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Tour: Claude Monet: The Series Paintings

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image of Banks of the Seine, Vétheuil image of Rouen Cathedral, West Façade, Sunlight image of Rouen Cathedral, West Façade
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image of The Seine at Giverny image of The Houses of Parliament, Sunset image of Waterloo Bridge, Gray Day
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By the 1880s, the diverse artists most closely associated with impressionism moved into other modes of painting. Camille Pissarro experimented with neoimpressionism, whose adherents explored color theory and other scientific bases for their art. Auguste Renoir went to Italy and was inspired by works of the Renaissance to adopt a more classical style. And Monet began to explore the same subject repeatedly in what are known today as his series paintings: grainstacks, poplar trees, Rouen Cathedral, and other subjects, some near his home, others in places where he traveled, such as England, Norway, and Italy. Finally, in the last decades of his life, Monet devoted his entire artistic attention to the lily pond in the garden he created at Giverny.



1Claude Monet, Banks of the Seine, Vétheuil, 1880
2Claude Monet, Rouen Cathedral, West Façade, Sunlight, 1894
3Claude Monet, Rouen Cathedral, West Façade, 1894
4Claude Monet, The Seine at Giverny, 1897
5Claude Monet, The Houses of Parliament, Sunset, 1903
6Claude Monet, Waterloo Bridge, Gray Day, 1903
7Claude Monet, The Japanese Footbridge, 1899