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Preventing Adolescent Drug Abuse: Intervention Strategies

NIDA Research Monograph, Number 47 [Printed in 1983]

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Table of Contents


Executive Summary-----1
Jacaueline P. Ludford

The Role of Mass Media in Preventing Adolescent Substance Abuse-----5
Brian R. Flay and Judith L. Sobel

Social-Psychological Approaches-----36
Alfred L. McAlister

Doing the Cube: Preventing Drug Abuse Through Adolescent Health Promotion-----51
Cheryl L. Perry and Richard Jessor

Comprehensive Community Programs for Drug Abuse Prevention: Implications of the Community Heart Disease Prevention Programs for Future Research-----76
C. Anderson Johnson and Julie Solis

Prevention of Adolescent Substance Abuse Through the Development of Personal and Social Competence-----115
Gilbert J. Botvin

Alternatives to Drug Abuse: Some Are and Some Are Not-----141
John D. Swisher and Teh-Wei Hu

Empirical Foundations of Family-Based Approaches to Adolescent Substance Abuse-----154
Brenna H. Bry

A Value Approach to the Prevention and Reduction of Drug Abuse-----172
Milton Rokeach

Prevention of Adolescent Substance Abuse Through Social Skill Development-----195
Mary Ann Pentz

Preventing Adolescent Substance Abuse Through Drug Education-----233
Joel M. Moskowitz

Discussion and Recommendations-----250
Carl G. Leukefeld and Joel M. Moskowitz

List of NIDA Research Monographs-----256

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