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FDL Anniversary Awards

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Order one of our promotional products to honor your library's anniversary:

  • Certificate - non-milestone award:

    These anniversary certificates can be provided for your library during any FDLP anniversary celebration year. They are 11” x 8.5”, pre-printed and customized. Quantity is limited to one certificate per institution per year.

  • Wall Mounted /Tabletop Glass Award:

    These awards are only given to Federal Depository libraries celebrating anniversaries in 25 year increments e.g. 1975-2000, (25, 50, 75, 100, etc.).

    No retroactive anniversary requests will be honored. This award is for current anniversaries ONLY.
    These anniversary awards are 7.75" x 9.5", with sandblasted type into acrylic. Wall mounted or table top display. When ordering, please specify the number of years your library is celebrating, the institution's name and the date of your library's designation in fields provided. Awards are available in 25 year increments only. Quantity limited to one award per institution.


Please select the type of award below. To select more than one option "Ctrl + Click" (PC), "Command + Click" (Mac).

Type of award(s):
Years as a FDL: *
Designation Date: *
Depository Library Number: *
Requestor Name: *
Institution Name: *
Library Name: *
Shipping address 1: *
Address 2:
City: *
State: *
Zip Code:
E-mail: *
Phone Number: *
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