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Office of Production, Development and Resource Evaluation (OPDRE)

Regional Supervisor:  Drew Mayerson, 805.389.7700

  • Oversees industry compliance with laws and regulations covering development and production on the OCS

  • Conducts and maintains geological and petroleum engineering studies of OCS lands

  • Promotes optimum development of OCS oil and gas resources

  • Disseminates information about mineral resources of the OCS reserves, including reserves estimates and resource assessment

  • Responsible for the following in the Pacific OCS Region:

    • Geological and geophysical survey permitting, acquisition, and data release 

    • Unitization

    • Suspensions of production and operations

    • Royalty relief

    • Production rates for wells and reservoirs

    • Fluid measurement and production accounting

    • Annual Plans of Operation

    • Geologic and reservoir engineering development and production plans

    • Enhanced oil and gas recovery and other reservoir management projects

    • Reservoir characterization and management studies

    • Conservation and royalty issues for flared or vented gas

    • Surface and subsurface commingling applications

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Web Master: Nollie Gildow-Owens
Page content last updated 5/5/2009
Page last published 5/5/2009