Scientific Areas of Integrated Review Groups (IRGs)

For a listing of the Scientific Review Officer and membership roster for each study section, click on the study section roster under the study section name within an IRG listed below or go to the study section index (study sections listed alphabetically) and click on the specified roster next to the name of the study section.

Bioengineering Sciences and Technologies IRG [BST]
Last updated on 24th of November, 2008

Printer Friendly (Complete IRG)

The Bioengineering Sciences and Technologies [BST] IRG reviews grant applications that focus on fundamental aspects of bioengineering and technology development in the following areas: gene and drug delivery systems, imaging principles for molecules and cells, modeling of biological systems, bioinformatics and computer science, statistics and data management, instrumentation, chips and microarrays, biosensors, and biomaterials. Biological context is important in bioengineering, and a central premise in organization of this IRG is the need for effective review of bioengineering and technology development in early stages before specific practical uses are proven.


Research grants (R01, R21, R15, etc.), Program Project and Center Grants (P01, P41 etc.), and Cooperative Agreements (U01, U54 etc.) are reviewed in the BST IRG.


The following study sections are included within the BST IRG:

* pending final implementation

As the Center for Scientific Review transitions through the electronic receipt of applications (
) and the pilot program to shorten the review cycle ( and, some Small Business and Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) grant applications will be reviewed in the study sections listed above and some SBIR/STTR grant applications are reviewed in special emphasis panels (see the descriptions of individual study sections below).