About the National Archives

The National Archives at College Park

"This is the jewel of archival buildings in the world. This building sets a new benchmark for the whole world to follow."
--Jean-Pierre Wallot, President of the International Council on Archives, May 12, 1994. National Archives Building at College Park, MD


The National Archives at College Park (Archives II) is located on a 33-acre parcel of land donated by the University of Maryland. The address is 8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD 20140-6001.


May 12, 1994


Length: 1,104 feet
Width: 448 feet
Height: 6 stories
Building size: 6.8 acres (1.7 million square feet)

Storage Space

Records storage area: 691,572 square feet
Records storage capacity: approximately 2 million cubic feet
520 miles of shelves
10,828 map cases

Environmental Conditions

Area Temperature Relative Humidity
Textual and cartographic stacks 70 F +/- 2 45% +/- 5
Black-and-white motion picture film,
audiotapes, and sound recordings
65 F +/- 2 30% +/- 3
Color motion picture film and color aerial film 25 F +/- 2 30% +/- 3
Glass negatives, black-and-white
photographs, slides, negatives, and posters
65 F +/- 2 35% +/- 3
Color photography film, slides, and photographs 38 F +/- 2 35% +/- 3
Electronic records 65 F +/- 2 35% +/- 3

Building An Archives Main Page

The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration
8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD 20740-6001
Telephone: 1-86-NARA-NARA or 1-866-272-6272