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The NCBI Handbook Part 1. The Databases

Created: October 09, 2002

Updated: January 27, 2009

5. The Single Nucleotide Polymorphism Database (dbSNP) of Nucleotide Sequence Variation
by Adrienne Kitts and Stephen Sherry


Sequence variations exist at defined positions within genomes and are responsible for individual phenotypic characteristics, including a person's propensity toward complex disorders such as heart disease and cancer. As tools for understanding human variation and molecular genetics, sequence variations can be used for gene mapping, definition of population structure, and performance of functional studies.

The Single Nucleotide Polymorphism database (dbSNP) is a public-domain archive for a broad collection of simple genetic polymorphisms. This collection of polymorphisms includes single-base nucleotide substitutions (also known as single nucleotide polymorphisms or SNPs), small-scale multi-base deletions or insertions (also called deletion insertion polymorphisms or DIPs), and retroposable element insertions and microsatellite repeat variations (also called short tandem repeats or STRs). Please note that in this chapter, you can substitute any class of variation for the term SNP. Each dbSNP entry includes the sequence context of the polymorphism (i.e., the surrounding sequence), the occurrence frequency of the polymorphism (by population or individual), and the experimental method(s), protocols, and conditions used to assay the variation.

dbSNP accepts submissions for variations in any species and from any part of a genome. This document will provide you with options for finding SNPs in dbSNP, discuss dbSNP content and organization, and furnish instructions to help you create your own (local) copy of link

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