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Communications at MMS

A coral reef fish

Communications at MMS are handled by The Office of Public Affairs and the Office of Congressional Affairs.

The Office of Public Affairs is the primary point of contact with the news media, state and local governments, external constituencies, and the general public. In addition, the Office of Public Affairs coordinates MMS participation in national exhibits and is involved in the management of the MMS Internet Site. The Office of Public Affairs produces and/or coordinates:

Blue Bullet.  Press Releases

Blue Bullet.  Publications

Blue Bullet.  Speeches

The Office of Congressional Affairs serves as the primary point of contact with Congress. The Office of Congressional Affairs produces:

Blue Bullet.  Legisgraph  PDF (55 KB)

And tracks:

Congressional Testimony related to MMS issues

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Last Updated: 05/20/2008, 04:10 PM Central Time

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