Last Update: 06/11/2007 Printer Friendly Printer Friendly   Email This Page Email This Page  

Past scientific meetings, conferences & events related to the Center for Developmental Biology & Perinatal Medicine (CDBPM)


  • Early Detection and Screening for Neuromuscular Diseases (03/17/2009)
  • Safe and Effective Devices for Neonatal Intensive Care (02/13/2009)
  • 2008

  • 2nd Conference of the Middle East and North Africa Newborn Screening Initiative: Partnerships for Sustainable Newborn Screening Infrastructure and Research Opportunities (04/14/2008)
  • 2007

  • Antepartum Fetal Assessment: A Reevaluation (08/28/2007)
  • 2006

  • Strengthening Newborn Screening in the Middle East and North Africa (11/16/2006)
  • The Effects of Electronic Media on the Cognitive, Social, and Emotional Development of Children and Adolescents (11/16/2006)
  • 2005

  • NICHD Pregnancy and Perinatology Branch Workshop: Optimizing Care and Long-term Outcome of Near-term Pregnancy and Near-term Newborn Infant - Agenda (07/19/2005)
  • 2004

  • NICHD and American Academy of Pediatrics-- Workshop on Research in Neonatology (01/16/2004)
  • 2003

  • NICHD Pregnancy and Perinatology Branch--Fetal and Neonatal Growth and Development Meeting (12/16/2003)
  • NICHD Pregnancy and Perinatology Branch Conference--From Bench to Bedside: Preventing Bilirubin-Induced Brain Injury (BIBI) in the Newborn and Kernicterus in the 21st Century (07/22/2003)
  • NICHD Pregnancy and Perinatology Branch Workshop:  Role of Genomic Imprinting, Confined Placental Mosaicism, and Uniparental Disomy in Fetal Growth and Beyond (05/16/2003)
  • NICHD Pregnancy and Perinatology Branch Workshop--Investigation of Fetal Origins of Adult Health in Twin Cohorts (04/15/2003)
  • NICHD Pregnancy and Perinatology Branch Meeting--Long-Term Follow Up of Prenatal Drug Exposure: Challenges and Opportunities (03/24/2003)
  • 2002

  • NICHD Pregnancy and Perinatology Branch Strategic Planning Workshop (12/06/2002)
  • 2001

  • NIH ACC Scientific Conference:  Potential Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms in Autism and Related Disorders - Autism Brain Tissue Research Issues (09/07/2001)