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portrait American Indian Microfilm List of American Indian Records on Microfilm at the National Archives - Southwest Region (Fort Worth, TX)

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Microfilm Publications
Issued in 2005

Updated May 25, 2007


This page lists new NARA microfilm publications issued in 2005. A descriptive pamphlet (DP) is (or will soon be) available as a PDF file in our microfilm catalog online

To determine which NARA facilities have these publications, check the Microfilm Catalog . Each publication description indicates all NARA units that have copies of a microfilm publication in part or in full.

Microfilm publications are available for sale. Cost is $85 per roll to U.S. addresses ($95 to foreign addresses). See How to Order Microfilm for ordering procedure.

New NARA Microfilm Publications

These are listed by Record Group (RG) then by microfilm publication number.

Record Group 21, Records of U.S. District Courts

  • M1917. Index Cards to Naturalization Petitions for the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan, Southern Division, Detroit, 1907-1995. 280 rolls.

  • M1972. Petitions for Naturalization from the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York, 1907-1942. 1,457 rolls. 35mm.

Record Group 27, Records of the Weather Bureau

  • M1920. Marine Meteorological Journals, 1879-1893. 383 rolls.

  • M1958. Climatological Observations Made outside the United States, 1821-1892. 8 rolls.

Record Group 28, Records of the Post Office Department

  • M1918. Stamp Bill Book of the Post Office Department, September 30, 1870-July 10, 1897. 2 rolls. 35mm.

Record Group 29, Records of the Bureau of the Census

Record Group 45, Naval Records Collection of the Office of Naval Records and Library [ONRL]

  • M1976. Lists of Officers of Vessels of the United States Navy, August 1860-December 1877. 34 rolls.

Record Group 58, Records of the Internal Revenue Service

  • M1775. Internal Revenue Service Tax Assessment Lists for Colorado and Wyoming, 1873-1918. 8 rolls. 35mm. "Colorado" volumes include Wyoming. The roll list has been simplified for presentation on this web page. Years are tax years.
    • Roll 1: Colorado: Regular Revenue and Tax on Banks and Bankers, Vols. 1-5, 1883-1886, and Regular Revenue, Vol. 6 (part), 1888
    • Roll 2: Colorado: Regular Revenue, Vols. 6-14, 1888-1898, and Corporation, Vols. 15-17 (part), Tax years 1909-10.
    • Roll 3: Colorado: Corporation, Vols. 17 (part)-20, 1909-1912, and Regular Revenue, Vol. 21, Tax years 1911-1914.
    • Roll 4: Colorado: Corporation, Vols. 22-23, 1909-1914; Regular Revenue and Bankers' Special Tax, Vol. 24, 1913-15; Individual Income, Vol. 25-26, 1913-15; Corporation, Vol. 27 (part), 1909-1915.
    • Roll 5: Colorado: Corporation, Vol. 27 (part), 1909-1915; Regular Revenue and Bankers Speical Tax, Vol. 28, 1913-1916; Corporation, Vol. 29, 1909-1916; Individual Income and Corporation, Vol. 30 (part), 1913-1915.
    • Roll 6: Colorado: Individual Income and Corporation, Vol. 30, 1913-1915, Regular Revenue, Bankers' Special Tax, Estate, and Corporation, Vols. 31-33, 1915-1918; Individual Income, Vol. 33 (part), 1913-1916.
    • Roll 7: Colorado: Vol. 33 (part), Individual Income, 1913-16; Corporation, Vol. 34, 1909-1917.
    • Roll 8: Wyoming: Vols. 1-7, Regular Revenue and Tax on Banks and Bankers, 1874-1883.

  • M1776. Internal Revenue Service Tax Assessment Lists for New Mexico and Arizona, 1883-1917. 5 rolls.

Record Group 85, Records of the Immigration and Naturalization Service

  • A3379. Nonstatistical Manifests Statistical Index Cards of Aliens Arriving at Laredo, Texas, May 1903-November 1929. 112 rolls. 16mm. The roll list has been simplified for presentation on this web page. Additional details will be found on the roll list reproduced on the microfilm. Some rolls begin with "retakes" sections (images refilmed to ensure legibility).
    • Roll 1: Aakl, Gobran - Aguilar, Zeobio
    • Roll 2: Aguilera, Abdon - Alcazas, Wensulao
    • Roll 3: Alcorta/Alcorte/Alcorto (etc.), A. - Amundsen, Bjarne
    • Roll 4: Aña, Luz - Arroyo, Justo
    • Roll 5: Arroyo, Leandra/Leandro - Barajas/Barrajas, Soledad
    • Roll 6: Barajas/Barrajas, Tibucia - Berlanga/Berlango, Viviano
    • Roll 7: Berman, Amelia - Burns, Winifred
    • Roll 8: Buroato, Severa - Calderon, Zenon
    • Roll 9: Caldillo, Amado - Cancino, Pilar
    • Roll 10: Retakes: Caranza/Carranza, A. - Caranza/Carranza, G., followed by Main series: Cansino, Ramona - Cardenas, Donato
    • Roll 11: Cardenas, Edmundo - Casares/Cassares/Casarez/Cassarez, Noverto
    • Roll 12: Casares/Cassares/Casarez/Cassarez, Odilon - Castillo, José
    • Roll 13: Castillo, Juan - Cedillo, Hipolito
    • Roll 14: Cedillo, Inez - Charles, Zaragoso
    • Roll 15: Charola, Baldomero - Cobarubio/Cobarrubio (etc.), Hilario
    • Roll 16: Cobarubio/Cobarrubio (etc.), Ignacio - Corona, Zenon
    • Roll 17: Coronado, Abel - Cruz, Juan
    • Roll 18: Cruz, Juana - Davis, William
    • Roll 19: Dawe, Charles - Diaz/Dias, Otilo
    • Roll 20: Diaz/Dias, Pablina - Duran, Norberta
    • Roll 21: Duran, Octaviano - Escamilla/Escamillo, Bruna
    • Roll 22: Escamilla/Escamillo, C. - Espinoza/Espinosa, Trinidad
    • Roll 23: Espinoza/Espinosa, Urbana - Fernandez, Carolina/Carlota

      Note: Surnames beginning with Farr are often interfiled with Far; surnames beginning with Ferr are often interfiled with Fer.

    • Roll 24: Ferino/Ferrino, Eduardo - Flores, Doroteo
    • Roll 25: Flores, Eduarda/Eduardo - Flores, Sara/Sarah
    • Roll 26: Flores, Saturnina - Fyson, George
    • Roll 27: Gaba, Pedro - Gamez, Vicente
    • Roll 28: Gamez, Victoriana - Garcia, Ernest/Ernesto (males)
    • Roll 29: Garcia, Ernestina/Ernestino (females) - Garcia, Juanita
    • Roll 30: Garcia, Julia - Garcia, Rodolfo
    • Roll 31: Garcia, Rodrigo - Garza, Clotilda
    • Roll 32: Garza, Concepcion - Garza, Julieta
    • Roll 33: Garza, Justina - Gaytan/Gayetan/Gayetano/Gaitan, Dominga
    • Roll 34: Gaytan/Gayetan/Gayetano/Gaitan, Eduardo - Gomez, Jorge
    • Roll 35: Gomez, Jose - Gonzales/Gonzalez, Atanacio
    • Roll 36: Gonzales/Gonzalez, Atilana - Gonzales/Gonzalez, Genaro
    • Roll 37: Gonzales/Gonzalez, Generoso - Gonzales/Gonzalez, Longina/Longino/Longinos (etc.)
    • Roll 38: Gonzales/Gonzalez, Lorenza/Lorenzo - Gonzales/Gonzalez, Refugia/Refugio
    • Roll 39: Gonzales/Gonzalez, Regina - Guajardo, Gustavo
    • Roll 40: Guajardo, Heberto - Guerrero, Procopio
    • Roll 41: Guerrero, Quintin - Gutierrez, Luz
    • Roll 42: Gutierrez, Macario - Hanui, Elias
    • Roll 43: Hapner, Ma [Maria] - Hernandez, Fortunato
    • Roll 44: Hernandez, Francisco - Hernandez, Pedron
    • Roll 45: Hernandez, Perfecto - Hinojosa, Consuelo
    • Roll 46: Hinojosa, Coame - Ibarra, Ruperto
    • Roll 47: Ibarra, Sabas - Jimenez, Francisco
    • Roll 48: Jimenez, Gabino - Kistle, James
    • Roll 49: Kitay, Theodore - Lauzier, Alexander
    • Roll 50: Lava, Emilio - Leon, Manuela
    • Roll 51: Leon, Marcelina/Marcelino - Longoria, Guillermo
    • Roll 52: Longoria, Herculana - Lopez, Jorge
    • Roll 53: Lopez, Jose - Lopez, Zenon
    • Roll 54: Lor, Preciliano - Luevano/Luevanos/Luebano, Atilano
    • Roll 55: Luevano/Luevanos/Luebano, Carlota - Macias, Ruben
    • Roll 56: Macias, Sacramenta - Manrique/Manriques/Manriquez, Oton
    • Roll 57: Manrique/Manriques/Manriquez, Pablo - Martinez, Anacleto/Anecleto
    • Roll 58: Martinez, Anastacia - Martinez, Fernando
    • Roll 59: Martinez, Fidel - Martinez, Leonzo
    • Roll 60: Martinez, Leopoldo - Martinez, Sabino
    • Roll 61: Martinez, Sacramento - Medina, Ezequiel/Ezequil/Eziquel
    • Roll 62: Medina, Faustino - Mendez, Francisco
    • Roll 63: Mendez, Gabina - Merson, Enrique
    • Roll 64: Merten, Fred - Mondragon, Luisa
    • Roll 65: Mondragon, Magdalena - Mora, Prisiliano
    • Roll 66: Mora, Quirino - Moreno, Apolonio
    • Roll 67: Moreno, Armandina/Armando - Munguia, Ezequiel
    • Roll 68: Munguia, Fidel - Narro, Lydia
    • Roll 69: Narro, Mae - Nicoux, Eugenio
    • Roll 70: Niebisch, Elsa - Ojeda, Zenon
    • Roll 71: Ojendes, Virginia - Ortega, Cutberto
    • Roll 72: Ortega, Daniel - Ozuna, Guadalupe
    • Roll 73: Ozuna, Herculana - Pardo, Nievas
    • Roll 74: Pardo, Otilo - Peña, Margarita
    • Roll 75: Peña, Maria - Perez, Ismael
    • Roll 76: Perez, Jacinta/Jacinto - Pimentel, Dorotea
    • Roll 77: Pimentel, Elena - Puente/Puentes, Olallo
    • Roll 78: Puente/Puentes, Pablo - Ramirez, Catarino
    • Roll 79: Ramirez, Cayetana - Ramirez, Tomasita
    • Roll 80: Ramirez, Toribio/Torivia/Torivio - Rasmussen, Johnannes
    • Roll 81: Raso, Abraham - Reyes, Humberto
    • Roll 82: Reyes, Ignacia - Rios, Doroteo
    • Roll 83: Rios, Eduardo - Robledo, Luz
    • Roll 84: Robledo, Manuel - Rodriguez, Celso/Selso/Selzo
    • Roll 85: Rodriguez, Cenobia - Rodriguez, Jose (part)
    • Roll 86: Rodriguez, Jose (part) - Rodriguez, Putimio
    • Roll 87: Rodriguez, Quintina - Romero, Juventino
    • Roll 88: Romero, Ladislado - Ruelas, Francisco
    • Roll 89: Ruelas, Geronimo - Saenz, Dora
    • Roll 90: Saenz, Eduardo - Saldana, Avalino
    • Roll 91: Saldana, Beatrice - Samano, Vicente
    • Roll 92: Samantenger, John - Sanchez, Lucy
    • Roll 93: Sanchez, Luis - Santacruz, Narcisa
    • Roll 94: Santacruz, Petra - Saxton, Joseph
    • Roll 95: Say, Jovita - Serna, Josefina
    • Roll 96: Serna, Jovita - Sixtos, Seferina
    • Roll 97: Sizumbo, Agapito - Soto, Margarita
    • Roll 98: Soto, Maria - Tapia, Trinidad
    • Roll 99: Tapia, Urbano - Torres/Torre, Armando
    • Roll 100: Torres/Torre, Arnulfo - Torres/Torre, Zenon
    • Roll 101: Torrescano, Alberto - Treviño, Jorge
    • Roll 102: Treviño, Jose - Undellin, Vicente
    • Roll 103: Underwood, Austin - Valdez, Roberto
    • Roll 104: Valdez, Rodolfo - Vargas, Norberto
    • Roll 105: Vargas, Octaviano - Vega, Franco
    • Roll 106: Vega, Gabino - Vera, Braulio
    • Roll 107: Vera, Carlos - Villanueva, Maria
    • Roll 108: Villanueva, Mariana - Villarreal/Villareal, Lugarda
    • Roll 109: Villarreal/Villareal, Luis - Wallace, William
    • Roll 110: Wallach, H. - Zambrano, Norberto
    • Roll 111: Zambrano, O. E. - Zepeda, Sulema
    • Roll 112: Zepeda, Teodora - Zymorio, Nicolas

  • A3385. Lists of Passengers who Arrived at San Pedro/Los Angeles, California, 1920-1949, in Transit to their Final Destinations. 30 rolls. 35mm.
    • Roll 1: Mar. 9, 1920-Feb. n.d., 1925
    • Roll 2: Feb. n.d., 1925-ca. Aug. 1928. Note: Manifests for 1928 are disarranged.
    • Roll 3: ca. May 1928-Mar. 7, 1929
    • Roll 4: Mar. 7, 1929-Mar. 16, 1930
    • Roll 5: Mar. 17-Nov. 1, 1930
    • Roll 6: Nov. 1, 1930-July 31, 1931
    • Roll 7: Aug. 2, 1931-Mar. 23, 1932
    • Roll 8: Mar. 24-ca. Nov. 22, 1932
    • Roll 9: ca. Nov. 20, 1932-June 16, 1933
    • Roll 10: June 16, 1933-Mar. 7, 1934
    • Roll 11: Mar. 7-Aug. 1, 1934
    • Roll 12: Aug. 1, 1934-Mar. 2, 1935
    • Roll 13: Mar. 2-July 18, 1935
    • Roll 14: July 18, 1935-Jan. 15, 1936
    • Roll 15: Jan. 13-May 4, 1936
    • Roll 16: May 4-Sept. 29, 1936
    • Roll 17: Sept. 29, 1936-Jan. 30, 1937
    • Roll 18: Feb. 3-May 15, 1937
    • Roll 19: May 15-Aug. 27, 1937
    • Roll 20: Aug. 27, 1937-Feb. 17, 1938
    • Roll 21: Feb. 17-July 6, 1938
    • Roll 22: July 6, 1938-Jan. 14, 1939
    • Roll 23: Jan. 14, 1938-June 23, 1939
    • Roll 24: June 23-Nov. 12, 1939
    • Roll 25: Nov. 12, 1939-Apr. 30, 1940
    • Roll 26: May 4-Sept. 21, 1940
    • Roll 27: Sept. 21, 1940-Jan. 4, 1941
    • Roll 28: Jan. 8-May 4, 1941
    • Roll 29: May 4, 1941-Sept. 26, 1947
    • Roll 30: Sept. 26, 1947-Jan. 22, 1949

  • A3394. Passenger Lists of Vessels and Airplanes Arriving at Port Everglades, Florida, February 1932-May 1951. 4 rolls. 35mm.
    • Roll 1, Vessels--Aliens & Citizens: Feb. 15, 1932-Apr. 13, 1945.
    • Roll 2, Vessels--Aliens: May 12-24, 1945. Consists solely of Jamaican agricultural workers imported temporarily by the War Food Administration, Office of Labor, Atlanta, Georgia, aboard U.S.A.T. General George S. Simonds, on May 12, 18, and 24.
    • Roll 3, Vessels--Aliens: June 5-Dec. 10, 1945, and Vessels-Citizens: Jan. 29, 1940-Dec. 8, 1945.
    • Roll 4, Vessels--Aliens & Citizens: Jan. 4, 1946-Jan. 9, 1949 and Airplanes--Aliens & Citizens, both Passengers & Crew: Dec. 27, 1946-May 7, 1951.

  • A3397. Crew Lists of Vessels Arriving at Green Bay, Wisconsin, October 1925-November 1969. 5 rolls. 35 mm.
    • Roll 1: Oct. 4, 1925-May 19, 1941
    • Roll 2: May 25, 1941-Oct. 8, 1946
    • Roll 3: Oct. 14, 1946-Oct. 18, 1951
    • Roll 4: Oct. 23, 1951-Nov. 23, 1954
    • Roll 5: Feb. 15, 1955-Nov. 1, 1969

  • A3398. Crew Lists of Vessels Arriving at Aransas Pass and Port Aransas, Texas, 1912-1921 and 1959-1965. 2 rolls. 35mm.
    • Roll 1: Sept. 8, 1912-July 3, 1919
    • Roll 2: July 14, 1919-Dec. 21, 1921 and Jan. 31, 1959-Mar. 11, 1965

  • A3399. Crew Lists of Vessels Arriving at Milwaukee, Wisconsin, August 1922-December 1956, and Selected Airplane Passengers, 1956-1963. (8 rolls). 35mm (rolls 1-7) and 16mm (roll 8).
    • Roll 1: Aug. 11, 1922-Aug. 31, 1930
    • Roll 2: Sept. 3, 1930-Oct. 17, 1932
    • Roll 3: Oct. 18, 1932-Aug. 20, 1934
    • Roll 4: Aug. 22, 1934-Dec. 3, 1942 (overlaps with Roll 4)
    • Roll 5: Nov. 20, 1942-Nov. 22, 1951
    • Roll 6: Nov. 25, 1951-Nov. 30, 1954
    • Roll 7: Dec. 2, 1954-Dec. 17, 1956 (includes some passengers)
    • Roll 8: Jan. 21, 1958-Jan. 10, 1963 (air arrivals and departures)

  • A3400. Manifests of Alien Arrivals at International Falls, Baudette, Duluth, Mineral Center, Pigeon River, Pine Creek, Roseau, and Warroad, Minnesota, January 1907-December 1952. 2 rolls. 16mm.
    • Roll 1: Aabel-Flandeau and Plasum-Zymbal
    • Roll 2: Flanders-Plasson

  • A3401. Manifests of Alien Arrivals at Eastport, Fort Kent, Lubec, and Madawaska, Maine, ca. 1906-December 1952. 2 rolls. 16mm.
    • Roll 1: Eastport, Lubec, and Fort Kent.
    • Roll 2: Madawaska.

  • A3402. Manifests of Alien Arrivals at Newport, Vermont, ca. 1906-June 1924. 8 rolls. 16mm.
    • Roll 1: Aaron, Frank - Boucher, Armand.
    • Roll 2: Boucher, Armias - Cournoyer/Cournayer, Joseph (part).
    • Roll 3: Cournoyer/Cournayer, Joseph (part) - Fortin, Antoinette (part)
    • Roll 4: Fortin, Antoinette (part) - Hurd, Bernadette
    • Roll 5: Hurd, Dorilla - Maille, André
    • Roll 6: Maille, Cardelie - Pidgeon, Leo
    • Roll 7: Pidgeon, Lucienne - Theberge, Jeanette
    • Roll 8: Theberge, Joseph - Zwicher, Phoebe

  • A3404. Index to Passenger Arrivals in the U.S. Virgin Islands, ca. 1906-ca. 1947. 7 rolls. 16mm.

  • A3407. Index to Filipino Passengers Arriving at Honolulu, Hawaii, ca. 1900-ca. 1952. 19 rolls. 16mm.

  • A3409. Passenger and Crew Lists of Vessels Arriving at (1948-1972) and Departing from (1960-1968) Ogdensburg, New York. (2 rolls). 35mm (roll 1) and 16mm (roll 2).
    • Roll 1: Arrivals, May 27, 1948-Jan. 2, 1957
    • Roll 2: Arrivals, Oct. 6, 1959-Nov. 28, 1972, and Departures, July 30, 1960-Oct. 31, 1968
  • A3410. Index to Passengers, not Including Filipinos, Arriving at Honolulu, Hawaii, ca. 190-ca. 1952. 37 rolls.

  • A3411. Index to Filipino Contract Laborers and their Wives and Children Arriving at Honolulu, Hawaii, in 1946. 1 roll. 16mm.

  • A3413. Crew Lists of Vessels Arriving at Escanaba, Michigan, May 1946-November 1956. 1 roll. 35mm.

  • A3414. Passenger Lists of Chinese Arrivals at Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, January 1906-June 1912. 2 rolls. 35mm.
    • Roll 1: Jan. 7, 1907-Jan. 21, 1910
    • Roll 2: Jan. 3, 1906-Dec. 22, 1906 and Jan. 21-June 23, 1912
  • A3416. Manifests of Alien Arrivals at Portal, North Dakota, 1915-1921 (4 rolls). 16mm.
    • Roll 1: Aaby, Esmond-Baker, Ethel (retakes) and Armstrong, F.-Fike, Joseph (main section)
    • Roll 2: Fike, Lizzie-Krushenecki, Kasia
    • Roll 3: Krushenecki, Mary-Ross, Cathrin
    • Ross, Charles-Zurr, Ross
  • A3418. Crew Lists of Vessels Arriving at Algonac, Marine City, Marysville, and Roberts Landing, Michigan, May 1937-January 1957 (3 rolls). 35mm. The roll list has been simplified for presentation on this web page.
    • Roll 1: Algonac, Oct. 14, 1944-Nov. 30, 1954
    • Roll 2: Algonac, Dec. 1, 1954-Jan. 1, 1957
    • Roll 3: Marine City, Aug. 26, 1945-Jan. 1, 1957; Marysville, May 10, 1937-Sept. 23, 1955; Roberts Landing, Dec. 12, 1951-Jan. 1, 1957
  • A3420. Crew Lists of Vessels Arriving at Sodus Point, New York, 1945-1957 (15 rolls). 35mm (rolls 1-14) and 16mm (roll 15).
    • Roll 1: Apr. 2, 1945-July 4, 1946
    • Roll 2: July 5, 1946-May 11, 1947
    • Roll 3: May 13-Oct. 8, 1947
    • Roll 4: Oct. 9, 1947-Aug. 4, 1948
    • Roll 5: Aug. 5, 1948 - May 29, 1949
    • Roll 6: May 29, 1949 - May 23, 1950
    • Roll 7: May 24 - Oct. 9, 1950
    • Roll 8: Oct. 10, 1950 - Aug. 6, 1951
    • Roll 9: Aug. 6, 1951 - June 15, 1952
    • Roll 10: June 17, 1952 - June 29, 1953
    • Roll 11: June 30, 1953 - Nov. 29, 1954
    • Roll 12: Dec. 3, 1954 - Dec. 15, 1955
    • Roll 13: Apr. 6 - Sept. 30, 1956
    • Roll 14: Oct. 1 - Dec. 19, 1956
    • Roll 15: Mar. 25 - Aug. 11, 1957
  • A3421. Crew Lists of Vessels Arriving at DeTour, Michigan, 1946-1956. 1 roll. 35mm.

  • A3424. Crew Lists of Vessels Arriving at Robbinston, Maine, August 1947-June 1954. 3 rolls.

  • M1952. Index to Naturalization Petitions of World War I Soldiers, 1918. 4 rolls.

Record Group 92, Records of the Office of the Quartermaster General

  • M1999. Index to Quartermaster Claims, 1839-1894. 1 roll 35mm.

Record Group 105, Records of the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands

  • M1909. Records of the Field Offices for the State of North Carolina, Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, 1865-1872. 78 rolls.

  • M1910. Records of the Field Offices for the State of South Carolina, Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, 1865-1872. 106 rolls.

Record Group 217, Records of the Accounting Officers of the Department of the Treasury

  • M1762. Southern Claims Commission Approved Claims, 1871-1880: West Virginia. 3 rolls. 35mm.

Record Group 260, Records of the U.S. Occupation Headquarters, World War II

  • M1940. Records Concerning the Central Collecting Points ("Ardelia Hall Collection"): Miscellaneous Property Reports, 1945-1948. 6 rolls.

Record Group 287, Publications of the U.S. Government

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