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The search function for the CDC Public Health Law Bibliography is currently being redesigned. If you need assistance in locating a citation, please contact Kevin Cartwright or explore one of the resources below.

We apologize for the inconvenience.

Bibliography of Selected Publications in Public Health Law
This resource was developed by Public Health Law Program staff. Citations are categorized by topic.

Public Health Law Bibliography Created by our colleagues at the University of Alberta’s Health Law Institute, this resource categorizes citations by topic. Many of these references are taken from the textbook Public Health Law and Policy in Canada (Butterworths, 2005). http://www.law.ualberta.ca/centres/hli/docs/Biblio-2007.pdf

Obesity Prevention and Control Legal Bibliography This bibliography was developed by Public Health Law Program staff, and is intended to be a credible source of information about the influence law can have on the public health issue of obesity prevention and control. http://www2a.cdc.gov/phlp/docs/ObesityBibliography%20Documentation.pdf

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