Lease Sale Program: Alaska Lease Sale Schedule
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   Leasing Program
 Alaska Lease Sales Schedule

Alaska Lease Sales

Sales with links have either had the prelease process started or have already been held.

5-Year Program

Alaska Lease Sales Schedule Gulf of Mexico Lease Sales Schedule

Current 5-Year Program (2007-2012)

Sale Location and Number

Sale Year
Chukchi Sea Sale 193 2008
Beaufort Sea Sale 209 2010
Cook Inlet Sale 211 2010
Chukchi Sea Sale 212 2010
Beaufort Sea Sale 217 2011
North Aleutian Basin Sale 214 2011
Cook Inlet Sale 219 2011
Chukchi Sea Sale 221 2012

Alaska OCS Region Leasing Activities

Previous 5-Year Program (2002-2007)

Sale Location and Number

Sale Date
Chukchi Sea Sale 193

Delayed to 2007-2012 Program

Beaufort Sea Sale 202 April 2007
Cook Inlet Sale 191 May 2004
Norton Basin Sale 188 September 2004
Beaufort Sea Sale 186 September 2003

Other MMS Leasing Information

bullet Leasing — Headquarters
bullet Alaska — OCS Regional Leasing Information
bullet Gulf of Mexico — OCS Regional Leasing Information
bullet Pacific — OCS Regional Leasing Information
bullet Atlantic OCS Information — The MMS Gulf of Mexico Regional Office now conducts all leasing and resource management functions for the Atlantic Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Area.

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Last Updated: 04/15/2009, 08:42 AM Central Time