American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (Stimulus Package)

NIAMS ARRA Competitive Revision Applications

April 20, 2009


The purpose of this program is to support a significant expansion of the scope or research protocol of approved and funded projects. As described in the NIH Notice, supplements may also be available for comparative effectiveness research. The request for revisions applies to all scientific and programmatic areas funded by NIAMS. Revision applications may only request Recovery Act funds for FY2009 and/or FY2010. Revision applications may only be requested for up to two years; therefore the scope and budget of the requested revision must reflect aims and goals that can be accomplished within that limited timeframe. Requests selected for funding in FY2010 will be limited to one year for the project and budget period. Applicants should carefully review the instructions provided in the NIH Notice.

Areas of Scientific Priority

NIAMS accepts proposals related to its mission of research into the causes, treatment, and prevention of arthritis and musculoskeletal and skin diseases, and the training of basic and clinical scientists to carry out this research. .

Funding Priorities

In addition to the restrictions in the NIH Notice, NIAMS has targeted ARRA funds for competitive revisions to only certain mechanisms. Please review these carefully prior to submission. NIAMS will give priority to funding revisions of R00, R01, R15, R34, R37, R41, R42, R43, R44, P01, P30, P50, P60, U01, and U54.

To be eligible, the parent grant must be active at the time the revision application is submitted. Grantees must be able to expend all ARRA supplemental funds within two years of the revised Notice of Award or within the current competitive segment of the parent grant, whichever is earlier. That is, the period of support requested for the revision cannot exceed the current project period end date of the parent grant, including projects on a no-cost extension. If a no-cost extension will be necessary, the no-cost extension must be in place before the revision application is submitted.

Reporting Requirements

Funds provided by the Recovery Act are not "business as usual." Final guidance on reporting is still being developed. By submitting an application for ARRA funding, the PI and the institution are agreeing to abide by the requirements, once released. Preliminary guidance can be obtained here.

Funds Available

Mechanisms for ARRA funding are still in development, and thus the final distribution of NIAMS ARRA funds is still to be determined. Preliminarily, NIAMS anticipates that up to $13,000,000 will be available for competitive revisions.

Submission instructions

The deadline for receipt of ARRA competitive revision applications is April 21, 2009.

Instructions for submission are as given in the NIH Notice, with an Update released April 10, 2009.

As per the Update, at the time of submission, two additional copies of the application and all copies of the appendix material should be sent to Helen Lin, the NIAMS Referral Officer, for all parent grants administered by NIAMS, at the address below:

Helen Lin, Ph.D.
Referral Officer
National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases
One Democracy Plaza
6701 Democracy Blvd, Suite 800
Bethesda, MD 20892, or 20817 if using an express courier
phone: 301-594-956

Contact Information

Please contact the Program Director of the parent grant for questions related to scientific or programmatic content.

Please contact the Grants Management Specialist assigned to the parent grant for questions related to administrative or budgetary requirements.