Ocean Acidification Product Suite (Version 0.2)
(Experimental Product, Monthly Update)

Aragonite Saturation State
Click to enlarge
Choose a parameter below for display:

Aragonite Saturation Statearag)   |   Time-series
pCO2,sw (μatm)
Total Alkalinity (μmol/kg)
Total CO2 (μmol/kg)
Carbonate Ion (μmol/kg)
Bicarbonate Ion (μmol/kg)


Coral Reef Watch OA Google Earth Product

Archived Charts
(since Jan 1988)
Latest OA Product Suite HDF Data Files:
Archived OA Product Suite HDF Data Files
(available since Jan 1988)
CoastWatch's Software Library and Utilities can be used for visualizing these HDF data, viewing data information and values, calculating certain statistics, creating graphic output, etc.
Environmental Research Division's Data Access Program offers an Experimental Tool providing additional on-line data manipulation and access features.


The NOAA Coral Reef Watch Experimental Ocean Acidification Product Suite (OAPS) offers an important synthesis of satellite and modeled environmental datasets to provide a synoptic estimate of sea surface carbonate chemistry in the Greater Caribbean Region. This tool compliments on-going geochemical surveys and monitoring efforts in the region by providing estimates of changing ocean chemistry on a broader spatial and temporal scale than shipboard observations alone can permit. The maps presented here are monthly averages of daily estimates derived according to Gledhill et al. (2008). Near-real-time estimates are modeled from daily fields of NOAA OI AVHRR-AMSRE SST, RTOFS modeled sea surface salinity (SSS), NOAA NCEP sea-level pressure (SLP), and estimates of atmospheric CO2 derived from the NOAA Global Monitoring Division (GMD) Carbon Cycle Cooperative Global Air Sampling Network flask sample data at Key Biscayne, Fl (25.7°N) and Ragged Point, Barbados (13.2°N).

The NOAA CRW OAPS Model is an EXPERIMENTAL PRODUCT and we cannot guarantee the timeliness or accuracy of the model data and figures offered on this site.