A federal jury found five men guilty of conspiracy to kill U.S. soldiers at Fort Dix, N.J., but acquitted them of attempted murder.
12/23/2008 : Duty Won’t Take Holiday as Christmas Spirit Reaches Iraq      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 23, 2008 - At the 926th Engineer Brigade headquarters at Camp Liberty, Iraq, Christmas festivities are planned, but the holiday still remains another duty day for the deployed soldiers.
12/23/2008 : Many Pentagon Political Appointees Asked to Serve Past Inaugural      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 23, 2008 - Many Bush administration-appointed employees posted at the Pentagon have been asked by Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates if they’d remain in their jobs past the inauguration of President-elect Barack Obama, a senior Defense Department official said.
12/23/2008 : Coalition, Iraqi Forces Capture Suspect, Seize Weapons      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 23, 2008 - Iraqi and coalition forces in Baghdad captured a man suspected in a grenade attack against a “Sons of Iraq” civilian security group, military officials said.
12/23/2008 : New Unified Command Plan Spells Out Responsibilities, Missions      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 23, 2008 - President George W. Bush has signed an updated unified command plan that codifies U.S. Africa Command, shifts responsibility for parts of the Caribbean Sea to U.S. Northern Command and assigns cyberspace and pandemic influenza missions to other combatant commanders.
12/23/2008 : Coalition, Afghans Kill, Capture Taliban Fighters      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 23, 2008 - Coalition and Afghan forces killed eight Taliban fighters in separate operations in Afghanistan, military officials reported.
12/23/2008 : Soldiers Visit Public Works Substation With Baghdad’s Deputy Mayor  This story contains photos.    
BAGHDAD, Dec. 23, 2008 - U.S. soldiers and Baghdad’s deputy mayor met to discuss progress at a public works substation in the northwestern part of Baghdad.
12/23/2008 : Missouri Guard's Agricultural Mission Grows in Afghanistan  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, Dec. 23, 2008 - National Guard members who are farmers back home in Missouri are helping to revive and develop the agriculture system in Afghanistan.
12/23/2008 : Face of Defense: Guard Soldier Uses Civilian Skills in Iraq  This story contains photos.    
BAGHDAD, Dec. 23, 2008 - A National Guardsman deployed to Iraq if finding his civilian skills being put to good use.
12/23/2008 : Chairman Cites Importance of U.S.-Pakistan Relationship      
ABOARD A U.S. MILITARY AIRCRAFT, Dec. 23, 2008 - The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff emphasized the importance of U.S.-Pakistan relations in the fight against terrorism after meeting with top military and intelligence officials in Islamabad.
12/22/2008 : Bush Visits Troops, Families at Walter Reed      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 22, 2008 - President George W. Bush paid a call at Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington, D.C., to visit with wounded warriors, extend holiday greetings to them and their families and check up personally on the care and support they are receiving.
12/22/2008 : President Extends Holiday Greetings, Thanks      This story contains video.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 22, 2008 - President George W. Bush sent his best wishes for the holiday season and those of first lady Laura Bush to servicemembers around the world in a message broadcast on the Pentagon Channel.
12/22/2008 : Army Chief of Staff Visits Soldiers in Afghanistan      
BAGRAM AIRFIELD, Afghanistan, Dec. 22, 2008 - The Army’s top officer stopped at Bagram Airfield, Afghanistan, during a trip to visit soldiers around the world during the holiday season.
12/22/2008 : Iraqi, Coalition Forces Detain Six Terrorist Suspects      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 22, 2008 - Coalition and Iraqi security forces detained six terrorist suspects in operations, military officials said.
12/22/2008 : Afghans, Coalition Respond to Bombs, Drugs in Southern Afghanistan      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 22, 2008 - Afghan and coalition forces traded fire with insurgents in southern Afghanistan after responding to a roadside bomb explosion, military officials said.
12/22/2008 : Cheney Calls Absence of Post-9/11 Attacks ‘Remarkable Achievement’      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 22, 2008 - The absence of new terrorist attacks on the United States since 9/11 reflects the success of the nation’s anti-terror programs and policies, Vice President Richard B. Cheney said.
12/22/2008 : Mullen Thanks Pakistani Leaders for Anti-terror Efforts      
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan, Dec. 22, 2008 - The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff thanked Pakistani military and intelligence officials for their continued efforts to fight terrorism.
12/22/2008 : Daily Attacks in Iraq Drop Nearly 95 Percent      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 22, 2008 - The number of daily attacks in Iraq has dropped nearly 95 percent since last year, a U.S. official said.
12/22/2008 : Face of Defense: Wounded Warrior Ready to Return to Fight  This story contains photos.    
SCHWEINFURT, Germany, Dec. 22, 2008 - A soldier, wounded in Iraq, wins the battle to stay in the Army so he can continue to serve his country by deploying to Iraq again. In May 2007, Army Spc. Jake Altman's life changed. He was in the lead vehicle scouting for improvised explosive devices.
12/22/2008 : Floridians Bring Happiness to Christmas Celebration in Iraq  This story contains photos.    
CAMP TAJI, Iraq, Dec. 22, 2008 - More than 60 families from the Winter Haven, Fla., area are working together to brighten the holiday season for soldiers deployed to Iraq.
12/22/2008 : Gates Approves Deployment of Aviation Brigade to Afghanistan      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 22, 2008 - Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates has approved the deployment of an Army aviation brigade to Afghanistan in the spring of 2009.
12/22/2008 : Chairman Issues Holiday Message to Servicemembers, Families      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 22, 2008 - The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff evoked the Revolutionary War’s Battle of Trenton in the annual holiday message he issued to U.S. servicemembers and their families.
12/22/2008 : Peacekeeping Training Focuses Less on Combat, More on Control, Compliance  This story contains photos.    
BUTLERVILLE, Ind., Dec. 22, 2008 - For soldiers preparing to deploy on a peacekeeping mission, nonlethal weapons instruction is an important part of their deployment training.
12/22/2008 : Command Changes Hands for Afghan Security Forces Training      
KABUL, Afghanistan, Dec. 22, 2008 - U.S. Army Maj. Gen. Richard P. Formica has assumed command of the training program for Afghanistan’s security forces.
12/22/2008 : Program Raises Awareness About Global AIDS Epidemic      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 22, 2008 - The Defense Department’s HIV/AIDS Prevention Program is making progress with partner nations by supporting implementation of HIV prevention, care and treatment programs, educating their militaries and creating awareness of the global epidemic.
12/22/2008 : NATO Allows Forces to Cooperate in Attacking Drug/Taliban Nexus      
KABUL, Afghanistan, Dec. 22, 2008 - A NATO decision to allow its forces to strike drug targets upon the Afghan government's request or a proven link to the Taliban is having a dramatic impact on the battlefield.
12/22/2008 : NATO Operations Chief Discusses Deployments, Caveats      
KABUL, Afghanistan, Dec. 22, 2008 - Most American troops deploying to Afghanistan in the next year will go to Regional Command South.
12/21/2008 : Mullen Views Life on Sharp End of Spear in Afghanistan      
CAMP BASTION, Afghanistan, Dec. 21, 2008 - The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff got a close look at conditions on the ground in western Afghanistan during visits with a provincial reconstruction team and the 3rd Battalion, 8th Marines.
12/21/2008 : Coalition Forces Kill Terrorist, Detain 25 in Iraq Operations      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 21, 2008 - Coalition forces continued to degrade al-Qaida in Iraq networks, killing one terrorist and detaining 25 other suspects during operations throughout the country, military officials reported.
12/20/2008 : Mullen Stresses Need for Regional Strategy in Central Asia      
CAMP EGGERS, Afghanistan, Dec. 20, 2008 - The overarching strategy for success in Afghanistan must be regional in focus and include not just Afghanistan, but also Pakistan and India, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff said.
12/20/2008 : Mullen: Security Will Enable Afghanistan to Move Forward      
CAMP EGGERS, Afghanistan, Dec. 20, 2008 - While security is important in Afghanistan, “no amount of troops in any amount of time is going to make this successful in the long run,” said Navy Adm. Mike Mullen after arriving in Afghanistan.
12/19/2008 : Mullen Discusses Northern Iraq as January Elections Approach      
ABOARD A U.S. MILITARY AIRCRAFT, Dec. 19, 2008 - The situation in northern Iraq is complex and dangerous, and the upcoming Iraqi elections add further complications, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff said.
12/19/2008 : Chairman Dubs USO Tour ‘Smiles Around the World’  This story contains photos.    
CAMP BONDSTEEL, Kosovo, Dec. 19, 2008 - The enthusiastic reception servicemembers are giving performers on this year’s USO Holiday Tour have led the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff to call the trip “Smiles Around the World.”
12/19/2008 : U.S. Soldiers Team Up With Afghan, New Zealand Forces  This story contains photos.    
BAGRAM AIRFIELD, Afghanistan, Dec. 19, 2008 - Soldiers of the 1st Maneuver Enhancement Brigade's security force from Fort Polk, La., have an international mission in Afghanistan, teaming with Afghan and New Zealand forces.
12/19/2008 : Working Dog Teams Help to Make Baghdad’s Streets Safer  This story contains photos.    
FORWARD OPERATING BASE FALCON, Iraq, Dec. 19, 2008 - A Multinational Division Baghdad soldier and his four-legged partner work with other military dog teams in helping to make Baghdad’s streets safer.
12/19/2008 : Marine Vows Mission Success for Toys for Tots, Despite Economic Woes  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, Dec. 19, 2008 - A Toys for Tots national coordinator is hoping the American public will step in during the last few days before Christmas to ensure the Marine Corps Reserve’s annual Toys for Tots drive doesn’t leave a single needy child empty-handed.
12/19/2008 : Forces Capture Suspected Iranian Agent, Other Terrorism Suspects      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 19, 2008 - Coalition forces apprehended a suspected Iranian intelligence agent and an alleged associate, as well as 10 other terrorism suspects, in operations in Iraq, military officials reported.
12/19/2008 : Afghan, Coalition Forces Kill Three, Detain Five in Khowst Province      
KABUL, Afghanistan, Dec. 19, 2008 - Afghan National Police and coalition forces killed three armed militants and detained five others during an operation in Afghanistan’s Khowst province.
12/19/2008 : Pakistan’s Anti-terror Offensive Assists Afghan War Aims, Gates Says      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 19, 2008 - Renewed Pakistani military action targeting al-Qaida and Taliban terrorists lodged in the western part of the country both benefits Pakistan and aids in the fight against insurgents in Afghanistan, Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates said in a televised interview.
12/19/2008 : Sadr City Newspaper Aims to be Voice of Residents  This story contains photos.    
BAGHDAD, Dec. 19, 2008 - The first local Sadr City newspaper has been published in Iraq, thanks in part to help from an Army officer of Provincial Reconstruction Team 3.
12/19/2008 : U.S.-Ukrainian Militaries Work to Bring Regional Peace, Stability      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 19, 2008 - American and Ukrainian defense leaders are working together to assist Ukraine in its quest to develop modern, democratically managed armed forces, a senior U.S. military officer said.
12/19/2008 : Face of Defense: Law Advisor Sets Bar High in Iraq  This story contains photos.    
BAGHDAD, Dec. 19, 2008 - A deployed Army soldier made his mark in Iraq by working to improve the Iraqi juvenile justice system.
12/18/2008 : Gates Requests Plan for Guantanamo Closure      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 18, 2008 - Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates has asked for a proposal to shut down the U.S. detention center at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
12/18/2008 : Gates Urges Direct Dialogue With President-elect on Iraq      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 18, 2008 - Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates hopes commanders with a “vested interest” in the future role of U.S. forces in Iraq can share their views directly with the incoming president, a Pentagon official said.
12/18/2008 : Mullen Sees Golden Mosque in Samarra Being Rebuilt      
SAMARRA, Iraq, Dec. 18, 2008 - The bombs that severely damaged the Golden Mosque in Samarra, Iraq, almost destroyed the foundations of the nation, but the Golden Mosque is rising again in inspiration.
12/18/2008 : National Guard to Support Presidential Inauguration      
ARLINGTON, Va., Dec. 18, 2008 - More than 4,000 citizen-soldiers and airmen from at least eight states will provide security, medical and other support during the Jan. 20 presidential inauguration.
12/18/2008 : NORAD Prepares for 50th Year Tracking Santa      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 18, 2008 - Among North American Aerospace Command’s diverse and challenging missions, none is more gratifying -- or as downright fun -- as tracking Santa Claus each year for children around the world, the NORAD commander said.
12/18/2008 : Defense Department Agencies Recognized for Cutting Costs      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 18, 2008 - A two-year Defense Department campaign has produced nearly $4 billion in savings or cost avoidances.
12/18/2008 : Afghan Commandos Detain Insurgent Leader, Two Others      
KABUL, Afghanistan, Dec. 18, 2008 - Afghan National Army commandos, assisted by coalition forces, detained an insurgent leader and two other militants in eastern Afghanistan.
12/18/2008 : Afghan Supply Line Still Viable Despite Breaches, Pentagon Official Says      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 18, 2008 - Despite militant attacks, improved security is making a U.S. military supply line through Pakistan to Afghanistan a viable means of logistics.
12/18/2008 : Coalition, Iraqi Forces Capture Suspects to Thwart al-Qaida in Iraq      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 18, 2008 - Coalition and Iraqi forces killed three enemy fighters and captured 24 suspected terrorists during operations in Iraq.
12/18/2008 : U.S. Welcomes Chinese Plans to Fight Piracy, Admiral Says      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 18, 2008 - The United States would welcome China’s participation in counter-piracy operations in the Gulf of Aden and off the Somali coast.
12/18/2008 : Marines Bring Medicine, Security to Iraqi Neighbors  This story contains photos.    
BAAJ, Iraq, Dec. 18, 2008 - Marines have been delivering gifts of bottled water and medical aid to their Iraqi neighbors.
12/18/2008 : Transition Command Helps to Build Afghan Air Corps  This story contains photos.    
KABUL, Afghanistan, Dec. 18, 2008 - The Afghan National Army Air Corps has received the first three of six Mil Mi-35 attack helicopters, adding to its growing capabilities.
12/18/2008 : Affleck, Other Celebrities Help Volunteers Assemble Care Packages  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, Dec. 18, 2008 - Actor and director Ben Affleck and other celebrities joined volunteers at the National Guard Armory in Van Nuys, Calif., to pack care packages for troops.
12/18/2008 : Face of Defense: Soldier Continues Holiday Tradition in Afghanistan  This story contains photos.    
BAGRAM AIRFIELD, Afghanistan, Dec. 18, 2008 - Although far from home, a deployed soldier in Afghanistan will continue a long-standng holiday tradition.
12/17/2008 : Mullen Takes Pulse of U.S., NATO Commands in Afghanistan      
ABOARD A U.S. MILITARY AIRCRAFT, Dec. 17, 2008 - Fighting in Afghanistan probably will increase in the coming year, but it will be on U.S. and NATO terms, not on the enemy’s, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff said.
12/17/2008 : No Fancy Venues, But the USO Stars Rock      
KANDAHAR, Afghanistan, Dec. 17, 2008 - The stars of this year's Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff USO Holiday Tour have played far more prestigious venues, but probably none as appreciative.
12/17/2008 : Operational Focus Critical to Missile Defense Tests, General Says      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 17, 2008 - U.S. missile defense tests must be operationally focused, the commander of U.S. Northern Command and North American Aerospace Defense Command said.
12/17/2008 : Defense Officials Address Sexual Assault Reporting Issues      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 17, 2008 - Unreported occurrences is the main issue concerning sexual assaults within the three U.S. service academies, the deputy director of the Defense Department’s sexual assault prevention and response program said.
12/17/2008 : Defense Officials to Review Congressional Report on Detainee Treatment      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 17, 2008 - Defense officials will take action if an upcoming congressional report on the treatment of detainees in U.S. custody yields new information, a Pentagon spokesman said.
12/17/2008 : Army Expands Military Funeral Honors for Soldiers      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 17, 2008 - The Army will allow full military funeral honors at Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia starting next year for all soldiers killed in action.
12/17/2008 : Iraqis Improve Logistics En Route to Becoming Self-Sufficient  This story contains photos.    
CAMP LIBERTY, Iraq, Dec. 17, 2008 - Iraqi security forces, aided by U.S. soldiers, have taken another step toward self-sufficiency by securing the supplies and equipment they need to sustain operations.
12/17/2008 : Overseas U.S. Military Operations Make America Safer, Bush Says      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 17, 2008 - Military operations that brought the fight to terrorists are helping to safeguard America against another attack, President George W. Bush said at the Army War College.
12/17/2008 : Three Terrorists Killed, 14 Detained in Iraq      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 17, 2008 - Three terrorists were killed and 14 suspects were detained as coalition forces continued to degrade al-Qaida in Iraq facilitation and leadership networks.
12/17/2008 : Defense Department Welcomes U.N. Resolution Aimed at Pirates      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 17, 2008 - A resolution passed by the United Nations Security Council authorizes foreign forces to pursue pirates inside Somalia.
12/17/2008 : Security Transition Commander Reflects on Afghan Tour      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 17, 2008 - The coalition's top officer in the effort to train Afghan security forces called the growth of the Afghan National Army one of the most signficant accomplishments of his 18-month tour.
12/17/2008 : Closer Collaboration Will Ensure Disaster Preparedness, General Says      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 17, 2008 - The commander of U.S. Northern Command is urging closer collaboration between first responders and the federal entities that stand ready to step in and assist in the wake of a national disaster.
12/17/2008 : Well Project Brings Water to Afghan Villages  This story contains photos.    
KABUL, Afghanistan, Dec. 17, 2008 - The Nangarhar Provincial Reconstruction Team has completed an eight-well project that will provide much-needed water sources to six districts throughout the eastern Afghanistan province.
12/17/2008 : Face of Defense: Refugee Survives War, Becomes U.S. Soldier  This story contains photos.    
FORWARD OPERATING BASE FALCON, Iraq, Dec. 17, 2008 - A former war refugee traveled across countries and continents in search of a better life.
12/17/2008 : Commander in Chief Recalls His 'Great Days'  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, Dec. 17, 2008 - President George W. Bush shared his perspective on the last eight years during an interview with the Pentagon Channel.
12/17/2008 : Foundation Sends Care Packages Overseas in Honor of Fallen Soldier  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, Dec. 17, 2008 - Although her son was killed by a roadside bomb in Iraq on Nov. 13, 2003, Dorine Kenney continues to honor his comrades in arms each year.
12/17/2008 : Appreciation of Limits, Humility Important in Facing Challenges, Gates Says      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 17, 2008 - In his 42 years of service in the national security arena, Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates said an appreciation of limits and a sense of humility are the most important insights he’s gained.
12/17/2008 : New USO President Wants to Deliver More Resources to Troops  This story contains photos.    
RAMSTEIN AIR BASE, Germany, Dec. 17, 2008 - The USO’s new president and chief executive officer told troops on Ramstein Air Base, Germany, that the organization is doing its best to bring a touch of home to them.
12/16/2008 : Recruiting Still Challenging Despite Job Market, Official Says      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 16, 2008 - Although military recruiting is less difficult in a waning economy and low job market, attracting recruits remains an ongoing challenge.
12/16/2008 : Coalition, Iraqi Forces Kill Three, Capture 31 in Iraq      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 16, 2008 - Coalition and Iraqi forces killed three insurgents and captured 31 others, including a key Iranian-backed suspect, in operations in Iraq.
12/16/2008 : Afghan, Coalition Forces Capture Taliban Commanders, Associate      
KABUL, Afghanistan, Dec. 16, 2008 - Afghan army commandos assisted by coalition forces detained two Taliban commanders and an additional suspect in eastern Afghanistan’s Nangarhar province.
12/16/2008 : Connecticut Guard Responds to Neighbor’s Call for Help      
ARLINGTON, Va., Dec. 16, 2008 - Massachusetts National Guard members are getting a helping hand as they continue to assist with recovery operations from a severe winter storm.
12/16/2008 : Water Facility Reopens South of Baghdad  This story contains photos.    
BAGHDAD, Dec. 16, 2008 - Local Iraqi leaders and U.S. soldiers celebrated the reopening of the Bawi water pump and filter facility in Salman Pak, south of Baghdad.
12/16/2008 : Face of Defense: Siblings Serve Together in Iraq  This story contains photos.    
AL ASAD AIR BASE, Iraq, Dec. 16, 2008 - Army Sgt. Shandy Erisman and Army Sgt. Abbi Erisman are siblings and Arkansas National Guardsmen who serve together in Iraq.
12/16/2008 : Airmen Combat Explosive Threats in Afghanistan  This story contains photos.    
KANDAHAR AIRFIELD, Afghanistan, Dec. 16, 2008 - Air Force explosive ordnance disposal teams are responsible for about 46 percent of the EOD missions in Afghanistan.
12/16/2008 : Gates: U.S. Must Maintain Conventional Dominance      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 16, 2008 - As the military institutionalizes new and unconventional warfighting skills, it also must work to maintain its conventional dominance, Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates wrote in the January/February issue of Foreign Affairs magazine.
12/15/2008 : Mullen Readies USO Tour to Central, European Command Areas      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 15, 2008 - Musician Kid Rock and comedian Lewis Black will headline a United Service Organizations tour to bases in the Central Command and European Command areas of operations.
12/15/2008 : Bush Pays Final Visit to Deployed Troops in Iraq, Afghanistan      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 15, 2008 - In his final trip to Iraq and Afghanistan as commander in chief, President George W. Bush brought season’s greetings from “a proud and grateful nation” to deployed U.S. troops and thanked them for their service.
12/15/2008 : Officials Set Military Housing Allowance Rates for 2009      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 15, 2008 - Housing allowances for military members will go up an average of 6.9 percent, or about $95 per month, in 2009.
12/15/2008 : Officials Cite Progress in East Baghdad      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 15, 2008 - Progress in East Baghdad is going so well that the area is “beyond counterinsurgency” and into development, U.S. officials with responsibility for the area said.
12/15/2008 : Soldiers in Iraq Detain Suspects, Seize Weapons      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 15, 2008 - U.S. soldiers detained five suspected terrorists in separate operations in Baghdad’s Rashid district.
12/15/2008 : Bush, Maliki Sign Security Pact in Baghdad      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 15, 2008 - President George W. Bush and Iraq Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki have signed a security pact in Baghdad, putting an end in sight for the Iraq war after nearly six years of fighting.
12/15/2008 : European Command Program Aims to Reduce Caregiver Fatigue      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 15, 2008 - Recognizing the risk of burnout among caregivers providing warrior and family support, U.S. European Command plans to kick off a program that incorporates principles introduced by bestselling author and lecturer Dr. Stephen Covey.
12/15/2008 : ‘Good Progress’ Made, Challenges Ahead in Afghanistan, Bush Says      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 15, 2008 - Afghanistan is making progress, and despite challenges, it can rely on America to help it defeat terrorists and grow its fledgling democracy, President George W. Bush told Afghan President Hamid Karzai.
12/15/2008 : Colonel Offers Insight Into Iraqi Police Training Evolution      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 15, 2008 - Iraqi police training continues as the focus moves from a counterinsurgency mission to a routine police mission, a senior Army official said.
12/15/2008 : Americans Work With Iraqi Vets to Enhance Animal Care  This story contains photos.    
CONTINGENCY OPERATING BASE ADDER, Iraq, Dec. 15, 2008 - Coalition soldiers are working with Iraq’s Department of Veterinary Medicine to help improve animal care in a southwestern Iraqi province.
12/15/2008 : Coalition, Afghan Forces Give Gift of Medical Care      
KABUL, Afghanistan, Dec. 15, 2008 - Hundreds of people in Afghanistan’s Zabul province received the gifts of medical care and humanitarian assistance.
12/15/2008 : Guard Responds to Winter Storm in Northeast  This story contains photos.    
ARLINGTON, Va., Dec. 15, 2008 - A round of winter storms that left several northeastern states covered in ice kept many National Guard units busy.
12/15/2008 : Face of Defense: Refugee Becomes Marine to Repay Debt to Nation  This story contains photos.    
KARMAH, Iraq, Dec. 15, 2008 - A deployed Marine lived through war as a child, but he did not hesitate when it came time to defend the freedom he almost lost.
12/15/2008 : Christmas Tree Programs Brighten Holidays for Military Families      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 15, 2008 - A Christmas tree farm in Whitehouse, Ohio, is celebrating the holiday season by giving away 100 Christmas trees to military families.
12/15/2008 : Gates: Procurement System Must Be More Responsive to Current Requirements      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 15, 2008 - The military procurement system needs to broaden its focus beyond high-end, high-tech systems so it’s better prepared to meet warfighters’ current requirements, Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates wrote in Foreign Affairs magazine.
12/14/2008 : Forces Kill, Capture Enemy Fighters, Seize Weapons in Afghanistan      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 14, 2008 - Coalition and Afghan forces killed at least two enemy fighters, detained 32 suspects and seized weapons in Afghanistan during operations last week.
12/14/2008 : Troops in Iraq Capture Suspects, Seize Weapons Caches      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 14, 2008 - Coalition and Iraqi forces detained eight suspected terrorists and seized weapons in Iraq over the past three days.
12/14/2008 : Bush Visits Baghdad, Hails Passage of Agreements, Bids Farewell to Troops      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 14, 2008 - President Bush paid a surprise visit to Iraq, praising lawmakers in Baghdad for passing the status of forces agreement with the United States and offering a farewell message of thanks to U.S. troops serving there.
12/13/2008 : Gates Travels to Iraq, Talks With Leaders, Troops  This story contains photos.    
BALAD, Iraq, Dec. 13, 2008 - The mission in Iraq is still relevant despite the recent political attention on the fight in Afghanistan, Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates told U.S. servicemembers during a visit to Balad, Iraq.
12/13/2008 : U.S. Forces on Track to Be out of Iraqi Cities by Summer, General Says      
BALAD, Iraq, Dec. 13, 2008 - U.S. combat forces are on track to be out of Iraqi cities by June 30, in accordance with the recently signed status of forces agreement between the United States and Iraq, the top U.S. general in Iraq said today.
12/13/2008 : Gates Promises Continuity, Urges Cooperation for Middle East Initiatives  This story contains photos.    
MANAMA, Bahrain, Dec. 13, 2008 - Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates opened the first session of the Manama Dialogue in Bahrain, pledging continued U.S. participation in the security of the Gulf and encouraging the Arab world to embrace Iraq and Afghanistan diplomatically and economically.
12/12/2008 : Report Finds Mismanagement in America Supports You Program      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 12, 2008 - The Defense Department Inspector General reports that the America Supports You program was being managed in a “questionable and irregular manner."
12/12/2008 : Rural Development Will Weaken Afghan Insurgency, Colonel Says      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 12, 2008 - More emphasis on “holistic development” of rural Afghanistan is needed to weaken the enemy, a recently redeployed officer told bloggers in a teleconference.
12/12/2008 : Emergency Response Units Won’t Perform Law Enforcement, Official Says      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 12, 2008 - Three new national rapid-response task forces will help civil authorities during possible terrorist attacks or natural disasters, but they won’t perform law-enforcement missions.
12/12/2008 : California Guardsmen Train for Kosovo Deployment  This story contains photos.    
CAMP SHELBY, Miss., Dec. 12, 2008 - Nearly 100 California National Guardsmen are preparing for a deployment to Kosovo in the spring, where they will serve as the NATO Kosovo Force’s quick-reaction force.
12/12/2008 : Defense Department Reinforces Importance of Accurate Communication      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 12, 2008 - The Defense Department’s top public affairs official stressed the importance of credible communication and reinforced the policy on altering images.
12/12/2008 : Admiral Pledges Ongoing Support of Humanitarian Efforts      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 12, 2008 - Humanitarian missions will be an important element of U.S. 4th Fleet’s long-term planning efforts, the fleet commander told bloggers and online journalists.
12/12/2008 : New Rapid-Response Forces to Bolster Homeland Defense Mission      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 12, 2008 - A newly created rapid-response joint task force, and a plan to create two more, will bolster assistance to civil authorities following potential chemical, biological or nuclear attacks or natural disasters.
12/12/2008 : Officials Work Toward Best Afghanistan Strategy      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 12, 2008 - Defense leaders worldwide are working with the U.S. to devise the best strategy to meet changing and challenging conditions in Afghanistan.
12/12/2008 : Mail Team Keeps Holiday Season Morale High in Iraq  This story contains photos.    
FORWARD OPERATING BASE FALCON, Iraq, Dec. 12, 2008 - A team of certified mail handlers is helping to boost morale for deployed soldiers by ensuring they receive their holiday care packages from family and friends back home.
12/12/2008 : Holiday Wreaths to Adorn Arlington Gravesites  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, Dec. 12, 2008 - Volunteers will gather at Arlington National Cemetery to place holiday wreaths on veterans’ gravesites as part of the nationwide “Wreaths Across America” project.
12/12/2008 : Pentagon Official Urges Broad Approach to Piracy      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 12, 2008 - The United States has sent a draft resolution to the United Nations Security Council that reportedly seeks to allow forces to pursue Somalia-based pirates onto Somali turf, but is urging a broader response.
12/12/2008 : Coalition Forces Disrupt Haqqani Network in Afghanistan      
KABUL, Afghanistan, Dec. 12, 2008 - Coalition forces detained nine suspected militants during an operation to disrupt the Haqqani terrorist network in Afghanistan’s Paktia province, military officials said.
12/12/2008 : Gates Visits U.S. Naval Forces Central Command in Bahrain  This story contains photos.    
MANAMA, Bahrain, Dec. 12, 2008 - Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates visited U.S. Naval Forces Central Command headquarters prior to the start of the 5th annual International Institute for Strategic Studies Manama Dialogue in Bahrain.
12/12/2008 : Troops in Iraq Detain 11 Terrorism Suspects, Find Bomb, Weapons      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 12, 2008 - Eleven suspected terrorists, including two wanted men, were removed from al-Qaida in Iraq networks as coalition forces targeted the terrorist organization in central Iraq, military officials reported.
12/12/2008 : Americans Donate Shoes, Clothes to Aid Afghan Village  This story contains photos.    
BAGRAM AIRFIELD, Afghanistan, Dec. 12, 2008 - A need for a pair of shoes provided the catalyst for a donation that benefited an entire Afghan village.
12/12/2008 : Public Invited to Comment on Draft Rules for Spouse Employment      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 12, 2008 - The public is invited to comment on proposed rules to speed up the hiring process for some military spouses seeking federal jobs.
12/12/2008 : National Guard Prepares to Celebrate 372nd Birthday      
ARLINGTON, Va., Dec. 12, 2008 - The National Guard is celebrating its 372nd birthday, tracing its origin to Dec. 13, 1636, when the Massachusetts Bay Colony divided its citizen-soldiers, or militia, into three regiments.
12/12/2008 : Gates Urges Greater Balance in Military Capabilities      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 12, 2008 - Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates, in a Foreign Affairs magazine article, calls on the defense establishment to recognize the importance of low-intensity, irregular capabilities and unconventional thinking to succeed in the war on violent extremism.
12/12/2008 : Alaska Guard Continues ‘Operation Santa Claus’ Tradition  This story contains photos.    
CAMP DENALI, Alaska, Dec. 12, 2008 - Children from rural Alaskan communities were treated to an early Christmas, thanks to the Alaska National Guard’s “Operation Santa Claus.”
12/12/2008 : Face of Defense: Fire Chief Moonlights in National Guard  This story contains photos.    
BAGHDAD, Dec. 12, 2008 - An 18-year veteran of the New York City Fire Department is achieving another veteran status, this time as a soldier.
12/12/2008 : Gates Plans to Reaffirm U.S. Commitment to Region at Bahrain Conference      
MANAMA, Bahrain, Dec. 12, 2008 - Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates is working to foster better relations with Persian Gulf countries by reassuring leaders attending a multinational conference in Bahrain this week and allies that they can continue to count on the United States.
12/11/2008 : Minnesota National Guard to Command Active-Duty Forces in Iraq      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 11, 2008 - For only the second time since 9/11, a U.S. Army National Guard division headquarters will deploy to command active-duty forces in combat.
12/11/2008 : Iraqi Spokesman Thanks U.S. for Sacrifices, Details Way Ahead      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 11, 2008 - Without American sacrifices in Iraq, the country would still be under the rule of a brutal dictator, according to a spokesman for the Iraqi government, who spoke to reporters at the Pentagon.
12/11/2008 : Arizona Aims to End Scams, Predatory Lending to Troops, Veterans      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 11, 2008 - Financial scams and predatory lending against servicemembers and veterans is so common that the Arizona attorney general has created an advisory board to stop it.
12/11/2008 : Official Responds to Congressional Findings on Military Linguistics      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 11, 2008 - A congressional assessment of how the Pentagon is implementing its language strategy reflects the Defense Department’s progress and shortfalls, a Pentagon official said.
12/11/2008 : Gates Tells Troops ‘Sense of Duty’ Caused Him to Stay      
KANDAHAR, Afghanistan, Dec. 11, 2008 - Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates told several hundred troops in southern Afghanistan that a sense of duty caused him to agree to stay on in his current job through the administration change.
12/11/2008 : Home From Iraq, Army Brigade Trains for Homeland Response Mission  This story contains photos.    
NAVAL SUPPORT FACILITY INDIAN HEAD, Md., Dec. 11, 2008 - The first active-duty unit dedicated to supporting U.S. civilian authorities in the event of a nuclear, biological or chemical attack is wrapping up three days of intensive training its members hope they never have to apply in real life.
12/11/2008 : Gates Pledges More Resources to Fight Protracted War in Afghanistan      
KANDAHAR, Afghanistan, Dec. 11, 2008 - Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates pledged more resources to top commanders in southern Afghanistan for what he said likely will be a protracted fight.
12/11/2008 : Troops in Iraq Capture Suspects, Find Weapons      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 11, 2008 - Coalition soldiers and Iraqi security forces captured suspected criminals and terrorists, disarmed a roadside bomb and found enemy weapons stockpiles in recent operations, military officials reported.
12/11/2008 : Shipping Company Delivers Holiday Cheer to Troops  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, Dec. 11, 2008 - Express delivery company DHL is spreading holiday cheer to troops serving in the Middle East by sending hundreds of Christmas trees, holiday decorations and messages of support.
12/11/2008 : Afghan Police, Coalition Forces Disrupt Terrorist Network      
KABUL, Afghanistan, Dec. 11, 2008 - Afghan National Police and coalition forces detained five suspected militants during a combined operation to disrupt the Haqqani terrorist network in Afghanistan’s Khowst province yesterday.
12/11/2008 : Face of Defense: Soldier Shares Lessons Learned, Empathy  This story contains photos.    
CAMP VICTORY, Iraq, Dec. 11, 2008 - For Army Sgt. 1st Class Thomas Matthews, frequent deployments have become a way of life.
12/11/2008 : Deployed Soldiers Get Course in Financial Readiness      
CAMP VICTORY, Iraq, Dec. 11, 2008 - Soldiers at Camp Victory, Iraq, are getting an education in personal finance that commanders say goes a long way in promoting battle readiness.
12/11/2008 : Gates Praises Work of Remote Air Hub for Afghanistan War Effort      
MANAS AIR BASE, Kyrgyzstan, Dec. 11, 2008 - During a brief stopover, Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates thanked airmen and soldiers at Manas Air Base, Kyrgyzstan, for their work at an important hub for air operations supporting the war in Afghanistan.
12/11/2008 : Two Additional Brigades to Deploy to Afghanistan, Gates Says      
KANDAHAR, Afghanistan, Dec. 11, 2008 - Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates said he wants to send two combat brigades to Afghanistan by summer in addition to the brigade combat team already scheduled to deploy there in January.
12/10/2008 : Four Receive Presidential Citizens Medals for Troop Support Work  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, Dec. 10, 2008 - Two retired milltary officers, actor Gary Sinise and an individual who supports veterans were among 23 individuals to receive the Presidential Citizens Medal from President George W. Bush.
12/10/2008 : Mullen Says Mumbai Attacks Demonstrate Safe-Haven Dangers  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, Dec. 10, 2008 - The recent terrorist attack in Mumbai, India, is just the latest evidence of the danger that terrorist safe havens present to the world, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff said.
12/10/2008 : All Military Services Meet or Exceed November Recruiting Goals      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 10, 2008 - All active-duty and reserve-component U.S. military services met or exceeded their November recruiting goals.
12/10/2008 : Mullen Says He’s Relieved, Disturbed by Trip to Pakistan, India  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, Dec. 10, 2008 - The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff said he came away from his recent trip to Pakistan and India relieved that the two countries showed restraint in wake of the recent attacks in Mumbai, India.
12/10/2008 : Some Tour Lengths in South Korea to Increase      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 10, 2008 - Tour lengths for some family-accompanied assignments in South Korea will be extended to three years, Pentagon officials announced.
12/10/2008 : Disability Awards Shed Light on Underrepresented Workers      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 10, 2008 - The Defense Department recognized some of its outstanding disabled employees in a ceremony that doubled as a forum to advance the cause of disabled workers.
12/10/2008 : Face of Defense: Sister, Brother Re-enlist Together in Iraq  This story contains photos.    
BAGHDAD, Dec. 10, 2008 - Two deployed soldiers decided to make their re-enlistment a family affair.
12/10/2008 : Defense Officials Recognize Mannheim Steamroller for Troop Support  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, Dec. 10, 2008 - Defense officials thanked the founder of the musical group Mannheim Steamroller, which has supported U.S. troops by giving away its Christmas CDs and concert tickets.
12/10/2008 : Coalition Forces Kill Attacker, Capture 18 in Iraq      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 10, 2008 - Coalition forces killed an armed attacker and detained 18 suspected terrorists while targeting al-Qaida in Iraq leadership and bombing networks in Iraq.
12/10/2008 : Support Group’s Scholarships Help Spouses Finish Education      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 10, 2008 - Military spouses with an eye on professional certification or a post-secondary education may not have to foot the entire bill, thanks to a National Military Family Association scholarship program.
12/10/2008 : Coalition Troops Provide Water, Electricity, Befriend Iraqis  This story contains photos.    
BAGHDAD, Dec. 10, 2008 - Coalition troops have newfound friends in a town near Baghdad, thanks to the re-opening of a water and electric substation, an effort that has resulted in running water and electricity that works.
12/10/2008 : Iraqi Women Secure Opportunities Through Literacy Program  This story contains photos.    
FORWARD OPERATING BASE RUSTAMIYAH, Iraq, Dec. 10, 2008 - One hundred Iraqi women became the first class of graduates of an adult literacy course that officials say is a sign of more good things to come from the partnership between Iraq and the United States.
12/10/2008 : Deployed Soldier Shares Holiday Heirloom in Afghanistan  This story contains photos.    
BAGRAM AIRFIELD, Afghanistan, Dec. 10, 2008 - The small, artificial Christmas tree on Army Col. Roger Nell’s desk at Bagram Airfield, Afghanistan, is the same one his father displayed on his desk in Vietnam in 1967.
12/09/2008 : Gates Meets With Biden, Works for Smooth Transition      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 9, 2008 - Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates met with Vice President-elect Joe Biden as Gates continues to aim for a seamless department transition between the two administrations.
12/09/2008 : Face of Defense: Man Drops More Than 100 Pounds to Join Marines  This story contains photos.    
RAWAH, Iraq, Dec. 9, 2008 - Marine Lance Cpl. Allan Desruisseaux wowed recruiters by losing more than 100 pounds, explaining: “I was told it would be impossible for me to join."
12/09/2008 : Air Force Center Serves Soldiers With Brain Injuries      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 9, 2008 - The Air Force’s only traumatic brain injury center is treating predominantly Army patients, hoping to improve their chances of a full recovery.
12/09/2008 : Families of 9/11 Victims Watch Defendants Confess at Guantanamo Bay      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 9, 2008 - Relatives of 9/11 victims observed legal proceedings at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, for alleged co-conspirators charged in the attack.
12/09/2008 : Africa Command Welcomes Army Component      
VICENZA, Italy, Dec. 9, 2008 - Southern European Task Force ended the airborne chapter of its history and uncased its new colors, signifying its mission as the Army component supporting U.S. Africa Command.
12/09/2008 : Today’s More Capable Military Must Continue Worldwide Offensive, Bush Says      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 9, 2008 - In his last scheduled visit to a service academy while in office, President George W. Bush told Army cadets the U.S. military has transformed to meet the threats America faces long into the future.
12/09/2008 : Pentagon Channel’s ‘Grill Sergeants’ Becomes Hot iTunes Commodity      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 9, 2008 - Apple iTunes has named the Pentagon Channel program “The Grill Sergeants” one of its top 25 videos of the year.
12/09/2008 : Mullen Salutes Servicemembers’ Success at Awards Dinner      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 9, 2008 - U.S. troops engaged in the global war on terrorism are doing “an exceptionally hard job exceptionally well,” the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff said at the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs’ annual awards dinner.
12/09/2008 : Department Focuses on Afghanistan, Building Dwell Time, Chairman Says      
LANGLEY AIR FORCE BASE, Va., Dec. 9, 2008 - Afghanistan is the top priority for U.S. military leaders in re-allocating forces as they become available.
12/09/2008 : Coalition, Iraqi Forces Seize Suspects, Weapons      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 9, 2008 - Coalition and Iraqi forces detained 21 suspected terrorists during operations targeting terrorist networks throughout Iraq.
12/09/2008 : Three Dead, One Missing in San Diego Crash      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 9, 2008 - The crash of a Marine Corps F/A-18 Hornet strike fighter jet in San Diego killed three people, and one person is missing.
12/09/2008 : Afghan, Coalition Forces Kill Two Militants, Detain Others      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 9, 2008 - Afghan and coalition forces killed two militants in Helmand province.
12/09/2008 : Financial Crisis Affects Defense Department, Chairman Says      
LANGLEY AIR FORCE BASE, Va., Dec. 9, 2008 - The Defense Department will feel effects from the current financial crisis, though the extent of its impact is not clear.
12/09/2008 : University Provides Care for Wounded Warriors      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 9, 2008 - Wounded troops, veterans and their families can turn to Arkansas State University for a variety of services through a new program.
12/08/2008 : F-18 Crashes in California Neighborhood      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 8, 2008 - An F/A-18D Hornet jet based at Marine Corps Air Station Miramar, Calif., crashed today into a civilian neighborhood about two miles northwest of the airfield.
12/08/2008 : Joint Report Cites Potential Causes for Future Flashpoints      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 8, 2008 - Regional conflicts driven by competition for food, water and energy and the ability of terrorists to enhance lower-tech weapons are among the global challenges U.S. joint military leaders likely will face over the next quarter-century.
12/08/2008 : Procurement Initiative Secures DoD Computers, Saves Money      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 8, 2008 - The Pentagon has improved security for laptop computers and saved taxpayers more than $92 million by participating in a new procurement initiative.
12/08/2008 : Retiring General Hands Over Army’s Training Command  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, Dec. 8, 2008 - Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates praised Army Gen. William S. Wallace for making Training and Doctrine Command the Army’s institutional and intellectual epicenter.
12/08/2008 : Face of Defense: Wounded Airman Lives for Son, Hopes to Stay on Active Duty  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, Dec. 8, 2008 - Seriously wounded in Afghanistan, Air Force Tech. Sgt. Israel Del Toro refused to leave his 3-year-old son fatherless.
12/08/2008 : Deployed Soldier Meets Wrestling Diva He Once Tried to Recruit  This story contains photos.    
CAMP Victory, Iraq, Dec. 8, 2008 - A soldier deployed to Iraq met up with a World Wrestling Entertainment star he tried to recruit for the Army when she was in high school.
12/08/2008 : General Leaving Northern Iraq Notes ‘Monumental’ Progress      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 8, 2008 - Citing “monumental” improvements since his soldiers arrived in Iraq last year, the outgoing commander of Multinational Division North credited his troops, Iraqi security forces and the Iraqi people with creating a historic turnaround.
12/08/2008 : Severely Wounded Soldiers Have Support for ‘As Long as it Takes’      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 8, 2008 - The Army’s Wounded Warrior Program will support those it was created to serve for as long as it is needed.
12/08/2008 : Obama Taps Shinseki as Next Veterans Affairs Chief      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 8, 2008 - President-elect Barack Obama has selected retired Army Chief of Staff Gen. Eric K. Shinseki as his nominee to be secretary of veterans affairs.
12/08/2008 : Sports Commission Thanks Troops With ACC Championship Tickets      
TAMPA, Fla., Dec. 8, 2008 - Nearly a thousand servicemembers got a big “thank you” gift with free tickets to the Atlantic Coast Conference championship football game between the Virginia Tech Hokies and the Boston College Eagles in Tampa, Fla.
12/08/2008 : Troops Capture Iranian-backed Terrorists in Iraq      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 8, 2008 - Coalition forces apprehended three alleged Kataib Hezbollah terrorists in two operations in Baghdad's Rusafa district, military officials reported.
12/08/2008 : Afghan, Coalition Forces Kill Enemy Fighters in Helmand Province      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 8, 2008 - Afghan and coalition forces killed six militants during a security patrol in the Sangin district of Afghanistan’s Helmand province, military officials reported.
12/08/2008 : Retailer Brings Holiday Cheer to Fisher Houses  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, Dec. 8, 2008 - More than 50 local Wal-Mart associates donated time and tinsel to bring holiday cheer to wounded warriors at Fisher Houses in the Washington, D.C., area.
12/07/2008 : Coalition Forces Continue to Target Terror Network Members      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 7, 2008 - Coalition forces in Iraq apprehended an alleged key member of the Kataib Hezbollah network and two other suspects in Baghdad.
12/07/2008 : Coalition Forces Kill Three, Detain Four in Afghanistan      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 7, 2008 - Operations to disrupt the Hizb-e-Islami Gulbuddin terrorist network in Afghanistan’s Kapisa province targeted a network commander known to facilitate the movement of weapons and foreign fighters into the area.
12/06/2008 : End in Sight for War in Iraq, Bush Says      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 6, 2008 - The war in Iraq isn’t over, but a successful end is in sight, thanks to hard work between the United States and Iraq, President George W. Bush said in his weekly radio address.
12/05/2008 : Military Launches Most Complex Missile Defense Test to Date  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, Dec. 5, 2008 - The military has shot down a mock enemy missile, employing a synchronized network of sensors in what officials called the largest and most complex test of the missile defense system to date.
12/05/2008 : U.S. Army Medals Recognize Afghan Soldiers’ Improvement      
KABUL, Afghanistan, Dec. 5, 2008 - A battalion, or “kandak,” of Afghan soldiers have celebrated a milestone with a ceremony in which the U.S. Army decorated them for their military achievements.
12/05/2008 : Hospital Robot Helps to Save Lives Off Battlefield  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, Dec. 5, 2008 - Remotely controlled robots are being explored in military hospitals as a means of projecting doctors’ expertise beyond the walls of their own medical facilities and into places where troops need their specialty care.
12/05/2008 : Military Recruits Non-citizen Health Care Workers, Linguists      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 5, 2008 - The Defense Department has launched a year-long pilot program to recruit about 1,000 non-U.S. citizen health care workers and language and cultural specialists for service in America’s military.
12/05/2008 : Bush Establishes Pacific Theater Monument, Honors Pearl Harbor Anniversary      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 5, 2008 - President George W. Bush signed proclamations establishing a World War II monument to those who fought in the Pacific theater and commemorating the anniversary of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.
12/05/2008 : President Offers Thanks to Troops During Annual Pageant of Peace      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 5, 2008 - As they have for 85 years, Americans gathered in front of the White House on the area known as the Ellipse for a ceremony to light the national Christmas tree.
12/05/2008 : More Troops, Centralized Command Boosts Afghan Campaign, General Says      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 5, 2008 - The pending deployment of thousands of additional U.S. troops and extra equipment to Afghanistan in tandem with a streamlined command structure will boost the campaign to win the war there, a senior U.S. officer posted there said.
12/05/2008 : Army Corps of Engineers Plant Sends Clean Water Into Baghdad Homes  This story contains photos.    
BAGHDAD, Dec. 5, 2008 - The water is flowing freely in the Sadr City district of Baghdad, thanks to the completion of a new U.S. Army Corps of Engineers water treatment plant that has been three years in the making.
12/05/2008 : Operation Christmas Stocking Spreads Cheer to Deployed Troops  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, Dec. 5, 2008 - A troop-support group is sending more than 20,000 Christmas stockings to troops in Iraq and Afghanistan.
12/05/2008 : Iraq Operations Leave Terrorist Dead, Others Captured      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 5, 2008 - Operations across Iraq left one terrorist dead, brought in five wanted men and resulted in the detention of 18 additional suspects, military officials reported.
12/05/2008 : New Jersey Guard Celebrates Alliance With Albania  This story contains photos.    
LAWRENCEVILLE, N.J., Dec. 5, 2008 - The New Jersey National Guard is celebrating the 15th anniversary of an alliance with Albania aimed at modernizing the country's defense forces and preparing it for membership in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
12/05/2008 : Troops in Afghanistan Kill Militants, Detain Suspects      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 5, 2008 - With help from coalition troops, Afghan security forces killed two militants and detained two others in the Shindand district of western Afghanistan’s Herat province, military officials said.
12/05/2008 : Face of Defense: Medal Recipient Chooses Third Iraq Tour  This story contains photos.    
CAMP TAJI, Iraq, Dec. 5, 2008 - A recipient of the Distinguished Service Cross has chosen to serve in Iraq for the third time to pass on the lessons he learned in combat to his soldiers.
12/04/2008 : Service Programs Strive to Strengthen Military Marriages, Curb Divorce      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 4, 2008 - Servicemembers and their spouses are flocking to a broad array of programs to help them strengthen their family relationships as the services step up efforts to curb divorce rates.
12/04/2008 : Policy Revision Aims to Improve Acquisition Process      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 4, 2008 - A revised Defense Department acquisition policy aims to reduce delays and cost overruns to maximize the warfighting effort and be "good stewards of the taxpayers’ dollars," a senior official said.
12/04/2008 : Presidency Council Ratifies U.S.-Iraq Security Pact      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 4, 2008 - The new U.S.-Iraq security pact has been ratified by Iraq’s Presidency Council. Senior U.S. officials said they welcomed the actions and would begin immediately to implement them with their Iraqi partners.
12/04/2008 : DoD Education Activity Encourages Nominations for Teacher Awards      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 4, 2008 - Department of Defense education officials are urging students, parents and administrators to nominate science and mathematics teachers for a prestigious presidential award.
12/04/2008 : Coalition, Iraqi Forces Kill 4, Capture 33 Terror Suspects      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 4, 2008 - Coalition forces dealt a heavy blow to al-Qaida in Iraq terrorist networks during multiple operations throughout Iraq, killing four terrorists and detaining 33 suspects.
12/04/2008 : Coalition Troops Kill Two Taliban Fighters, Detain Three in Afghanistan      
KABUL, Afghanistan, Dec. 4, 2008 - Coalition forces killed two armed Taliban militants and detained three others during an operation to disrupt the foreign-fighter and roadside-bomb networks in eastern Afghanistan.
12/04/2008 : School Opening Offers Hope for Baghdad Children  This story contains photos.    
BAGHDAD, Dec. 4, 2008 - Children helped celebrate the opening of a school in Baghdad’s Ghazaliya district, which recently has become a thriving neighborhood.
12/04/2008 : Face of Defense: Boxing Provides Motivation for Deployed Soldier  This story contains photos.    
FORWARD OPERATING BASE RUSTAMIYAH, Iraq, Dec. 4, 2008 - A soldier who trains as a boxer is dedicated to doing a good job in and out of the ring -- and hopes to prove he's no longer a street fighter.
12/04/2008 : Reconstruction Team Lights Up Afghanistan’s Zabul Province  This story contains photos.    
KABUL, Afghanistan, Dec. 4, 2008 - Zabul province's reconstruction team has installed 90 solar lights to improve commerce and security.
12/03/2008 : Recovery Efforts Help Write Final Chapter for Missing Pilot’s Wife  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, Dec. 3, 2008 - The wife of a combat pilot whose remains were identified through Defense Department efforts 36 years after he was shot down plans to tell her story.
12/03/2008 : Guard Develops Blast Injury Database      
CAMP VICTORY, Iraq, Dec. 3, 2008 - A new National Guard database that will track personnel injured by blasts could improve long-term medical treatment for servicemembers in all branches, and boost research into traumatic brain injury and other health issues.
12/03/2008 : Country Star Uses Music to Take Troops Back Home  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, Dec. 3, 2008 - Former soldier and country music star Craig Morgan can relate to the veterans he meets. That's why he's offering troops a free download of his song "Let Me Take You Home."
12/03/2008 : U.S. Commits to Reducing Collateral Damage from Cluster Bombs      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 3, 2008 - U.S. officials share the concerns of some 100 countries that gathered in Norway Dec. 3 to sign a treaty banning cluster bombs, but the United States opted not to sign the treaty.
12/03/2008 : U.S. Advisor Praises Progress of Afghan Army’s 205th Corps      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 3, 2008 - With the help of mentors from several countries and all the services, the 205th Corps of the Afghan National Army can plan and execute operations.
12/03/2008 : Cooperation Leads to Weapons Seizures in Iraq      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 3, 2008 - Coalition and Iraqi security forces seized multiple weapons caches in Iraq in their ongoing effort to remove weapons from insurgents, military officials reported.
12/03/2008 : Forces Must Take Advantage of Security Gains, General Says      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 3, 2008 - Violence in Iraq is at an all-time low since the beginning of the war, but challenges remain as a result of the improved security situation, the commander of coalition ground forces said.
12/03/2008 : Mullen, Pakistani Officials Discuss Mumbai Terror Attacks      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 3, 2008 - The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff met with Pakistani officials in Islamabad to thank them for their willingness to work with Indian authorities as they investigate recent terror attacks in Mumbai, India.
12/03/2008 : Face of Defense: Army Sniper Finds Lesson in Injury, Recovery  This story contains photos.    
NEW YORK, Dec. 3, 2008 - A 22-year-old U.S. Army sergeant, wounded during a deployment to Afghanistan, said that his injury and the journey to recovery have taught him an important lesson about life.
12/03/2008 : Coalition, Afghan Forces Kill 10, Detain Seven      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 3, 2008 - Afghan and coalition troops detained three militants in Afghanistan’s westernmost province, a day after troops killed 10 and detained four others in separate battles with insurgents, military officials reported.
12/03/2008 : New Social Media Platform Helps Military Members With Relocation      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 3, 2008 -, an online resource for the military community, recently launched a new platform to help military members aid one another by exchanging relocation information.
12/03/2008 : Afghan, Coalition Forces Build Bridges for Community      
KABUL, Afghanistan, Dec. 3, 2008 - A new bridge in Afghanistan is expected to ease access to areas around Kandahar city.
12/03/2008 : Sadr City Residents Take Pride in Their Neighborhood  This story contains photos.    
BAGHDAD, Dec. 3, 2008 - Once considered one of the worst places to live in Iraq, Baghdad’s Sadr City district is starting to thrive.
12/03/2008 : ‘Sentinels of Freedom’ Scholarships Help Wounded Veterans      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 3, 2008 - A retired Army sergeant is benefiting from a “Sentinels of Freedom” scholarship, aimed at helping severely wounded veterans become self-sufficient.
12/03/2008 : Military Financial Road Show Heads to Washington State      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 3, 2008 - A Defense Department team is heading to the Pacific Northwest to help drive home the point that financial readiness is a big part of mission readiness.
12/02/2008 : Deputy Secretary England Announces Departure      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 2, 2008 - Deputy Secretary of Defense Gordon England said he will not be staying with Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates in President-elect Barack Obama's administration.
12/02/2008 : Gates Urges Partnership With Afghanistan, Pakistan to Combat Terror Threat  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, Dec. 2, 2008 - The terrorist threat has shifted from Iraq to Afghanistan and Pakistan, Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates said.
12/02/2008 : Gates Pledges to Continue Tackling Tough Issues  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, Dec. 2, 2008 - Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates said he will work to resolve defense challenges while serving with President-elect Barack Obama's administration.
12/02/2008 : Project Advances Women’s Progress in Afghanistan  This story contains photos.    
BAGRAM AIRFIELD, Afghanistan, Dec. 2, 2008 - An Afghan woman working with a provincial reconstruction team is leading a project that uses chicken coops to improve women's lives.
12/02/2008 : Guard’s Only Stryker Brigade Prepares for Iraq Deployment      
CAMP SHELBY, Miss., Dec. 2, 2008 - About 4,000 soldiers in the National Guard’s only Stryker brigade will deploy to Iraq in early 2009. They will bring their weapons and navigation skills as well as the right frame of mind to the fight.
12/02/2008 : Coalition, Iraqis Capture 13 in Terrorist Network Busts      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 2, 2008 - Coalition and Iraqi forces have captured 13 people in three days of operations targeting terrorist networks in Iraq.
12/02/2008 : Canal Refurbishment Highlights $50 Million Iraqi Project  This story contains photos.    
BAGHDAD, Dec. 2, 2008 - Iraqi civilian and military dignitaries broke ground on a canal project in Baghdad’s Sadr City district, marking the Iraqi government's commitment to spend $50 million in reconstruction.
12/02/2008 : Face of Defense: First Sergeant Cites Difference U.S. Soldiers Make  This story contains photos.    
CAMP TAJI, Iraq, Dec. 2, 2008 - A senior enlisted soldier in Iraq says he is proud of what his soldiers personify, calling them the "only goodness a lot of people will ever know."
12/02/2008 : Gates Minot Visit Offers Insight Into Issues Facing Next Administration  This story contains photos.    
MINOT AIR FORCE BASE, N.D, Dec. 2, 2008 - Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates told about 1,000 airmen at Minot Air Force Base, N.D., that he shares their commitment to service and feels both compelled and honored to retain his post into the next administration.
12/01/2008 : Nuclear Mission Vital to U.S. Security, Gates Tells Minot Airmen  This story contains photos.    
MINOT AIR FORCE BASE, N.D., Dec. 1, 2008 - Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates traveled to Minot Air Force Base, N.D., to emphasize the importance of the Air Force’s nuclear mission -- and in maintaining its long tradition of excellence -- to the men and women entrusted with carrying it out.
12/01/2008 : Colonel Notes Absence of Tensions as Iraqi Elections Near      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 1, 2008 - Coalition forces officials in Iraq’s Babil and Karbala provinces have not seen tensions rise among political groups vying for power as elections approach next month, a senior U.S. military officer posted in Iraq said.
12/01/2008 : Agreement Sparks Optimism Among Iraqis, Colonel Says      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 1, 2008 - Iraqis in Karbala and Babil provinces have welcomed the passing of the U.S.-Iraq status-of-forces agreement, recognizing the important role the United States plays.
12/01/2008 : Iraqi, Coalition Forces Capture Prison Break Suspects, Others      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 1, 2008 - Coalition and Iraqi forces captured suspected terrorists during separate operations in northern provinces in recent days, including two men believed to have helped inmates escape from Badush Prison in 2006, military officials reported.
12/01/2008 : Medic Earns Three Purple Hearts During One Deployment to Iraq  This story contains photos.    
WASHINGTON, Dec. 1, 2008 - An Army medic is ready to return to Iraq despite being wounded three times during his last deployment.
12/01/2008 : Staying Power: Air Force Family Liaisons Help Wounded Warriors, Families      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 1, 2008 - Air Force family liaison officers have an important role in assisting wounded warriors and their families, a San Antonio-based Air Force senior noncommissioned officer said.
12/01/2008 : Afghan, Coalition Troops Curtail Terrorists, Destroy Drugs, Weapons      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 1, 2008 - Coalition forces detained six militants while continuing to target terrorist networks in Afghanistan’s Paktia province, military officials reported.
12/01/2008 : Soldiers Improve Life for Citizens in Baghdad District  This story contains photos.    
FORWARD OPERATING BASE LOYALTY, Iraq, Dec. 1, 2008 - National Guard soldiers have spent nearly $450,000 during the past three months to improve living conditions for residents of eastern Baghdad’s Rusafa district.
12/01/2008 : Gates Provides Continuity as Nation Fights Two Wars, Obama Says      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 1, 2008 - President-elect Barack Obama cited the need for continuity in announcing that Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates will remain at the Pentagon.
12/01/2008 : Obama Taps Gates to Keep Serving as Defense Secretary      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 1, 2008 - Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates said he is “deeply honored” that President-elect Barack Obama asked him to continue serving.
12/01/2008 : Face of Defense: Soldier Provides ‘Eyes in Sky’ for Ground Forces  This story contains photos.    
CAMP TAJI, Iraq, Dec. 1, 2008 - Army Spc. Rodolfo Delatorre gives ground troops in Iraq an “eye in the sky” by launching and maintaining the Shadow unmanned aerial system.
12/01/2008 : Soldier, Vietnam Vet Father Receive Silver Stars in Long-Distance Ceremony  This story contains photos.    
BAGRAM AIRFIELD, Afghanistan, Dec. 1, 2008 - A soldier deployed to Afghanistan and his father, a Vietnam vet, were simultaneously decorated with Silver Stars during a joint long-distance ceremony.
12/01/2008 : U.S. Forces Help Lebanese Military Assert Control      
WASHINGTON, Dec. 1, 2008 - The U.S. military is helping the Lebanese military establish itself as the sole arm of the democratically elected Lebanese government, a senior Pentagon official said.
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