Updated Drought Outlook for Tri State area

A wet April across the Tri State area reversed many of the rainfall deficits which had accumulated during the winter months. In particular, a soaking rainfall in the middle of the month brought 1-3 inches of much needed precipitation, with additional rain occurring at the end of the month. In total, the entire Tri State area ended the month of April with above normal precipitation, some areas as much as 3 inches above normal. As a result, dramatic improvements were made in the running 3-month percent-of-normals (February through April) which all but ended any immediate threat of drought development. Areas along and west of a Benkelman, Nebraska to Gove, Kansas line were above normal in that three month period, while areas east of that line were still below normal. However, even in those areas much improvement was made, with percent-of-normals running at least 70%. Previously, those areas had received less than 25% of normal precipitation during the first three months of 2009. However, parts of north central Kansas remain well below normal for the most recent three month period, as shown in red on the map below.

click on image to enlarge


3-month precipitation map



The April release of the U.S. Drought Monitor indicated no drought development in the Tri State area through July 2009. Areas in the Southern Plains which had been experiencing drought over the winter were also expected to improve.

click on image to enlarge

drought outlook April 2009


JDK 5/04/09

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  • National Weather Service
  • Goodland, KS Weather Forecast Office
  • 920 Armory Road
  • Goodland, KS 67735-9273
  • 785-899-7119
  • Page Author: GLD Webmaster
  • Web Master's E-mail: w-gld.webmaster@noaa.gov
  • Page last modified: 10-Jun-2008 4:22 PM UTC
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