The White House provides timely and accurate information about the President's latest events and public statements.  Here you'll find photos, video, and blogs, as well as proclamations, executive orders, and press releases.

TUE, MAY 5, 1:38 PM EST

Cinco de Mayo

The President and Mexican Ambassador Arturo Sarukhan got an early start on Cinco de Mayo at the White House last night, as did the First Lady at the Latin American Montessori Bilingual Charter School. Watch the video of the President and see the photos of the First Lady.
Includes video.
TUE, MAY 5, 9:48 AM EST

Continuing the Conversation: Tax Reform for American Jobs

Yesterday we opened up a conversation on the President's proposals to curb offshore tax havens and end tax incentives for companies shifting jobs overseas. Today Jason Furman, Deputy Director of the National Economic Council, joins us to address some of your comments and questions.
MON, MAY 4, 1:06 PM EST

Good Jobs Here at Home

The President offers proposals to curb tax havens and replace tax advantages for creating jobs overseas with incentives to create them here at home.
Updated with video.
MON, MAY 4, 10:01 AM EST

Read the HHS Report on Rural Health Care

This morning Nancy-Ann DeParle, Director of the White House Office of Health Reform, is meeting with rural Americans in the fourth in a series of White House Health Care Stakeholder Discussions. UPDATE: The event has now concluded, but read the HHS report on the need for health reform this year in rural communities.
SAT, MAY 2, 4:50 AM EST

Weekly Address: Government Actions to Address the H1N1 Flu Virus

In his Weekly Address, the President discusses the government’s response to the 2009 H1N1 flu virus, urging that there is no need to panic but explaining that the federal government and American people nonetheless should take the necessary precautions.
Includes video.



The Blog

Latest news and updates from the White House, including pictures and video

Your Weekly Address

Text and video of President Obama's Saturday morning addresses to the nation


Photos of recent administration events and announcements, as well as historical images


Text and video of major speeches by President Obama, the First Lady, and members of the administration

Official Statements

Official statements and remarks from members of the Administration

Press Briefings

Transcripts of press briefings and statements from the White House Press Secretary

Press Releases

Announcements from the White House Press Office

Presidential Actions

Executive Orders, Memoranda, and Proclamations

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