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The Julius Axelrod Papers

Further Readings

[Julius Axelrod]. [ca. 1970].
Web Resources

Nobel Web AB. The Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine 1970. The Nobel Foundation.


Rowland, Lewis P. P. NINDS at 50: An Incomplete History Celebrating the Fiftieth Anniversary of the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. Bethesda, MD: National Institutes of Health, 2001.

Squire, Larry R., ed. The History of Neuroscience in Autobiography. Vol. I. Washington, DC: Society for Neuroscience, 1996.

Kanigel, Robert. Apprentice to Genius: The Making of a Scientific Dynasty. 2nd ed. New York: MacMillan, 1993.

Snyder, Solomon H. Brainstorming: The Science and Politics of Opiate Research. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1989.

Snyder, Solomon H. Drugs and the Brain. New York: Scientific American Books/W. H. Freeman, 1986.

Snyder, Solomon H., ed. Perspectives in Neuropharmacology: A Tribute to Julius Axelrod. New York: Oxford University Press, 1972.


Udenfriend, Sidney. "Development of the Spectrophotofluorometer and its Commercialization." Protein Science 4, no. 3 (March 1995): 542-551.

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