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Library of the Year Nomination Form

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Nominations are being accepted for the 2009 Federal Depository Library of the Year Award. The deadline for submissions is July 1, 2009.

Please describe ways the Federal depository library focuses on:

  • providing Public Access to Federal government information resources,
  • reaching out to the community to inform them of depository services, and
  • employing technologies to enhance depository services.

Any Federal depository library may be nominated, regardless of its size or type. The winning library will be notified by the end of July.

The chosen library will be announced at the Fall 2009 Federal Depository Library Council Meeting and Conference. GPO will provide travel and lodging to the conference for the depository coordinator and the library director from the winning library.

Past winners, libraries of current Depository Library Council members, and libraries on probation are ineligible for consideration.

Name of the Nominated Library:  
Depository Library Number: 
Web site:

Phone Number:
Address 1:
Address 2: 
Zip Code: 
Library Director's or Coordinator's Name:

How to Submit

There are two ways to submit your candidate:

  1. Enter the information in the text box below, OR
  2. Attach your nomination narrative and/or supporting documents using the "Browse" button below.

Only one document can be uploaded. Use a combination of both tools if necessary, such as to attach supporting documentation.

(A paragraph on each of the focus areas is adequate. GPO will contact you for additional information if needed.)

Why should your candidate be the 2009 Library of the Year?
Submit your nomination/supporting docs as an attachment:
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Your Name:
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