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Strandley-Manning Site Tour A Superfund site on south Puget Sound in Washingto... (11 images)
Hurricanes Katrina and Rita Photos of OR&R in action during Hurricanes Katrina... (17 images)
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Highlighting selected cases and restoration projects with summary information about project implementation.
icon for vieques OR&R Efforts in Vieques, Puerto Rico Vieques is a small island east of mainland Puerto Rico that was formerly used by the U.S. Navy for military training operations. The Navy ceased operations in 2003, and is now investigating areas it previously occupied to determine the extent of contamination.
Restoration at Bar Beach Lagoon, Long Island, New York Bar Beach Lagoon, a degrading salt marsh located in North Hempstead (of the Hempstead Harbor estuary) was restored in spring 2003. The restoration led by NOAA efforts was a collaboration among many project partners. Debris and fill were cleared, invasive plant species were removed, and marsh and upland species were planted. This restores a portion of the 5-acre tidal cove to successful salt marsh for wildlife habitat and for aesthetic and recreational benefits to the Hempstead Harbor community.
Restoration in Jefferson County, Texas The Bailey Waste Disposal site was an active industrial waste disposal site in the 1950's and 1960's. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the Texas trustees worked with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to determine necessary remedial action for the site. The cleanup was completed in August 1997. Simultaneously, the trustees worked with the potentially responsible parties (PRPs) to settle the natural resource damage claims related to the site. The trustees reached a cooperative settlement to resolve natural resource damage liability for the site in December 1998. The Bailey site PRPs chose to provide $495,000 to construct the estuarine wetlands at the old Bessie Heights location.
Restoration of Commencement Bay, Tacoma, Washington The Commencement Bay natural resource trustees have developed a baywide restoration plan and are designing and building a series of habitat restoration projects using funds, property, and inkind services obtained through damage claim settlements.
Strandley Manning Remedial activities at the Strandley/Manning Superfund site, near Washington State's Puget Sound, exemplify the benefits of cooperative, efficient integration of natural resource concerns early in the cleanup process.

Publications for Other Agencies about Featured Case Studies Pages on our site that provide access to publications containing scientific information, field guides, and other material.
Poplar Point Restoration
A description of ARD's investigative and restoration efforts for the District of Columbia on the former DC Lanham Tree Nursery at Poplar Point, Washington D.C.
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Current News: Other Agencies
New MARPLOT and ALOHA Released New versions of a NOAA/EPA mapping program and chemical hazard model are now available! (updated: March 30, 2009)
NEW CAMEO 2.0 and CAMEO Chemicals website New components of the CAMEO software suite are now available! (updated: February 12, 2009)
Of Special Note: Other Agencies
An FOSC's Guide to NOAA Scientific Support A guidebook for oil and chemical spill responders, describing the products and services that the NOAA Scientific Support Team (SST) can provide to Federal On-Scene Coordinators (FOSCs).
CAMEO Chemicals Database of hazardous chemical datasheets that emergency responders and planners can use to get response recommendations and predict hazards. Available in online and downloadable versions.
CAMEO Chemicals Web Portal Use the online version of CAMEO Chemicals to search for hazardous chemical datasheets, get response recommendations, and find out how chemicals would react if they mixed.
CAMEO Software Suite Programs List of CAMEO software suite programs that are designed to help people prepare for and respond to chemical emergencies.
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