The Young Founders Society
The Young Founders Society (YFS) is a group of young professionals dedicated to increasing public awareness of the National Archives among individuals in their twenties to forties. The YFS supports the mission of the Foundation for the National Archives by supporting the cultural and historical mission of the National Archives.
Get Involved!
The YFS is driven by a volunteer committee of young professionals living in the Washington, D.C., area. The committee meets monthly to help promote the programs at the National Archives to the public, and to provide members with interesting opportunities to expand their own understanding of the collections of the National Archives through special programs and events scheduled throughout the year, including:
- Special lectures with notable figures such as Ken Burns
- Breakfast roundtable discussions with the Archivist of the United States and Archives leadership
- Private curator-led tours of the National Archives exhibitions
Young Founders Society Benefits
Young Founders enjoy the benefits of their chosen level of membership plus the supplemental privileges listed below.
- Invitations to special Young Founders Society (YFS) programs and events
- Opportunities to network with young professionals in Washington, D.C.
- E-mail updates on upcoming programs and events
Steering Committe
Young Founders
- David Don, Chair
- Caitlin Donahue
- Yaron Dori
- Amy Levine
- Gwendolyn Lohse
- Emily McMullin
- Probir Mehta
- Larysa Rosemann
- Brian D. Smith
- Jennifer Warren