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  2001 Sanctuary Calendar  





Look for the blows of gray whales migrating south through the Gulf of the Farallones Sanctuary and the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary in December and January. Pregnant females come first, swimming along the coastline and are visible from shore as they head for the warm waters of the Gulf of Mexico for calving and mating.

The female Northern Elephant Seal population peaks around January 24 at their breeding colonies (Año Nuevo State Reserve and Piedras Blancas beach) in the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary; the number of newly-born pups peaks shortly after.

  • 10th - Friends of Moss Landing Marine Laboratories Seminar: Hot time for Coral: Coral Bleaching and The Human Connection. Dr. Steve Webster, Senior Marine Biologist, Monterey Bay Aquarium, 7:00 p.m. Seminar Room at Moss Landing Marine Laboratory, Moss Landing. All community seminars are free and open to the public. (831) 633-MLML
  • 12th - Meeting of the Research Activity Panel - 9 am to 12:00 pm - Conference Room at the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary office (299 Foam Street, Monterey). For more information call (831) 647-4213.
  • 16th - Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary Conservation Working Group Meeting. 9:30 to 12:30 am. Meeting at the Moss Landing Harbor District Meeting Room.
  • 18th - Sanctuary Education Panel Meeting - planning session. 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm at the MBNMS Conference Room (299 Foam Street, Monterey)
  • 18th - Beach COMBERS Volunteer appreciation meeting 6:00 - 9:00 pm. Moss Landing Marine Labs. Seminar room.
  • 20th - Splash Zone Workshop at Monterey Bay Aquarium; 8:30 am - 4:30 pm; Teachers in grades Pre-K - 2; Cost $35; For more information call (831) 648-4846
  • 25th - Business and Tourism Activity Panel Meeting. 9:30 am - 11:30 pm. Location: Monterey Bay NMS Conference Room. 299 Foam Street, Monterey, CA.
  • 25th - American Cetacean Society - Monterey Bay Chapter Lecture: Migration Timing and Mortality in Gray Whales: have there been changes in recent years Kim Shelden, National Marine Mammal Laboratory, 7:30 pm, Hopkins Marine Station, Lecture Hall (Boatworks Building).
  • 27th - Sanctuary Student Summit Cruise, students will learn water quality monitoring methods on the bay and will record Gray Whale sightings.


Peak Elephant Seal pupping season in the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary.

Gray whales continue journey from Alaska down to Baja Mexico, migrating through the Monterey Bay Sanctuary.

  • 2nd - Monterey Bay NMS Sanctuary Advisory Council Meeting. 9:00 am - 4:00 pm at the Best Western Beach Resort in Monterey.
  • 2nd - California Regional Water Quality Control Board Meeting. Regional Board Conference Room. 81 Higuera Street, Room 200, San Luis Obispo, CA
  • 9th - Meeting of the Research Activity Panel - 9 am to 12 pm- National Marine Fisheries Service, Santa Cruz. For more information call (831) 647-4213.
  • 10th - Monterey Harbor Underwater Cleanup - divers collect debris and trash from the Monterey Harbor area. In the last underwater harbor cleanup, over 120 divers netted over 5,000 pounds of items and received about $3,000 in prizes donated from local dive shops and businesses. Registration starts at 8:30 am at the base of the Commercial Wharf II.
  • 10th - National Ocean Science Bowl at University of California, Santa Cruz; For more information call (831) 646-1189.
  • 17th - American Association for the Advance of Science: Presentations at the Annual Meeting in San Francisco: The Scientific Theory of Marine Reserves (9 am to 12 pm) and The Melding the Science and Policy of Marine Reserves (2:45 pm to 4:15 pm). Hilton San Francisco and Towers Hotel, 333 O'Farrell Street. Attendance of the session will require a one day registration to the AAAS Annual Meeting. The cost for a "One-day Passport" registration is $130 for AAAS members or $155 for non members. For more info.
  • 24th - New Teacher Workshop at Monterey Bay Aquarium; 8:30 am - 4:30 pm; Teachers in grades K-12; Cost $25; For more information call (831) 648-4846.
  • 28th - Monterey Public Forum on Protecting Beach Water Quality in Monterey Bay. Public forum to learn about bacterial contamination of local beaches, what's being done by a variety of groups and agencies to better monitor and address the issue, and how individuals can be part of the solution. Monterey Bay Aquarium, 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm.


Harbor seal pupping season. Gray Whale migration begins northward from Mexico to Alaska. Cow-calf pairs can seen nearshore throughout March.

By mid-march most of the adult Northern Elephant Seals have returned to sea to feed, leaving the pups behind on beaches at Año Nuevo State Reserve and Piedras Blancas to fend for themselves.

  • 1st - Santa Cruz Public Forum on Protecting Beach Water Quality in Monterey Bay. Public forum to learn about bacterial contamination of local beaches, what's being done by a variety of groups and agencies to better monitor and address the issue, and how individuals can be part of the solution. Long Marine Lab, Seymour Center, 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm.
  • 7th - Marine Conservation Public Forum Series entitled "Saving our Seas: New Approaches for a New Millenium." The first series will be "The Value of Ocean Wilderness"
    • Dr. Roger Payne: Impassioned plea for the Oceans
    • Dr. Jane Lubchenco: Our Oceans, Ourselves.
    • Dr. Michael Orbach: Human Dimension of Ocean and Coastal Issues.

    Public Programs presented by the Monterey Bay Aquarium, Friends of Moss Landing Marine Labs, UC Sea Grant, and the Monterey Bay Sanctuary Foundation. 7:00 - 9:00 pm in the auditorium of the Monterey Bay Aquarium. Admission: Members of Friends or the Aquarium $8/forum ($20 for three forum series), General public $10/session ($25 for series).

  • 10th - Sardine Fiesta at the Maritime Museum of Monterey.
  • 15th - Sanctuary Education Panel Meeting, 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm.
  • 16th - Sanctuary Currents Symposium, "Fishing for our Future" at the Monterey Hyatt Hotel. The Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary and the National Marine Fisheries Service jointly present the current status of salmonid populations in the Sanctuary, the complex suite of causes underlying the decline, and various local activities underway to restore populations.
  • 17th - Sanctuary Currents Symposium, "Fishing for our Future" at the Monterey Hyatt Hotel. The Association of Monterey Bay Area Governments and the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary invites the public to hear from fisheries experts &endash; scientists, managers, conservationists and fishing representatives as they discuss marine fisheries conservation and management issues in the Sanctuary. A Student Summit meeting will conveign during lunch break. Student posters will also be displayed.
  • 23rd - California Regional Water Quality Control Board Meeting. Salinas City Council Chamber Rotunda. 200 Lincoln Ave., Salinas, CA.
  • 24th - Deep Sea Workshop at Monterey Bay Aquarium; 8:30 am - 4:30 pm; Teachers in grades 6-8, 9-12; Cost $35; For more information call (831) 648-4846


By late April most of the weaned Northern Elephant Seal pups have gone to sea to begin feeding. These pups are a favorite prey item for Great White Sharks.

  • 4th - Public Lecture and discussion on the "Great Gulf", a book about fisheries management in New England. Lecture in cooperation with COMPASS. Place to be determined.
  • 6th - Monterey Bay NMS Sanctuary Advisory Council Meeting. 9:00 am - 4:00 pm. Location TBD.
  • 13th - Meeting of the Research Activity Panel - 9 am to 12 pm- Monterey Bay Aquarium, Monterey. For more information call (831) 647-4213.
  • 18th - Marine Conservation Public Forum Series entitled "Saving our Seas: New Approaches for a New Millenium." The second series will be "Back to the Future: True Tales of Past Abundance"
    • Dr. Milton Love: How Rockfish populations have declined
    • Dr. Jim Estes: Changing Ecosystems &endash; the Alaska Story
    • Dr. Jim Lichatowich: the Salmon Crisis

    Public Programs presented by the Monterey Bay Aquarium, Friends of Moss Landing Marine Labs, UC Sea Grant, and the Monterey Bay Sanctuary Foundation. 7:00 - 9:00 pm in the auditorium of the Monterey Bay Aquarium. Admission: Members of Friends or the Aquarium $8/forum ($20 for three forum series), General public $10/session ($25 for series).

  • 22nd - Earth Day Activities - Snap Shot day, volunteers trained in water quality monitoring techniques will sample the sanctuary waters at multiple points along the 300 mile coastline of the MNBNS. Student Summit participants will attend this event.
  • 25th - Business and Tourism Activity Panel Meeting. 9:30 am - 11:30 pm. Location TBD.
  • 26th - Sanctuary Student Summit will be held in Monterey, students will present the results of their projects to teachers, students and local researchers. This year's theme is environmental monitoring in the Sanctuary and its watersheds. For more information call (831) 420-1630
  • 28th - New Teacher Workshop at Monterey Bay Aquarium; 8:30am - 4:30pm; Teachers in grades pre- K - 2; Cost $25; For more information call (831) 648-4846
  • 28th - ROV Contest at the Monterey Sports Center, 301 E. Franklin Street, Monterey CA, 6-10 p.m. For more information call1-831-644-7504


  • 2nd - Marine Conservation Public Forum Series entitled "Saving our Seas New Appraches for a New Millenium."
    • Dr.Rosamond Naylor: Farming up the Food Web
    • Dr. Callum Robers: New Approaches to Marine Reserves
    • Dr. Daniel Pauly: Our Future in Our Hands

    Public Programs presented by the Monterey Bay Aquarium, Friends of Moss Landing Marine Labs, UC Sea Grant, and the Monterey Bay Sanctuary Foundation. 7:00 - 9:00 pm in the auditorium of the Monterey Bay Aquarium. Admission: Members of Friends or the Aquarium $8/forum ($20 for three forum series), General public $10/session ($25 for series).

  • 11th Meeting of the Research Activity Panel - 9 am to 12 pm- CA Department of Fish & Game. For more information call (831) 647-4213.
  • 18th California Regional Water Quality Control Board Meeting. Regional Board Conference Room. 81 Higuera Street, Room 200, San Luis Obispo, CA
  • 19th - Surfrider of Santa Cruz holds their annual Storm Drain Stencilling Kick Off at Pleasure Point Park in Santa Cruz, beginning at 10 am. Volunteers are invited to help paint storm drains around the city with the message, "No Dumping Flows to Bay." Meet at 10 am at the Park, 32nd Ave. and East Cliff Drive, Santa Cruz.
  • 30th - Public Forum on Upcoming Ocean Initiatives in California and How YOU Can Get Involved in Marine Sanctuary and Ocean Protection. 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm, Santa Cruz Museum of Art & History, 705 Front St., Santa Cruz; for more information call CMC at (831) 425-1363 or SOS at (831) 462-5660.


  • 1st - Monterey Bay NMS Sanctuary Advisory Council Meeting. 9:00 am - 4:00 pm, location TBD
  • 1st & 2nd week - Monterey Bay Regional Partnership Summer Institute. For more information call the MATE Center at (831) 646-3082 or visit
  • 19th - Sanctuary Conservation Working Group meeting. 9:30 am-12:30 pm, Moss Landing Harbor District office.


Humpback whales and blue whales can be sighted feeding on large schools of fish and krill in the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary through October.

  • 8-15th - Teacher Institute at Monterey Bay Aquarium
  • 10th - California Department of Fish and Game's Marine Life Protection Act Siting Work shop on network of marine protected ares, North Central Region. 7:00-10:00 PM, Half Moon Bay High School, Lewis Foster Drive. Call (831) 649-2883 for information.
  • 13th - Meeting of the Research Activity Panel - 9 am to 12 pm - Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute, Moss Landing. For more information call (831) 647-4213.
  • 13th - California Regional Water Quality Control Board Meeting. Regional Board Conference Room. 81 Higuera Street, Room 200, San Luis Obispo, CA
  • 16th - California Department of Fish and Game's Marine Life Protection Act Siting Work shop on network of marine protected ares, South Central Region. 7:00-10:00 PM, Seaside Oldemeyer Center, 986 Hilby Ave.. Call (831) 649-2883 for information.
  • 17th - Sanctuary Conservation Working Group meeting. 9:30 am-12:30 pm, Moss Landing Harbor District office.
  • July 22 - Aug. 4th - 3rd Annual Summer Institute for Professional Development at the MATE Center
  • 25th - Business and Tourism Activity Panel Meeting. 9:30 am &endash; 11:30 pm. Location MBNMS Conference Room.
  • 1-31st - Great American Fish Count. After participating in a fish count training seminar, divers will survey the Sanctuary's waters for fish diversity and abundance. Please call (831) 647-4253 for more information.


Jellies of all kinds are abundant in California coastal waters as the oceanic season begins and upwelling winds start to relax. Through early November in the Gulf of the Farallones, Cordell Bank, and Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuaries.

  • 3rd - Monterey Bay NMS Sanctuary Advisory Council Meeting. 9:00 am - 4:00 pm. Location in Cambria
  • 10th - Meeting of the Research Activity Panel - 9 am to 12 pm - Sea Grant Program, Moss Landing. For more information call (831) 647-4213.
  • 16th - Meeting of the Sanctuary Education Panel - 3:30 - 5:30 pm at the MBNMS conference room in Monterey, 299 Foam Street, (831) 647-4201.
  • 25th - Clean Water Day Celebration-The annual event celebrating passage of the Clean Water Act includes food, music and information booths. It begins with a paddle out at 11:00 am, so bring your surf board, inner-tube, or what ever. 11:00 am to 3:00 pm on Saturday at Cowell's Beach, Santa Cruz. Please call (831) 426-9012 for more information.
  • 28th - Sanctuary Conservation Working Group meeting, 9:30 am-12:30 pm at Moss Landing Harbor District office. 


  • 12th - Sanctuary Business and Tourism Activity Panel Meeting. 9:30 am - 11:30 pm in the Santa Cruz Harbor Conference Room.
  • 14th - Meeting of the Research Activity Panel and Annual BBQ- 9 am to 12 pm- Hopkins Marine Station, Pacific Grove. For more information call (831) 647-4213.
  • 14th - California Regional Water Quality Control Board Meeting. Seaside City Council Chambers. 440 Harcourt Ave. Seaside, CA.
  • 18th - Sanctuary Conservation Working Group meeting. 9:30 am-12:30 pm, Moss Landing Harbor District office.
  • 20th - Meeting of the Sanctuary Education Panel - 3:30 - 7:00 pm at Elkhorn Slough National Estuarine Research Reserve, 1700 Elkhorn Road, Watsonville, (831) 728-2822 (Potluck)


  • 5th - Monterey Bay NMS Sanctuary Advisory Council Meeting. 9:00 am - 4:00 pm. Location in Santa Cruz TBD.
  • 16th - Sanctuary Conservation Working Group meeting. 9:30 am-12:30 pm, Moss Landing Harbor District office.
  • 24th - Sanctuary Business and Tourism Activity Panel Meeting. 9:30 am - 11:30 pm. Location TBD.
  • 26th - California Regional Water Quality Control Board Meeting. Regional Board Conference Room. 81 Higuera Street, Room 200, San Luis Obispo, CA


  • 9th - Meeting of the Research Activity Panel - 9 am to 12 pm - Moss Landing Marine Labs, Moss Landing. For more information call (831) 647-4213.
  • 20th - Sanctuary Conservation Working Group meeting. 9:30 am-12:30 pm, Moss Landing Harbor District office.


Look for the blows of gray whales migrating south through the Gulf of the Farallones Sanctuary and the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary in December and January. Pregnant females come first, swimming along the coastline and are visible from shore as they head for the warm waters of the Gulf of Mexico for calving and mating.

Northern elephant seals arrive at their breeding colonies (Año Nuevo State Reserve and Piedras Blancas beach) in the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary. Two-ton adult bulls arrive first and fight among themselves for dominant positions; as pregnant females come on shore, they join harems of the highest-ranking bulls. The female population peaks around January 24; the number of pups peaks shortly after. By mid-march most of the adult females and males have returned to sea, leaving the pups behind to fend for themselves. By late April most of the weaned pups have gone to sea to begin feeding.

Winter water fowl migrate through, 100,000's of ducks and geese rest and feed in the lagoons and estuaries in the Gulf of the Farallones Sanctuary and northern portion of the Monterey Bay Sanctuary.

  • 7th - Monterey Bay NMS Sanctuary Advisory Council Meeting. 9:00 am - 4:00 pm. Location in Half Moon Bay, TBD.
  • 7th - California Regional Water Quality Control Board Meeting. Regional Board Conference Room. 81 Higuera Street, Room 200, San Luis Obispo, CA


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