U.S. Marshals Service
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  Removal Warrant:     






REMOVAL WARRANT: (Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure, Rule 40) A writ which directs the removal of a prisoner from the district where he is incarcerated to the demanding district. If a hearing is held and it appears from a Magistrate's report or from evidence adduced before the Judge that sufficient cause has been shown for ordering the removal of the defendant, the Judge shall issue a Warrant of Removal to the district where the prosecution is pending. If the prosecution is by indictment, a Warrant of Removal shall issue upon production of a certified copy of the indictment and upon proof that the defendant is the person named in the indictment.

Issued By: A removal warrant may be issued by either a Magistrate or a Judge of the U.S. District Court.

Territorial Limits: A removal warrant may be executed anywhere in the United States.

Execution By: The execution of a removal warrant may be accomplished by a United States Marshal or Deputy US. Marshal.

Manner of Service: Execution is accomplished by transporting the within named to the District Court where charges are pending.

Return: Returns are to be made on the original Warrant of Removal and delivered to the Court where charges are pending.



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