Records Managers

Targeted Assistance

"Building Partnerships for Better Records Management"

You know your office better than anyone else does. Experts at the National Archives and Records Administration know records management. Together, in partnership, we can improve records management in your agency.

What is Targeted Assistance?

Targeted Assistance is a new approach to records management. It is a partnership between the National Archives and Records Administration and your agency. It is a customer driven, problem-solving approach to records management.

The program operates both at Washington, D.C. area headquarters and at our regional facilities.

Agency Provides: Agency staff time and expertise and coordination among agency local, regional, and national offices.

NARA Provides: Expert guidance and assistance, tailored training, expedited review of schedules, and more, at no cost.

How this Program Works: Each partnership develops a project with a well-defined purpose, tangible products, definite milestones, and a timeframe for completion.

Note: These partnerships are not staff details or contracts for records management services. Such services may be available on a reimbursable basis through NARA's Records Center Programs or other contractors.

What Help is Provided?

This depends on your needs.

We can provide:

  • Expedited review of critical schedules
  • Tailored records management training
  • Inventory form design
  • Review of draft schedules
  • Help in records disposition/transfer
  • Analysis electronic record keeping needs
  • And much, much more


Starting a Partnership

To start a partnership, send NARA a written request for assistance detailing the scope of the project.

We suggest you informally discuss the proposed project with your NARA liaison prior to submitting a proposal.

Examples of Partnerships

Need to schedule records?

NARA will:
  • Help you customize inventory forms
  • Help you jump start your inventory project
  • Review draft schedules
  • Expedite final schedule review and approval
Your agency will:
  • Prepare the inventory
  • Write draft schedules
  • Revise Schedules
  • Submit finalized schedules
  • Work with program offices and NARA to expedite records review and
    schedule approval

Need training?

NARA will:
  • Develop a customized training package
  • Provide expert instructors
Your agency will:
  • Advertise the course
  • Guarantee 20 participants per class
  • Copy course packets
  • Provide training room and equipment
  • Use training to produce Targeted Assistance project deliverables


NARA's Washington, D.C., Headquarters and Regional staff have completed numerous projects with Federal agencies that have already achieved results:

  • Expedited the scheduling and review of millions of pages of paper forms, saving the agency substantial storage costs
  • Partnered with an agency to schedule a large, complex electronic database, allowing the agency to delete voluminous temporary data files while preserving the permanent data
  • Trained an agency's regional and HQ records coordinators in inventorying and scheduling records, enabling the agency to comply with a court order


Do you need help? Would you like to consult an expert? Does your staff need training?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, we can help.

Contact any one of the following.

For regional offices, contact your local NARA regional Facility (see list at For general information, call 301-713-7200

For headquarters, contact your agency liaison. For general information, call or e-mail Susan Cummings, (301) 837-1636

Note: Generally, Targeted Assistance services are offered at no cost to agencies. If extensive travel or other non-personnel costs are involved, however, the National Archives and Records Administration may request help in defraying expenses if necessary.

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The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration
8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD 20740-6001
Telephone: 1-86-NARA-NARA or 1-866-272-6272