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Photo of wind turbines in deep waterPhoto of a fishPhoto of a wetlandPhoto of a platform with three boatsPhoto of a killer whalePhoto of a welder working on an offshore platformPhoto of a platform in water and behind a snowy mountainPhoto of three oil refinery faucetsPhoto of a wind energy farm
  Environmental Program
Branch of Environmental Assessment (BEA)

Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act

The Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act (FCMA), as amended (16 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.) established:

Blue Bullet  A fishery conservation zone between the territorial seas of the United States and 200 nautical miles offshore;

Blue Bullet  An exclusive U.S. fishery management authority over fish within the fishery conservation zone (excluding highly migratory species);

Blue Bullet  Regulations for foreign fishing within the fishery conservation zone through international fishery agreements, permits, and import prohibitions; and

Blue Bullet  National standards for fishery conservation and management and eight regional fishery management councils to apply those national standards in fishery management plans.

Congress enacted the 1996 amendments to the Act, known as the  Sustainable Fisheries Act (SFA) (P.L. 104-297), to address the substantially reduced fish stocks that declined as a result of direct and indirect habitat loss.  The SFA requires that the MMS and other agencies consult with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s National Marine Fisheries Service concerning actions that may adversely impact Essential Fish Habitat (EFH).

In 2007, President Bush signed the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Reauthorization Act of 2006.  It mandates the use of annual catch limits and accountability measures to end overfishing, provides for fishery management by a limited access program, and calls for increased international cooperation.

Last Updated: 03/06/2009, 02:13 PM