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21.2.1  Systems  (10-01-2006)

  1. The Internal Revenue Service network of tax account and information systems and files form the general network of communication with and service to the taxpaying public. This section gives condensed descriptions and explanations of many of the systems, data bases, files and processes used or researched by Customer Account Services (CAS) employees. Although this list is not all inclusive, these systems are used to:

    • file tax returns,

    • process tax returns,

    • process information returns,

    • issue notices, refunds, letters,

    • store and retrieve return information,

    • process adjustments to information,

    • provide information for other official processes.

  2. Customer Service Representatives (CSRs), tax examiners and other IRS employees need both a general understanding of the systems and the knowledge of how to find more specific information, when needed, on these and other systems.

  3. Some of the systems that store and retrieve tax account information follow. See Document 6209 for information on all systems, files and command codes.

    System IRM Reference
    ACS-Automated Collection System See IRM
    AUR-Automated Under-reporter See IRM
    CADE- Customer Account Data Engine See IRM
    CFOL-Corporate Files On-line See IRM
    ETA- Electronic Tax Administration See IRM
    DI -Desktop Integration See IRM
    IDRS- Integrated Data Retrieval System See IRM
    IMF Individual Master File System See IRM
    ICCE -Integrated Customer Communications Environment See IRM  (10-01-2006)
Master File

  1. The Master File (MF), the official repository of all taxpayer data extracted from magnetic tape records, paper and electronic tax returns, payments, and related documents, is maintained at Enterprise Computing Center - Martinsburg (ECC-MTB) and /or Enterprise Computing Center - Memphis (ECC-MEM).

  2. The Master File contains the:

    • Individual Master File (IMF) currently being replaced by CADE

    • Business Master File (BMF)

    • Employee Plans Master File (EPMF)

    • Exempt Organizations/Business Master File (EO/BMF)

    • Individual Retirement Accounts File (IRAF)

    • Information Returns Master File (IRMF)

    • Payor Master File (PMF)

  3. Most of the Master Files are analyzed and updated weekly as follows:

    • Transactions, notices, and reports are generated at the campus.

    • Information is sent to other national files and to the campuses.


      See IRM for information about CADE.  (10-01-2006)
Taxpayer Accounts

  1. Taxpayers' accounts data are stored on various Master Files which are considered the official control records for all taxpayer accounts.

  2. Taxpayer accounts are identified on the Master File by the Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN). The TIN for:

    1. An individual or a sole proprietor, is the taxpayer’s Social Security Number (SSN),

    2. An alien not eligible for an SSN, is the IRS Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN),

    3. Adoption purposes, is the Adoption Taxpayer Identification Number (ATIN), and,

    4. A business entity, is the Employer Identification Number (EIN).

  3. Each return and subsequent transaction document relating to an account is assigned a Document Locator Number (DLN). Refer to Document 6209 IRS Processing Codes & Information for a complete explanation of the DLN.

  4. Master File Transaction (MFT) Codes identify the specific types of return/account and Transaction Codes (TC) identify the types of transactions posted to accounts.

    1. Each tax form is assigned a Master File Tax (MFT) Code. e.g. MFT 30 identifies most 1040 series returns.

    2. Refer to Document 6209 for MFT's assigned to other returns.

  5. Every transaction must contain a Transaction Code (TC) to maintain accounting control of debits and credits and to post the transaction to the Master File. (See Document 6209 for an explanation of these codes.)

  6. Once you have experience interpreting DLNs, MFTs and TCs, you will recognize the return or document and the transaction that causes a particular action on a taxpayer’s account.  (10-01-2006)
Tax Modules

  1. A tax module is a record of tax data for a specific taxpayer. It covers only one tax period.

  2. A tax module is identified by a TIN, Master File Transaction Code (MFT) and tax period.

  3. Each Master File account has a section called the Entity Module, which contains:

    • Taxpayer’s name control (first four letters of last name/corporate name)

    • Current address and postal ZIP code

    • Taxpayer’s filing requirements

    • Area, Territory and office responsible for taxpayer’s account

    • Filing status, spouse’s name and TIN for Individual Master File (IMF/CADE) accounts

    • Date of establishment and fiscal year ending date for BMF accounts

    • Plan Section for Employee Plan Master File (EPMF) accounts

    • EO Section for Exempt Organization/Business Master File (EO/BMF) accounts  (10-01-2006)
Transactions Codes

  1. Transaction Codes (TC) record specific types of actions (e.g., debits, credits, etc.) onto the accounts/module. See also Document 6209 for an explanation of these codes.

  2. Certain types of transaction codes relate to action on the Entity Module only, (e.g., TCs 149 or smaller).

  3. When posted to tax modules, some transaction codes produce neither a debit nor a credit. Although this list is not all inclusive, they:

    1. Prevent credits from refunding

    2. Prevent credits from offsetting

    3. Delay subsequent notices and other computer outputs

    4. Cause information documents to be generated

    5. Contain item adjustment information

    6. Set Freeze Conditions  (10-01-2006)
Unpostable Transactions

  1. Most transactions post to a Master File without any problems. Those that fail are called "unpostables" . The transactions are then:

    1. Rejected to the unpostable tape; and,

    2. Returned to the Campus for resolution of the unpostable conditions.

  2. IMF/ Unpostables involving TC 84X are found in the Refund Information File (RFIF). All others are in ENMOD, TXMOD and UPTIN.

  3. BMF Unpostables are in ENMOD, TXMOD and UPTIN as Unpostable Codes (UPC) until the transaction posts.  (10-01-2005)
Command Codes ESIGN and BSIGN General Information

  1. The EIN Research and Assignment System (ERAS) was designed to process requests for Employer Identification Numbers (EINs).

  2. The process begins with the receipt of a:

    • Form SS-4, Application For Employer Identification Number or EIN Online

    • Request generated from the TELE-TIN program

    • Return filed without an EIN

    • Return filed that includes a change of business

  3. The taxpayer's entity information is entered into the IDRS system via the ESIGN screen, which sets up a new account on the IDRS database and issues a unique EIN.

  4. A notice is mailed to the taxpayer informing them of their assigned EIN and a record of the new account is sent to update the Master File.


    Additional information concerning when to assign a new EIN and various rules as to how data is input, such as mailing and location addresses, can be found in IRM 21.7.13, Assigning EINs.  (10-01-2006)
Integrated Data Retrieval System (IDRS)

  1. The Integrated Data Retrieval System (IDRS) accesses the Master File account information by use of IDRS Command Codes (CCs). Through wide-area networks, IDRS accesses:

    • Corporate Files On-Line (CFOL)

    • Files residing at the computing centers

    • Taxpayer Information Files (TIF)

  2. IDRS provides the means to:

    • Take control of and action on cases

    • Request and receive printouts of modules

    • Research accounts

    • Research or extract from Master File tapes

    • Issue letters to taxpayers  (10-01-2006)
IDRS Security

  1. The IDRS Security System provides protection for both taxpayers and the employee user. Taxpayers must be protected from:

    • Unauthorized disclosures of account information

    • Unauthorized changes of account information

    • Unauthorized accesses (UNAX) to account information

  2. As of January 2004, the following changes were made:

    1. IDRS no longer generates a two-character Entry Code when users sign on IDRS and users no longer add an Entry Code at the end of each IDRS transaction.

    2. A user, with an open IDRS session, who is inactive for 60 minutes is systemically signed off of IDRS. A screen message notifies the user that he/she is signed-off of IDRS. Users with systemic sign-offs may sign back onto IDRS.

    3. A user who wants to prevent a systemic sign-off may return to IDRS, clear the IDRS screen, and press the transmit key to restart the 60 minute count-down.

    4. A user who expects to be away from his/her workstation for less than 60 minutes may either sign-off of IDRS or activate his/her workstation's password-protected, screen-saver locking feature by pressing Control/Alt/Delete.

    5. A user who expects to be away from his/her workstation for 60 minutes or more must sign-off IDRS.

    6. The IDRS security system replaced the report of the sign-off/sign-on percentages with a monthly count of the number of IDRS systemic user sign-offs.

    7. Managers are required to advise users, with five or more systemic sign-offs for the month, of the need to properly sign-off when away from their workstations.

    8. IDRS allows users to sign-off IDRS using the top right corner X.  (10-01-2006)
Authorized IDRS Access

  1. You are permitted to access only those tax modules required to accomplish your official duties.

  2. You may access another IRS employee’s account information the same as any other taxpayer, when:

    1. An inquiry is received in writing or by telephone, and

    2. You do not know the employee.


    If you do know the employee making the account inquiry, you must refer the case/contact to your manager. Prepare referral Form 4442e /4442 /4442DI.

  3. All actions taken on IDRS, both authorized and unauthorized, are recorded for an audit trail of that user.


    See also IRM, Inquiries from IRS Employees for Information Concerning Form 11377 Taxpayer Data Access (UNAX).  (10-01-2006)
Unauthorized IDRS Access

  1. Any employee who willfully accesses tax information (computer or paper) without authorization has committed an illegal act and is subject to criminal prosecution and disciplinary action up to and including removal from the Service.

  2. Immediately refer all information on potential unauthorized access to taxpayer information directly to the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA).

  3. Two Federal Statutes specifically address unauthorized accesses:

    • Title 18 USC 1030

    • Title 26 USC 7213 A  (10-01-2006)
IDRS Retention Criteria

  1. An account is retained on IDRS as long as activity exists as outlined in IRM "IDRS Module Retention Criteria for TIF" .

  2. After three weeks with no activity, the account is removed from IDRS.  (10-01-2006)
IDRS Message File

  1. Use Command Code MESSG to display the information on the IDRS message file.

  2. Campus Information System (IS) employees use the IDRS message file to alert users of problems with local IDRS files and to share pertinent information.

  3. The information may pertain only to local systems or to problems experienced by all sites.

  4. Some campuses use the message file to issue IDRS bulletins or local decisions.

  5. The file advises users of changes in IDRS letters.

  6. It also alerts Customer Service sites to the volumes of special notices mailed to taxpayers that may cause an unscheduled increase in taxpayer contacts.

  7. The file may also show Campus IDRS profiles and telephone numbers and Service Center-PO Box listings.  (10-01-2006)
Customer Account Data Engine (CADE)

  1. The Customer Account Data Engine (CADE) system is the cornerstone of the IRS' modernization program. It is incrementally replacing the IRS' tape-based Individual Master File (IMF) system as the system of record for taxpayer account and return data. CADE is being developed and implemented over a series of multiple releases. Taxpayer accounts are moved from the IMF to the modernized system based on a segmented approach whereby the simplest accounts are moved first (e.g., 1040EZ accounts), followed by increasingly complex taxpayer accounts with each new phase. CADE operates in current production environment and CADE accessible accounts can be displayed on Command Code IMFOL.

  2. Some of the benefits of CADE are daily transaction posting and quicker refunds. The CADE system began deployment in 2004. See IRM, Customer Account Data Engine. for additional information about CADE.


    See IRM, Command Code IMFOL and IRM 21.4.1, Refund Research for additional information.  (10-01-2007)
Non-Master File

  1. The Non-Master File (NMF) system provides for certain types of tax assessments that cannot be implemented by Master File processing.

  2. NMF allows processing of accounts that have too many transactions or dollar amounts that are too large for the Master File to handle.

  3. NMF also allows processing accounts that require immediate assessments and accounts that are the result of new legislation that cannot be quickly implemented on Master File.

  4. A NMF account reflects an assessment of tax from a return or other source document, and by itself may not represent the entire liability for a tax period.

  5. An additional tax assessment to a tax year already established on the NMF data base is established as a separate NMF account.

  6. To reduce erroneous refunds from Master File and to alert of assessments on NMF (and/or other accounts), a TC 130 is input to the Master File account, which creates a "V—" freeze.

  7. NMF accounts in Taxpayer Delinquent Account (TDA) status appear on IDRS for research purposes.

  8. Changes to accounts are made through regular NMF processing, with appropriate source documents, before updates to IDRS are made.

  9. To research a NMF/TDA account on IDRS, input the TIN followed by "N" .  (10-01-2006)
Automated Non-Master File (ANMF) Research

  1. The Automated Non-Master File (ANMF) allows on-line research and requests for transcripts of ANMF accounts.

  2. A log-in and password are required to access the system. See IRM 3.17.46, Automated Non-Master File Accounting for instructions.

  3. Research the Automated Non-Master File (ANMF) when a " V—" or "M—" freeze is present on a related Master File account.  (03-30-2007)
NMF Toll Free Telephone Number

  1. When a NMF account cannot be resolved by a CSR, advise the caller of the NMF toll-free telephone number - 888-829-7434. A NMF specialist will either answer, or return the call and provide assistance.


    The NMF toll-free number, 888-829–7434 is only for taxpayer and authorized third party assistance. Other IRS functions are not permitted to use this line.  (10-01-2006)
Pipeline Processing (Paper Returns)

  1. A tax return moves through the workflow pipeline operation of a Campus as follows:

    Receipt and Control Receive returns, sort by code and type of return, assign Document Locator Numbers —(DLNs) and batch into blocks of 100 documents (or less).
    Document Perfection Code and edit returns, ensure returns are signed and schedules attached, so that data is uniformly converted and processed
    Data Conversion Transcribe data from tax returns, verify, and release for further processing
    Information Systems (Computer) Perform validity and math error checks, and formats data for transmission to ECC-MTB. Receives and maintains updated files from ECC-MTB and updates the Taxpayer Information Files (TIF)
    Error Resolution Perfects/corrects output for campus computer validity and math error checks
    Martinsburg Computing Center (ECC-MTB) & Tennessee Computing Center (ECC-MEM) Receive tapes with error free data from all processing campuses for update to Master File. Computer tapes generate notices that are sent back to campuses.
    Unpostables Perfect conditions that prevent posting to Master File


    Do NOT provide the telephone number of these areas to taxpayers.

  2. Returns are processed by the Automated Data Processing (ADP) system as follows:

    1. Returns are mathematically verified and information extracted and recorded on magnetic tapes.

    2. The magnetic tapes are sent weekly to the ECC-MTB or ECC-MEM for posting to Master File.

    3. Master file information is researched through the IDRS. See IRM

  3. After a tax return is processed, the final account condition is either:

    • Even (no balance due and no refund issued),

    • Refund (See IRM 21.4.1 Refund Research), or,

    • Balance Due (See IRM 5.19.1 Balance Due).

  4. Paper refund checks are mailed from the Department of Treasury Regional Financial Center in Austin, Texas. If requested by the taxpayer on the tax return, refunds are electronically deposited directly into the taxpayer’s bank account. See IRM 21.4.1 Refund Research for information and procedures on refund inquiries.

  5. A Balance Due Notice is issued when credits on the account do not fully pay the liability on the return. See IRM, Notice Resolution Actions Research.  (10-01-2006)

  1. Account-related calls may result from a notice or letter to the taxpayer. Not all notices require a taxpayer response or action. An explanation of the account action is printed on the front and/or back of the notice. However, the taxpayer may not understand the notice or letter and/or wants/needs a more complete explanation.


    See , for the various types of notices.

  2. When a taxpayer indicates that the return was processed incorrectly and/or requests a change, the inquiry is normally handled by CSRs in Accounts Management of Customer Account Services (CAS). See IRM 21.5.1, General Adjustments.

  3. To resolve taxpayer inquiries about IMF/CADE and BMF notices, see IRM 21.3.1, Taxpayer Contacts Resulting from Notice Issuance.  (10-01-2007)
Desktop Integration (DI)

  1. DI is scheduled to be renamed to Account Management Services (AMS) during FY 2009. AMS will retain all of the functionality currently on DI. DI/AMS provides a common Interface that allows users of multiple IRS systems to view history and comments from other systems and to access a variety of case processing tools without leaving DI/AMS.

  2. DI/AMS features include:

    • Taxpayer account information

    • Representative Authorization alert on the DI/AMS Disclosure Screen and the Account Summary Screen

    • A link to CAF Ind Alerts and CAF summary data "for all modules existing on IDRS" on the Module Detail screen

    • Update Contact tool to update the taxpayer's address and telephone number. Address changes made on CADE cases using the DI/AMS Update Contact tool post immediately on CC IMFOLE.

    • IMF automated computation worksheets

    • BMF automated computation worksheets

    • IDRS/CFOL command menu TACs (Template Aided Commands)

    • On-line system to order forms and publications through the Enterprise Logistics Information Technology [ELITE] system

    • On-line electronic inquiry referral (E-4442, 4442), creation and resolution.

    • On-line electronic Application for Taxpayer Assistance Order (ATAO-Form 911/e-911)

    • Financial Statement option with generated Form 433 F

    • IDRS MultiPrint for batched IDRS prints. "Internal Use" and "Taxpayer" check boxes are available for prints

    • A decision support system for penalty and abatement determinations (Reasonable Cause Assistant)

    • Checklists with links to IRM references and IDRS commands to ensure that employees take all the necessary steps for case closure. Actions taken within the checklist leave narrative history, eliminating the need for manual entries

    • Self-selected "Hot Lists" that allow employees to choose up to 30 IDRS command codes for one-click activation

    • Direct links to frequently used sites such as SERP, IRweb and ITLA

    • A pay-off calculator that automatically calculates penalties, interest, and the total balance due on each active module and provides the total balance due for multiple modules for any designated period

    • Customized (pre-formatted) letters requiring limited user input to create letters with frequently used paragraph combinations

    • Automated on-line forms

    • A message center for national and group messages. Group messages are input by local group managers

  3. DI/AMS allows profiled users (5081) to launch to many systems (ACS, ACT, ANMF, AOIC, ATFR AUR, CEAS CIS, CNTLD, e-ACSG, e-ARG, EUP, ICS, i-EAR, Innocent Spouse, RCA, RGS, RTR, and TAMIS) without leaving DI/AMS.

  4. Case histories from ICP were retained on DI/AMS. DI/AMS history will be retained for 24 months from the last time the account is accessed.

  5. History input on CIS posts to DI/AMS (currently history input on DI/AMS does not post to CIS).

  6. DI/AMS users can view histories input on ACS, AOIC, ATFR.

  7. DI/AMS provides on-line inventory systems for Collection and ACS users.

  8. Beginning in 2008, DI/AMS will provide an electronic inventory system for Statute, AMRH and Entity transcripts.  (11-19-2007)
Correspondence Imaging System (CIS)

  1. The Correspondence Imaging System (CIS) is a document imaging and workflow system. All incoming paper correspondence, notice replies, Forms 1040X, internal transcripts, and internal Computer Paragraph (CP) notices are scanned and processed as digital images. CIS interacts with IDRS to control cases, input STAUPs, when needed, and distribute cases electronically to CSRs for resolution. The digital cases are assigned to CSRs who work the cases online using the workflow software. CIS interacts with IDRS to initiate various command codes and captures the request completed screens as a part of the digital case.

  2. The Correspondence Imaging System Indicator (CIS-IND) displays on Command Code TXMOD, IMFOLA/BMFOLA and ADJ54. The CIS-IND is recognized as a part of the TC 29X transaction on TXMOD. The CIS indicator is a one (1) character field, i.e.,CIS-IND>1. This means an adjustment was initiated through CIS and the source document is a digital image, rather than a paper document. The field is blank when an adjustment is not input by CIS. The IMFOLA and BMFOLA also display the CIS indicator on all TC 29X transactions.

  3. CIS is also available on the DI system. See IRM


    See IRM 21.5.2 and 21.5.1, Adjustment Guidelines and General Adjustments , for additional information and procedures on ADJ54 adjustments.  (10-01-2006)
Enterprise Logistics Information Technology [ELITE]

  1. ELITE is the new computer system that replaced the Centralized Inventory Distribution System [CIDS], and has been implemented at the National Distribution Center [NDC] to process orders. ELITE controls and supports the distribution of IRS forms, instructions, publications, and other printed materials to the public and IRS offices. Braille and Large Print tax products for taxpayers are also available on ELITE. ELITE is accessed by a link on Desktop Integration [DI]. Upon input of a forms order using ELITE, a systemic confirmation number will appear to verify the order. This number is for internal use only.


    See IRM,Forms and Information Requests Processing Procedures, and IRM for additional information.  (10-01-2006)
Corporate Files On-Line (CFOL)

  1. CFOL is a collection of "read only" files extracted from Master File, and maintained at the ECC-MTB and ECC-MEM.

  2. Use CFOL Command Codes (CCs) to access CFOL through IDRS.

    • CFOL is for research only.

    • CFOL does not show pending transactions, case controls, rejects, history items, or unpostables.

    • CFOL may be available when IDRS is down.

  3. See IRM 2.3 IDRS Terminal Response, and Document 6209"IRS Processing Codes and Information" for more data on CFOL command codes.  (10-01-2006)
Individual/Business Master File On-Line (IMFOL/BMFOL)

  1. IMFOL and BMFOL provide on-line research of IMF and BMF return and account data.

  2. Use IMFOL and BMFOL to research entity and tax data that may not otherwise be available on IDRS.


    Master File does not carry all of the information that is available on IDRS.

    1. Use CC BMFOL to access nationwide entity and tax data information for BMF forms.

    2. Use CC IMFOL to access nationwide transactions posted to IMF/CADE and reduce the need to order an MFTRA transcript.

    3. IMFOL displays a literal CADE or CADE:R for CADE accounts.

    4. IMFOL displays Cycle Posted Day of the week for CADE accounts. See IRM, Command Code IMFOR.  (02-14-2008)
Return View (RTVUE/BRTVU)

  1. Use CC RTVUE to see line items transcribed from IMF/CADE returns, (including edited or verified fields) and the accompanying schedules and forms.

    1. This information is available for the current processing year and three prior processing years.

    2. The information on RTVUE does not change or reflect any subsequent adjustments or amended/duplicate returns.

    3. CC RTFTP provides a sanitized taxpayer version that includes no IRS edited or generated data.

    4. RTVUE/RTFTP transcripts should only be used when access to the Transcript Delivery System (TDS) is not available. TDS can provide three distinct types of transcripts in a more professional format with a generated cover letter. TDS is now accessed by the ICCE application as well as the Return Income Verification Services function (RAIVS) when providing transcripts. See IRM for information on requesting transcripts. RTVUE is scheduled to be consolidated with Command Code TRDBV in the future. The RTVUE retirement date will be announced.

    5. The processing year includes all returns processed during the year. Delinquent returns will be displayed in the year processed using current year transcription lines.

    6. Delinquent returns will be displayed in the format of the processing year.

  2. Use CC BRTVU to access BRTVU line items transcribed from BMF returns (including edited or verified fields). It includes information from duplicate and amended returns. BRTVU sanitized transcripts are also available through the AUTO-TRANSCRIPTS program.  (10-01-2006)
Employee Plan Master File On-Line (EMFOL)

  1. Use CC EMFOL to:

    1. Access basic identifying information, amounts, counts, dates, codes and indicators for the Employee Plan Master File.

    2. Review posted transactions and status histories.

    3. Retrieve and review a plan and return module index for a specified account.

    4. Review plan data, including application and termination sections and posted transactions.  (10-01-2006)
Employee Plan Return View (ERTVU)

  1. Use CC ERTVU to access the Employee Plan Return Transaction Files (EPRTF) to review returns and schedules processed during the current year and two prior years.  (10-01-2006)
Third Party Authorizations

  1. The following subsection provides information on some authorized third party programs/files.  (10-01-2006)
Centralized Authorization File (CAF)

  1. The Centralized Authorization File (CAF) contains taxpayer and taxpayer representative records.

  2. When a valid POA/TIA is shown on the CAF, a CAF indicator is present on the TIF. Valid POAs/TIAs include:

    • Completed Form 2848 (POA)

    • Form 8821 (TIA)

    • Form 706 (POA for U.S. Estate Tax Return)

    • NON-IRS forms supplemented with appropriate attachment containing all required information

    • Oral TIA (Paperless 8821)

  3. Use POAs/TIAs to:

    1. Direct refunds and/or copies of notices or correspondence to authorized representatives.

    2. Determine if an individual claiming to be a representative is, in fact, authorized to act on the taxpayer’s behalf.

  4. The CAF lists the tax modules and the specific representative to whom the taxpayer has granted authority. Use the taxpayer’s TIN to search the CAF.

  5. The representative record contains only the representative’s name and address. The primary search key is a unique IRS assigned representative identification number.

    1. The identification number is used by the representative whenever representing a client or submitting a POA/TIA.

    2. Before providing a representative with account-related information, access the taxpayer’s record. Use CC CFINK to verify the extent of the authorization. See IRM 2.3.31, Command Code CFINK and RFINK for CAF Inquiries for explanation of screen display.

    3. Refer, to the CAF unit, all inquiries regarding the resolution of multiple representative numbers assigned to the same representative.

  6. All POAs received for the following EP/EO Determination Applications are maintained on EDS EP/EO Determination System and are not on the CAF.

    EO EP
    Form 1023 Application for Recognition of Exemption IRC Section 501(c)(3), 501(e), 501(f), 501(k), 501(n) Form 4461, Application for Approval of Master or Prototype or Volume Submitter Defined Contribution Plan
    Form 1024 Application for Recognition of Exemption IRC Section 501(c)(2), (04), (05), (06), (07), (08), (09), (10), (12), (13), (15), (17), (19), (20), (25) Form 4461A, Application for Approval of Master or Prototype and Regional Prototype Defined Benefit Plan
    Form 1025 No application (Dummy Form Number) IRC Section 501(c)(01), (11), (14), (16), (18), (21), (22), (24), 501(d) or 4547(a)(27) 529 Form 4461B, Application for Approval of Master or Prototype Defined Contribution Plan
    Form 1028 Application for Recognition of Exemption IRC Section 521 Form 5300, Application for Determination For Employee Benefit Plan
    Note: Letter Requesting Exemption IRC Section 501(c)(26) and 501(c)(27) Form 5303, Application for Determination For Collectively-Bargained Plan


    Form obsolete as of 10/19/2006.

      Form 5306, Application for Approval of Prototype or Employer Sponsored Individual Retirement Account
      Form 5306–SEP, Application for Approval of Prototype Simplified Employee Pension–SEP
      Form 5307, Application for Determination For Adopters of Master or Prototype,or Volume Submitter Plans
      Form 5308, Request for Change in Plan/Trust Year
      Form 5309, Application for Determination of Employee Stock Ownership Plan
      Form 5310, Application for Determination for Terminating Plan
      Form 5310A, Notice of Plan Merger or Consolidation, Spin-off, or Transfer of Plan Assets or Liabilities; Notice of Qualified Separate Lines of Business
      Form 6406, Short Form Application for Determination for Minors Amendment of Employee Benefit Plan


    See IRM 21.3.7, Processing Third Party Authorizations onto the Centralized Authorization File (CAF), for additional information.  (10-01-2006)
Reporting Agents File (RAF)

  1. The RAF contains information about the authorizations that taxpayers give to their reporting agents for employment tax modules.

  2. This authorization allows the reporting agent to file the taxpayer’s Forms 940, 941 or 944 via electronic filing.

  3. The information from the file is used to direct copies of notices and correspondence to the authorized reporting agents.


    See also IRM and IRM for additional information.  (10-01-2006)
National Account Index (NAI)-National Account Profile (NAP)

  1. Effective January 2004, the NAI file no longer exists. The NAI provided a summary listing of account locations when each campus had a separate Taxpayer Information File (TIF). With centralization and consolidation of the TIF, only 1 copy of the account exists. The inquiry command codes display either the TIF account information, if the account exists, or "No TIF Data" , if the account does not exist. See IRM,Taxpayer Information File (TIF) .  (10-01-2006)
Name Search Facility (NSF)

  1. NSF contains the full taxpayer or business names used and the most current Master File address.

  2. Use NSF to research:

    • Entity information

    • Account location

    • Cross reference information

  3. Use CC NAMEE for SSNs.

  4. Use CC NAMEB or FINDE for EINs.  (10-01-2006)
Taxpayer Information File (TIF)

  1. The TIF consists of multiple areas of information. The TIF provides tax account information for certain taxpayers (generally involving only active accounts) on the data base. Balance due notices are issued from the TIF.

  2. Use CC TXMOD/SUMRY to research the TIF for account information including pending transactions, rejects, unpostables and case controls.


    Effective January 2004, TIF Centralization took place. There is only one copy of a taxpayer's account. See IRM for more information.  (10-01-2006)
Adoption Taxpayer Identification Number (ATIN)

  1. The ATIN file contains Form W-7A application information on pending adoptions.

  2. A temporary number is assigned to the child so that adoptive parents may claim dependency exemption and child care credit.

  3. All update processing takes place at the Philadelphia Campus with CC ATINQ.  (10-01-2006)
Fact-Of-Filing (FOF)

  1. FOF file contains timely filed IMF/CADE refund returns (original only), posted usually within three weeks of processing.

  2. Use CC FFINQ to access the FOF file.

  3. Once the return posts to the Refund Information File (RFIF), it is purged from the FOF file.  (10-01-2006)
Refund Information File (RFIF)

  1. Use CC REINF to access RFIF, which contains data extracted from IMF/CADE returns (except full paid) for the latest full calendar year tax period posted to ECC-MTB. It provides basic initial data from returns and documents when they attempt to post to IMF/CADE at ECC-MTB.

  2. Updates to the initial RFIF information are limited and further research may be necessary when a module contains the following conditions:

    • Credit balance

    • Debit balance

    • Freeze codes

    • TC 740 (un-delivered refund)

    • TC 977 (amended return with no original)  (10-01-2006)
Audit Information Management System (AIMS)

  1. AIMS, the Audit Information Management System is used by Appeals, Examination, and TE/GE to control returns, input assessment/adjustments to Master File and provide management reports.

  2. Effective January 2004, the AIMS bases were consolidated into one IMF data base and one BMF/NMF data base. It will appear to the user that there is only one data base.


    See IRM 4.4.1 for additional information.  (10-01-2006)
Taxpayer Delinquency Investigation Notice File (TDINF)

  1. Use CC TDINQ to research the TDINF for information about a Taxpayer Delinquency Investigation (TDI) and generating delinquency notices.  (10-01-2006)
Local Campus Accounting Function Files

  1. The following files are maintained by the appropriate local campus Accounting Function areas and are researched using the command codes, as explained below.  (10-01-2006)
Dishonored Check File (DCF)

  1. DCF contains a record of checks dishonored by banks and returned to the IRS. The record remains on the file until research positively identifies the tax module(s) to which the check was originally applied.

  2. Use CC BDINQ to research the record for the following:

    • Dishonored check (DC) control number

    • Amount of check

    • Name control

    • Reason code (indicating why the check was dishonored)

    • Check writer’s name  (10-01-2000)
Unidentified Remittance File (URF)

  1. The URF is a local Campus file which contains a record of each remittance (with a received date of one year or less) that cannot be positively identified and applied to a correct account or refunded to the taxpayer. It also contains records of all "doubtfully" applied estimated tax payments.

  2. Use CC URINQ to research for the following:

    • URF control number

    • Amount

    • Received date

    • Identifying data

  3. Prepare Form 8765, IDRS Control File Credit Application to request application of URF credits. Forward to the Unidentified Remittance Unit in the appropriate Campus. See IRM 21.5.7 , Payment Tracers, for more information.  (10-01-2000)
Excess Collection File (XSF)

  1. Use CC XSINQ to research credits maintained in the XSF. The XSF is a local file which consists mainly of unidentified remittances and other unclaimed credits with a received date over one year old.

  2. Use Form 8765 to request application of XSF credits. Forward to the Excess Collection Unit in the Campus. See IRM 21.5.8, Credit Transfers, for more information.


    Transferred "Statute" credits are also maintained in XSINQ.  (10-01-2006)
Tax Return Data Base (TRDB)

  1. TRDB stores original (no amended) Electronic/previous filed TeleFile tax return data for Individual and Business Returns. Reject codes are displayed for research.

  2. Corrections from the following systems are also stored in:

    • Error Resolution System (ERS)

    • Generalized Mainline Framework (GMF)

    • Generalized Unpostable Framework (GUF).

  3. Status information (e.g., re-sequenced, corrected, posted, rejected return codes, etc.) and history information are also stored.

  4. Command Code (CC) Tax Return Print (TRPRT) provides the capability to obtain graphic prints of 1998 and subsequent tax years through TRDB. CC TRPRT replaced CC ELFVUE from the ARF system for TY 1998 and beyond.

  5. See IRM 2.3.73 for specific information on TRDB Research Command Codes.


    TRDBV will become the single source for both electronically filed and paper individual and business tax return data. TRDB will gradually assume responsibility for RTF (Return Transaction File) and Command Code RTVUE over the course of several years. TRDB and Return Transaction File (RTF) consolidation will take place in the future. The consolidation and retirement of RTVUE will be announced.  (10-01-2006)
Modernized e-File (MeF/TRDB)

  1. Effective January 2004, the e-file processing system was implemented. Corporate and Tax Exempt Organizations may file returns via e-file. Certain Excise Tax Returns can now be filed electronically. The following forms are now available:

    • Form 2290 became available August 2007.

    • Form 8849 became available April 21, 2008.

    • Form 720 became available June 2, 2008.

    • Forms 1065 and 1065–B are now available for tax year 2007 through the MeF program.

  2. The MeF System allows internet filing of the application and the electronic returns. The system accesses data through the Registered User Portal (RUP). The MeF System allows users to receive refunds via direct deposit and also allows e-filers to e-pay electronically.


    See IRM

    , Modernized e-file System , for additional information.  (10-01-2006)
Automated Collection System (ACS)

  1. ACS contains taxpayer cases in a collection status. The data bases are located at each Campus.

    • Dallas Territory Office accesses Austin Campus

    • Seattle Territory Office accesses Ogden Campus

    • Buffalo Territory Office accesses Andover Campus

    • Nashville Customer Service Site accesses Memphis Campus

  2. ACS is also accessible through DI.  (10-01-2007)
Automated Under Reporter (AUR)

  1. The AUR Campus Compliance program determines possible discrepancies between income, credits and/or deductions reported on a tax return versus the information documents submitted by employers, financial institutions, etc. Potential cases are reviewed and a determination is made as to whether or not the taxpayer must be contacted to resolve the possible discrepancy.  (10-01-2006)
Taxpayer Advocate Management Information System (TAMIS)

  1. TAMIS is a data base of cases escalated to the Taxpayer Advocate Service either in the Territories or Campuses. The data base is located in the Kansas City Campus.

  2. TAMIS is accessible through DI.

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