Woods Hole Laboratory Library

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AFS Symposia Proceedings (Biology of Fish- ICBF) 1994+
Alaska Fishery Research Bulletin 1994-2008
American Journal of Agricultural Economics 1968-1999
Aquatic Living Resources 1988+ (2 yr lag)
Bulletin of the Sea Fisheries Institute 1999-2005
CalCOFI reports 1950+
Canadian DFO Reports 1926+
Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat Reports (DFO) 1977+
CCLMAR Science 1994+
CMER Annual Report (NEFSC Cooperative Marine Education and Research) 1998+
Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) current
Congressional Research Service Reports 1990+
Cruise Results (NEFSC acoustics) 1997+
Cruise Results (NEFSC ecosystems) 2000+
Cruise Results (NEFSC marine mammals) 2000+
Ecology and Society 1997+
Environmental Writer 2002+
FAO Fisheries publications 1960+
Federal Register 1994+
Fish Bulletin (California Dept. of Fish and Game) 1913-1999
Fish Commission Annual Report (US Fish Commission) 1871-1940
Fisheries of the United States (NMFS) 1995+
Fishermen's Report (NEFSC) (now Resource Survey Report) 1999+
Fishery Bulletin (NMFS) 1985+
FRCC Report (Fisheries Resource Conservation Council) 1993+
GLOBEC Reports 1991+
IATTC publications 1954+
ICCAT Publications 1970+
ICES publications 1991+
Issues in Ecology 1997-2004
Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics 1993+ (1 yr lag)
Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 1992+
Journal of Northwest Atlantic Fishery Science 1980+
Journal of Political Ecology 1994+
Laboratory Reference Documents (NEFSC WHLRD) 1897-1988 + some FT
Marine Fisheries Review 1979+
Marine Mammal Stock Assessments (NEFSC) 1995+
Marine Mammal Survey Cruise Reports (NEFSC) 2000+
Marine Ornithology 1988+
Marine Resource Economics 1995-2007
Marine Santuaries Conservation Series 1999+
NAFO Documents 1980+
NAMMCO Reports 1995+
National Fisherman 1998+ some FT
Natural Resource Perspectives (ODI) 1994+
NEFSC Classics 1871+
NEFSC CMER Annual Report (Cooperative Marine Education and Research) 1998+
NEFSC CMER publications (Cooperative Marine Education and Research) 1990+
NEFSC Cruise Results (acoustics) 1997+
NEFSC Cruise Results (ecosystems) 2000+
NEFSC Cruise Results (marine mammals) 2000+
NEFSC Reference Documents (WHLRD) 1897-1988 + some FT
NEFSC Reference Documents (CRD) 1989+ some FT
NEFSC Resource Survey Report (formally Fishermen's Report) 1999+
NEFSC SAW Reports (Stock Assessment Workshop) 1985+
New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research 1967+ (2 yr lag)
NOAA Professional Paper NMFS 2003+
NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-AFSC 1992+
NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-F/SPO 2004+
NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-NEFSC 1980+ some FT
NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-NWFSC 1985+
NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-SWFSC 1974+
NOAA Technical Report NMFS 1984-2001 + some FT
NOAA Virtual Publications 1970+
NPAFC Documents 1993+ some FT
Oceanography 1988+
Oceanologia 1996+
Oceanus 1996+
Our Nation and the Sea (Stratton Report) 1969
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 1915+ (6 mos lag)
Report to Congress: Status of U.S. Fisheries (NMFS) 1997+
Resource Survey Report (NEFSC) (formally Fishermen's Report) 1999+
Salt Water Sportsman current + some FT
SAW Reports (NEFSC) 1985+
Scientia Marina 1989+
Sea Grant Reports (NOAA) 1964+ some FT
SFI Bulletin 1999-2005
Species Profiles (USFWS) 1983-1989
State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture (SOFIA) (FAO) 1995+
Status of the Fishery Resources off the Northeastern US (SOS) (NEFSC) current
Status of the Stocks (SOS) (NEFSC) current
Status of U.S. Fisheries: Report to Congress (NMFS) 1997+
Stratton Report (Our Nation and the Sea) 1969+
Symposia International Congress on the Biology of Fish AFS, Physiology Section 1994+
Symposia on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation 1988+
Turtle and Tortoise Newsletter 2000-2004
US Fish Commission Annual Report 1871-1940
US Fish & Wildlife Service 1976+
US Geological Survey 1882+ some FT
US Geological Survey Woods Hole 1962+
WHOI Contributions to the Scientific Literature 1936+ some FT
Women in Natural Resources 1996+

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