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Regional Director's Update MessageQuick menu for current lease sales, proposed activitiesHistorical information and other dataspacer.gif (168 bytes)Environmental studies in support of the Alaska OCS programLease Sales, Lease StatusResource estimates, studies, geological and geophysical permitsOffshore Informationspacer.gif (168 bytes)Special links to Alaska Native sites of interestShipwreck database of AlaskaA special section of the Alaska Region web just for kidsspacer.gif (168 bytes)Links to the Pacific, Gulf of Mexico, Royalty, and Main OfficesForms

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Alaska Region Public Information

This page last updated:

Regional Director

John Goll


Program Offices
Leasing and Environment
Resource Evaluation
Field Operations
(907) 334-5300

Regional Supervisor
Cleve Cowles

Leasing Activities

Fred King

Environmental Studies

Dee Williams

Environmental Assessment

Deborah Cranswick

Regional Supervisor
  Rance Wall

Resource Analysis
Sue Banet


Robert Peterson

Regional Supervisor
Jeff Walker


Program Services Public Affairs

John Alexander

Robin Lee Cacy


Mailing Address / Phone Numbers/ Email

Minerals Management Service, Alaska OCS Region
3801 Centerpoint Drive, Suite 500
Anchorage, Alaska 99503-5820

Driving directions to Office

Phone: (907) 334-5200

Fax: (907) 334-5202
Outside of Anchorage: 1-800-764-2627
Email to: akwebmaster@mms.gov