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   2009 MMS Industry Awards Program and Luncheon

Offshore Leadership Award Criteria

Objective. To recognize corporate or industry employees for performing an act or service that enhances MMS's ability to meet Offshore mission objectives.

Qualifications. An MMS Offshore Leadership Award (OLA) recipient must be judged by MMS to have performed an exemplary act or service that helps MMS meet its mission objectives. Specifically, an OLA candidate must:
bullet Perform an act or service that benefits MMS’s Offshore mission.
bullet Work directly with an MMS program office or employee.
bullet Volunteer to perform the beneficial act or service.

Selection process: The OLA Award candidates are identified through nominations made by MMS Offshore employees. A nomination identifies the candidate, indicates the award category (i.e., corporate employee), describes how the act or service performed by the nominee benefits MMS, and verifies that the candidate meets all other award qualifications. Nominations for a calendar year are submitted to the OLA Award Selection Committee* by December 31. The following January, the Committee selects award recipients from among the nominees. The Committee bases the OLA award recipient determinations on the relevance and significance of the beneficial act or service, and other factors.

Presentation Venue and Format: The awards are presented at the annual MMS SAFE Awards Luncheon, generally held in Houston each spring.

Award token: The OLA award is a 10-inch by 12-inch engraved plaque accompanied by a Letter of Citation.  Both are signed by the Associate Director for Offshore Energy and Minerals Management.

* The OLA Award Selection Committee consists of representatives from the Offshore Program as well as the Office of Policy and Management Improvement.  Currently, the Committee members are Bud Danenberger, Bob LaBelle, Monica Glenn, and James Kendall.

Last Updated: 03/26/2009, 02:06 PM Central Time