Cool Opportunities MMS Educational Resources MMS Science & Information
Ocean & Energy Resources Conferences & Events

 Welcome Teachers!

The Minerals Management Service Pacific Region has a long-standing commitment to work with local educators and students to improve access to scientific information and to increase interest in and an understanding of math and science. As America's offshore energy resource manager, the MMS partners with educators to:

  • promote an understanding of renewable and nonrenewable offshore energy sources and the role MMS plays in authorizing and regulating offshore oil, gas, wind, waves, solar and ocean current resource production;
  • inform the community about the geological complexities of oil and natural gas formation and the wealth of geologic, engineering, environmental, economic, political and regulatory considerations for safely obtaining these resources;
  • promote an understanding of conflict resolution practices used in managing America's offshore energy resources; and
  • provide career role models and support in science and math.

Our work in education over the past decade has included:
  • Curriculum development
  • Internships for educators and students
  • Classroom lectures/discussions
  • Teacher workshops and conferences
  • Field trips for classes (geology, intertidal biology, natural seeps)
  • Field trips for educators (platforms, onshore support facilities)

The curriculum included in these pages was developed by MMS staff and by educators in concert with the MMS. For more information and comments, please contact: John Romero at (805) 389-7533.

Cool Opportunities for California Teachers                                           Back to Top
NEED WORKSHOP - National Energy Education Development (NEED) Project holds workshops packed with curriculum materials and resources for use in any discipline and at any grade level.

Tour an Offshore Platform

A+ for Energy Program - $2 million in grants available to give California teachers tools to teach children about energy and energy efficiency. Grant proposal deadline fast approaching!

BRIGHT IDEAS School Grants for Solar Energy Education The National Energy Education Development (NEED) Project partners with PG&E to bring hands-on solar energy activities, classroom curriculum, teacher training, and more to the schools in the PG&E service area.

MMS Educational Resources                                               Back to Top

National Energy Education Development (NEED) Project: Career Chat with a Biologist features an interview with MMS marine biologist Donna Schroeder. Reprint from CAREER CURRENTS, Dec. 2007/National Energy Education Development (NEED) Project.

Power Your City - Trying to compare energy types is a challenge. The purpose of this project is to convert various energy sources used in California into common units so that they can be compared readily by the public. Additionally, the amount of space occupied by each facility or unit is provided so that their land use can also be compared. These assumptions and calculations for the numbers used in the bookmark are provided in this paper. Click here for BOOKMARK PDF file

Energy and You PDF file

Coloring Poster

Watts it to You? - A curriculum role-play for High School that teaches ways for students to explore energy self-sufficiency through inquiry, cooperative problem-solving and negotiation skills. Download the curriculum or contact us for a CD

Tidepool Math - A curriculum for K-8 and High School that teaches basic math and science principles through the eyes of a tidepool. Beautiful flashcards, photos of scientists collecting data, and teacher curriculum can be downloaded from this site.

Ocean Energy - Background on ocean energy, oil seeps, and hands-on classroom activities. PDF
Marine Archaeology - California's history is very exciting, made of day-to-day events that start with the Native Americans and continue to this very day.
Energy and People - Classroom activity that explores energy sources and the trade-offs associated with development.

Hidden Oasis

by MMS Biologist Greg Sanders

Get the Flash Player to see this player.

Educational poster summarizing three ongoing research projects that study habitats found beneath California offshore platforms. This poster can be obtained at no charge from the Minerals Management Service, Pacific OCS Region, Attn: Public Information Office, MS 7000, 770 Paseo Camarillo, Camarillo, CA 93010. Telephone orders are accepted at 1-800-6-PAC-OCS, or fax orders to 805-389-7689.

Also available for download in DVD-compatible format by clicking

 HERE! International Organization of Standardization Logo

The ISO format used for this download is the format  most commonly used for creating disk images for distribution of large programs over the internet. After the download is complete, the end user's best option is to burn or copy the download onto a CD or DVD.

Porosity -  A hands-on classroom activity that explores porosity and how oil and gas flow through rock.
Check out our Submarine Oil Seep Study, too!
Geologic Secrets Revealed Poster - Educational poster summarizing geology found beneath the sea floor. This poster can be obtained at no charge from the Minerals Management Service, Gulf of Mexico OCS Region, Attn: Public Information Office MS 5034, 1201 Elmwood Park Blvd., New Orleans, Louisiana 70123. Telephone orders are accepted at 1-800-200-GULF, or fax orders to 504-736-2620.

I Feel the Earth Move Under My Feet

Activities for Grades 3 to 6 Illustrating Why and How Earthquakes Occur. PDF

The Ocean's Sand, A Natural Resource Background on sand and gravel, coastal erosion, beach replenishment and hands-on classroom activities.  PDF

Encourage your post-high school students to gain valuable experience working alongside scientists and technical professionals through a Department of Interior Diversity Internship.
MMS Science & Information                                                                            Back to Top
  • MMS Studies (ESPIS) This repository makes all completed Environmental Studies Program reports, including graphics, available on-line as full electronic text. Technical summaries of over 700 MMS-sponsored environmental research projects as well as full pdf documents of over 2,000 research reports are available with online full text search. The information is grouped geographically to help locate the most useful documents.
Have a question? Need ocean science background?        Ask an MMS Scientist!
Life Sciences Papers
Physical Sciences Papers
Energy & Ocean-related links for Educator’s                 Back to Top

Keep Oceans Clean: The Game


Help Keep Our Oceans Clean with Disney's Little Mermaid and Friends

K-12 education resources from MMS’s Energy Education Partner - the National Energy Education Development 

Teacher resources from the State of California's Division of Oil, Gas & Geothermal Resources

Downloadable lesson:

Build a Scale Model Offshore Wind Turbine

Oregon State University Wave Energy Research
Motor Systems Resource Facility

Currently Oregon State University’s team is engaged in the nation’s only university research program funded from federal resources in ocean wave energy extraction.

Scientists from Federal, State, and local government agencies, universities, and private and volunteer organizations have formed a Multi-Agency Rocky Intertidal Network (MARINe) to monitor California's important shoreline resources.


EnergySmart Schools (ESS) is an integral and active part of the Rebuild America program that is committed to building a nation of schools that are smart about every aspect of energy. This includes providing information on energy efficient solutions for school bus transportation, conducting successful building projects and teaching about energy, energy efficiency, and renewable energy. America's schools are aging - the average age is 42 years - and the vast majority could greatly benefit from energy-saving improvements. However, the budgets of our school districts are strained, and too often needed repairs are deferred creating compromised learning environments for children. Over 100 Rebuild America school partnerships from around the country have found innovative ways to address their growing needs.

California Artificial Reef Base - A queriable database

Through links to other relevant web sites, CARB provides information on artificial reef locations, involved organizations and agencies, reef images, references on marine life, and upcoming meetings and conferences.

  1. allows you to search the literature on artificial reefs,
  2. learn about artificial reef regulations and history, and
  3. browse general interest articles


Tap into the current Ocean Research at Scripps Institution of Oceanography

Explore natural oil and gas seeps with U.S. Geological Survey

Wave Energy Technology Learn about a new concept of wave energy

EQ (Energy Quest) teacher resources from the California Energy Commission's website

Classroom Resources from the American Petroleum Institute

Learn about Rockfish Species found around California offshore platforms with Dr. Milton Love and the University of California at Santa Barbara

Learn about America's First Proposed Offshore wind farm!

Energy Policy

A Grade 7-12 Decision-making Simulation. American Forum

National Renewable Energy Lab

Introduction to Ocean Energy

Education materials, lectures, videos from the Ocean Drilling Program, U.S. Science Support Program

Ocean Research with the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute

Learn how to get you students involved in the Renewable Ocean Energy Management Challenge! The ROEM Challenge asks students to use their creative talents locally to help usher practical ocean energy management into the 21st century!

Energy Fuel for Thought - An educational resource from the Department of the Interior's Bureau of Land Management that explores energy resources on America's onshore public lands.

Teacher resources from the Department of Energy's Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy

Teacher Conferences & Events                                                                             Back to Top
Conference for Educators National Energy Education Development Project
Pacific Gas and Electric Solar Schools Workshops

Derricks to Desks Teacher Workshop

National Marine Educators Association

California Science Teacher's Association

For more information:
John Romero, Public Affairs Officer
U.S. Department of the Interior
Minerals Management Service
770 Paseo Camarillo, Camarillo, CA 93010
(805) 389-7533

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Web Master: Nollie Gildow-Owens
Page content last updated 2/11/2009
Page last published 2/11/2009