NOAA / Space Weather Prediction Center

Costello Geomagnetic Activity Index

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Latest 24 hour graph

Figure Description:
This graphic shows the latest output over the past 24 hours in two panels. The top panel plots the magnitude of the predicted index in Kp units and the 3-hour interval over which the prediction is valid (solid bar for the latest and dotted for older predictions). Error bars are plotted on the most recent prediction to show the 50% confidence interval. The most recent observed estimates of the Kp index, as determined by the US Air Force, are overplotted in blue. The predictions are color coded according to the amount of solar wind data that was available for each model run, ranging from green (most data) to yellow (little data). The bottom panel plots the lead time of the prediction, which is the propagation time from L1 to the Earth. Note that the lead time points are plotted at the model run time whereas the corresponding prediction points in the top panel are plotted at the model valid time (run time + propagation time), which is usually 30-90 minutes into the future. Updating page with graph only.