Support the Foundation for the National Archives

The contributions of our supporters enable millions of visitors each year to discover the stories of generations of Americans through the programs and exhibitions of the National Archives Experience. These tales, told through the unique perspective of documents, records, and media, link our visitors to their heritage and enable them to explore the people and events that shaped our country.

Today, you have the opportunity to make an enduring investment in our great nation. A wall of honor in the National Archives building bears the names of those who choose to endow and perpetuate the history of one nation, with liberty, and justice, for all.

On any given day in the National Archives Experience, thanks to private contributions, visitors may:

  • Read an original letter written by President George Washington to the first Congress;
  • Listen to audio recordings of President Kennedy and his Cabinet making decisions during the Bay of Pigs;
  • Participate in a panel discussion led by the Archivist of the United States, former ambassadors, and historians about The Cold War;
  • Attend an American Conversation with speakers such as Senator Hillary Clinton, Lynne Cheney, Cokie Roberts, or Ken Burns;
  • Attend family events and speak to Founding Father reenactors, witness the recreation of Ben Franklin’s famous kite experiment, and view of one former President George H. W. Bush’s favorite films, The Karate Kid .

Learning about our past teaches us how to craft our country’s future, and your support is vital to our success. From membership to sponsorship, there are many ways for you to get involved.

Honor Roll of Supporters

The Foundation for the National Archives thanks the many prominent individuals and organizations nationwide who are expressing their patriotism and their belief in American democracy and ideals by becoming major contributors to the National Archives Experience.

With your support we can continue our work in promoting greater knowledge and understanding of America's rich past and the documents that helped guide it. We wish to cordially invite you to become a part of the National Archives Experience and help continue the tradition of bringing important American documents alive to millions of visitors nationwide. Join us and share the message that the National Archives is the keeper and protector of the foundations of this nation's democracy.

Donors to the National Archives Experience

Our continuing appreciation goes to those donors whose generosity has helped support the creation of the National Archives Experience, including the re-encasement of the Charters of Freedom, the restoration of the murals and in the Rotunda, and the development of the exciting new exhibition and program spaces in Washington, DC. Your support has made this important civic education initiative possible, and the Foundation thanks you for your shared belief in the power of original records.

Charter Level ($1,000,000 +)
The Boeing Company
Diebold, Inc.
Willard Hackerman
The William G. McGowan Charitable Fund, Inc.
New York Life Foundation
The Lawrence F. O’Brien Family
Alan M. Voorhees

Executive Level ($100,000 - 999,999)
The Allbritton Foundation
Band, Incorporated
Chevy Chase Bank, FSB
Dell, Inc.
Denglas Technologies, LLC
Discovery Communications, Inc.
Jerry and Nanette Finger Foundation
The William Randolph Hearst Foundation
John S. and James L. Knight Foundation
Ken and Pat Lore
National Park Service, Save America's Treasures
The Pew Charitable Trusts
Joel I. and Joan Picket
Steven and Tina Price
The John and Lisa Pritzker Family Foundation
Procter and Gamble Fund SP
Patti and Ronald Rosenfeld
Jeanette Cantrell Rudy
Deborah and Michael Salzberg
Madison "Al" and Lila Self
Albert and Shirley Small
Texas Instruments
Marvin Weissberg and Judith Morris
Tom and Carol Wheeler

Director Level ($10,000 - 99,999)
Allen & Company, Inc.
Appel Family Foundation
The Bay Foundation
Ms. Esther Brownstein
Ken and Julie Burns
Patrick and Donna Butler
William Cafritz
Cellular Telecommunications and Internet Association
Cora and John H. Davis Foundation, Inc.
DHR Foundation
Blair and Cheryl Effron
Eugene Eidenberg
Richard A. Eliasberg
Nancy Folger and Sidney Werkman
Miles Gilburne and Nina Zolt
William and Mary Love Harman
John and Marilynn Hill
The History Channel
Mary Lynn and Nicholas Kotz
Cappy McGarr
Mr. David W. Mesker
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Revzin
Spacesaver Storage Systems, Inc.
Tawani Foundation
Riley K. Temple
Titanium Industries
Ellie Trowbridge
Diane Wolf
John and Diana Zentay
Harold and Nancy Zirkin

Founder Level (Under $10,000)
Bess and Tyler Abell
Ms. Joan Alexander
Mary E. Bane
Mr. Bruce Banks
Col. (Ret.) Frederick T. Barrett
Mr. Joseph E. Beall
Edward H. Beck
Dr. Robert O. Belsheim
Mr. Michael R. Beschloss
Walter E. Beyer
Miguel and Jacklyn Bezos
Bialkin Family Foundation
Bingham McCutchen, LLP
Carmhiel Brown and Ken Evans
Theodore Brown, Jr.
Marjorie H. Brubeck
Mr. Sal J. Carbone
William Carey
John and Lynn Carlin
Milton K. Chamberlain
Mr. John S. Chapman
James W. Cicconi
Jeffrey Coen
Cohasset Associates, Inc.
Thora S.R. Colot
Mrs. Yvonne Crumpler
Joseph and Alice D'Angelo
Duane and Mary Davis
Paul Davis
Vincent and Genevieve Dole
Michael Dunagan
Paul Eisenbacher
ExxonMobil Foundation
Catherine Farmer
Rosemary Faulkner
Gerald F. Fitzgerald, Sr.
Todd Foakes
Eugene Ford
Susan Friedgen
John B. Fuqua
Leroy W. Gardner
Tom Generous
Lee and Janet Geronime
Alice C. Grady
Ms. Kerry L. Gray
Patricia Hargrove
Sharon Horkey
Dudley J. Hughes
Melinda Hungerman
Mr. Ken Jastrow
Jeff Korman
Bee Korvin
Lamar C. I. S. D.
Donna Levy
Doris A. Lewis
John Otho Marsh
Stefanie R. Mathew
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Meehan
Dr. and Mrs. Sanford A. Miller
National Society for the Children of the American Revolution
Nicholas Olson
Col. Roy W. Owen, USAF (Ret)
Diana Carlin Pierron
Pilkington Libby-Owens-Ford
Marvin and Melanie Pinkert
Katherine Pollhammer
Mr. and Mrs. John Provost
Timothy Quinn
Sharon Reinhard
Cokie Roberts
Frank C. Roberts
William Roberts
Bruce Rogers in Memory of Helen Rogers
Samuel Rosenfeld
Rachel Ryan
Sallie Mae
Ann Imlah Schneider
Beverly Selvage
Todd M. Smock
Solutia, Inc.
Jerry W. Stewart
Bernard Stiersdorfer
John L. Taylor
MSgt. Matthew and Mrs. Linda Thompson
Three Islands Press
Sandra F. Walters
Robert M. Warner
Carolyn D. Whipple
Karen Hughes White
Mrs. Nancy Williams

Gifts in honor of Tom & Carol Wheeler
Alltel Corporation
Aven Foundation
Cellular South
Centennial Communications
Cingular Wireless
Dobson Communications Corp.
Ericsson, Inc.
First Cellular of Southern Illinois
Lucent Technologies
Nextel Communications Inc.
Openwave Systems, Inc.
Rural Cellular Corporation
TSI Telecommunication Services, Inc.
US Cellular Corporation
Western Wireless Communications

This list reflects donations received as of February 4, 2008.