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Rebuild Smarter

In the wake of disasters, people often wonder whether there is a way to protect both people and property from such devastating losses. The answer is a resounding "YES!" Mitigation is the way to provide that protection. Hazard mitigation means taking action to reduce or prevent future damage, preferably before a disaster strikes.


Best Practices Link         Ike Success Stories Link          Case Studies Link



Additional Resources

Picture of cover of Telling the TaleTelling the Tale of Disaster Resistance: A Guide to Capturing and Communicating the Story provides some of the “best practices” of those who have promoted disaster-resistance efforts throughout the country. In this guide, you'll find the key considerations for successfully telling the tale of disaster resistance—developing story leads, researching and documenting projects, creating a finished product, and promoting those projects.


Developing and Promoting Mitigation Best Practices and Case Studies - Community Strategy Toolkit, is designed to help guide efforts to capture and promote effective mitigation techniques being employed throughout the country to reduce adverse impacts of disasters.  Developing and Promoting Mitigation Best Practices and Case Studies - Community Strategy Toolkit, is designed to help guide efforts to capture and promote effective mitigation techniques being employed throughout the country to reduce adverse impacts of disasters.

Last Modified: Wednesday, 04-Mar-2009 15:25:03 EST