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Voices on Antisemitism: A Podcast Series

Christopher Leighton
March 26, 2009
Christopher Leighton
Executive Director, Institute for Christian and Jewish Studies
Since 1987, Christopher Leighton has served as the Executive Director of the Institute for Christian and Jewish Studies in Baltimore. A Presbyterian minister, Leighton is deeply committed to disarming religious hatred and establishing models of interfaith understanding.
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Christians and Jews may discover that God isn’t going to fix the world on his own. That in a fundamental way, that task demands something of Christians and Jews and Muslims, Hindus, and Buddhists, others. And we can’t do it alone; we’ll have to do it collaboratively.

Since 1987, Christopher Leighton has served as the Executive Director of the Institute for Christian and Jewish Studies in Baltimore. A Presbyterian minister, Leighton is deeply committed to disarming religious hatred and establishing models of interfaith understanding.

Welcome to Voices on Antisemitism, a podcast series from the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum made possible by generous support from the Oliver and Elizabeth Stanton Foundation. I'm your host, Aleisa Fishman. Every other week, we invite a guest to reflect about the many ways that antisemitism and hatred influence our world today. From Baltimore, Maryland, here's Reverend Christopher Leighton.

I came to Jewish-Christian relations in large measure because my closest friends belonged to different religious traditions. And they had a way of raising doubts and generating confusion that simply had to be addressed if I was going to hold fast to what my ancestors had passed on to me. Christians and Jews share some of the same narratives. And the question that haunts us is whether we can learn to honor the distinct ways that we each read these stories, and dismantle those understandings that have given rise to very serious and anguished relations between our communities. And so, the challenge of living in a religiously plural world is developing the habits and reflexes that allow us to celebrate that diversity and be enlarged and expanded by understandings that don’t belong to us.

For centuries, Christians have made triumphal claims that were profoundly dismissive of those who do not agree with them. And as a result, the church can become ingrown. It can fail to develop an aptitude for self-criticism. And if there is not an ability to see oneself through the eyes of the other, then one ultimately ends up blinded to larger truths that might inspire us to do better and to improve and to ennoble our tradition.

I think that what happens through the interfaith dialogue when it’s done well, is that one has the rude realization that the tradition that one thought one knew, that one has been living, is far more mysterious and complex than one ever imagined, and that one may have to go back and learn how to reread and reinterpret it anew. So in a sense, to live in a tradition is always to call it into question.

In this day and age, for Jews, Christians, or Muslims to act as though they can live in isolation from one another is to go down a road of self-delusion. We need to find ways in which we can break the suspicions and distrust and fears that have accumulated over the centuries. Can we really open ourselves to recognize that God has different ways of being in relationship with different peoples and expose ourselves to the wisdom and beauty that reside within those different communities? That’s the challenge that continues to lay claim to my heart and mind to this day.

Voices on Antisemitism is a podcast series of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. Join us every other week to hear a new perspective on the continuing threat of antisemitism in our world today.

We would appreciate your feedback on this series. Please visit our Web site,, and follow the prompts to the Voices on Antisemitism survey. At our Web site, you can also listen to Voices on Genocide Prevention, a podcast series on contemporary genocide.

David Pilgrim
Sayana Ser
Christopher Leighton
Daniel Craig
Helen Jonas
Col. Edward B. Westermann
Alexander Verkhovsky
Nechama Tec
Harald Edinger
Beverly E. Mitchell
Martin Goldsmith
Tad Stahnke
Antony Polonsky
Johanna Neumann
Albie Sachs
Rabbi Capers Funnye, Jr.
Bruce Pearl
Jeffrey Goldberg
Ian Buruma
Miriam Greenspan
Matthias Küntzel
Laurel Leff
Hillel Fradkin
Irwin Cotler
Kathrin Meyer
Ilan Stavans
Susan Warsinger
Margaret Lambert
Alexandra Zapruder
Michael Chabon
Alain Finkielkraut
Dan Bar-On
James Carroll
Ruth Gruber
Reza Aslan
Alan Dershowitz
Michael Posner
Susannah Heschel
Father Patrick Desbois
Rabbi Marc Schneier and Russell Simmons
Shawn Green
Judea Pearl
Daniel Libeskind
Faiza Abdul-Wahab
Errol Morris
Charles Small
Cornel West
Karen Armstrong
Mark Potok
Ladan Boroumand
Elie Wiesel
Eboo Patel
Jean Bethke Elshtain
Madeleine K. Albright
Bassam Tibi
Deborah Lipstadt
Sara Bloomfield
Lawrence Summers
Christopher Caldwell
Father John Pawlikowski
Ayaan Hirsi Ali
Christopher Browning
Gerda Weissmann Klein
Robert Satloff
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg

  • Credits
  • Copyright
  • Antisemitism
    (Holocaust Encyclopedia article)
  • History of Antisemitism
    (Library bibliography)
  • Antisemitism: Protocols of the Elders of Zion
    (Holocaust Encyclopedia article)
  • Nazi Propaganda
    (Holocaust Encyclopedia article)
  • Racism
    (Holocaust Encyclopedia article)
  • Anti-Jewish Legislation in Prewar Germany
    (Holocaust Encyclopedia article)
  • Christian Persecution of Jews over the Centuries
    (Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies, Committee on Church Relations and the Holocaust)
  • Antisemitism: Special Two-Part Presentation
    (Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies, Scholarly Presentation, December 18, 2003)
  • "Past Revisited? Historical Reflections on Contemporary Antisemitism"
    (Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies, January 2003 Shapiro lecture by Steven Zipperstein)