Veterans and their Families

Location of Marine Corps Military Personnel and Health Records

Location of Marine Corps Personnel Records
Status of Service Member or Veteran Location of Personnel Record Location of Health Record
Discharged, deceased, or retired before 1/1/1905

The National Archives's Old Military and Civil Records Branch (NWCTB-Military)
Request Copies of Older Military Service Records

Discharged, deceased, or retired (Enlisted):
1906 - 9/8/1939
Archival Program Division at the National Personnel Records Center (MPR)

National Personnel Records Center (NPRC-MPR)
Request Copies of Service Records

Discharged, deceased, or retired (Officer):
1/1/1905 - 4/30/1994

National Personnel Records Center (NPRC-MPR)
Request Copies of Service Records

National Personnel Records Center (NPRC-MPR)
Request Copies of Service Records

Discharged, deceased, or retired (Enlisted):
9/9/1939 - 4/30/1994

National Personnel Records Center (NPRC-MPR)
Request Copies of Service Records

National Personnel Records Center (NPRC-MPR)
Request Copies of Service Records

Discharged, deceased, or retired between:  5/1/1994 - 12/31/1998

National Personnel Records Center (NPRC-MPR)
Request Copies of Service Records

Department of Veterans Affairs
Records Management Center
PO Box 5020
St Louis MO 63115-5020

Discharged, deceased, or retired on or after:  1/1/1999 Headquarters U.S. Marine Corps
Personnel Management Support Branch
2008 Elliot Road
Quantico, VA 22134-5030

Phone: 800-268-3710
Department of Veterans Affairs
Records Management Center
PO Box 5020
St Louis MO 63115-5020

Active, Selected Marine Corps Reserve, TDRL Headquarters U.S. Marine Corps
Personnel Management Support Branch
2008 Elliot Road
Quantico, VA 22134-5030

Phone: 800-268-3710
Individual Ready Reserve or Fleet Marine Corps Reserve

Marine Corps Mobilization Command
(Code MMI)
15303 Andrews Road
Kansas City, MO 64147-1207

Phone: 800-255-5082


The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration
8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD 20740-6001
Telephone: 1-86-NARA-NARA or 1-866-272-6272